[化妝] Chanel Fall 2015敗家及試色

雖然仲係好熱,但係又係各大品牌推出秋季系列既時候喇! Chanel係我每季都會入手既品牌,我個人覺得Chanel唔係我最愛既化妝品牌,但係我都會用會留意,所以我今次入手咗幾件產品,有d又係限量版,所以快d同大家分享一下。

(English:  Even though it’s really hot, many brands have been releasing their Fall Collection!  I guess Chanel is the brand that I would visit every season to see if there is anything new.  To be honest, I can’t say that Chanel is my favourite makeup brand, but I do use their items and pay attention to their new release.  So I got a few of their Fall Collection items, some of them are again “limited edition”, therefore I’d better act on this post quickly!)

Chanel Fall Collection 2015

Chanel Eyeshadow Palette HK$555

Limited Edition

5色眼影,都係大地色系,摸落都滑,但係似乎無上幾個collection其中有個大地色系5色eyeshadow咁出色喇。 我覺得如果你無之前個盒,對呢盒有興趣既話,都買得過,因為佢出黎個效果都自然既。 但係如果你話你已經有個盒,我又覺得唔洗特登買,當然啦,如果你覺得佢好靚就另計(好似我咁)。

(English:  5 color palette and it’s again earth tone.  It feels smooth to touch but somehow I feel that it’s less pigmented than the one in the few collections before. If you don’t own that one and are quite interested in this one, yes you probably can give this a go because the finish is rather natural.  However, if you own that one already, I don’t think there is a need for this, unless (like me), you think this is somewhat beautiful.)

Chanel Long-Lasting Eyeliner HK$205#918 is Limited Edition

我係Chanel呢款眼線筆既多年用家,貪佢多色同埋twist唔洗刨! 係咪好stay,我只可以話係我對眼好stay啦。 我覺得如果講stay,Laura Mercier Longwear Creme Eye Pencil最stay同乾得好快,但係講顏色,我就覺得Chanel多選擇d~

(English:  I have been using these Chanel eyeliners for a long time, I like the fact that they come in so many different colors and I don’t need to sharpen them!  Are they long lasting?  I can only say “long lasting” from my experience.  If you want something truly long lasting, you might want to try Laura Mercier Longwear Creme Eye Pencil, it dries pretty quickly too.  Well for colour selection, Chanel does offer more choices~)

Chanel Long Wear Luminous Eyeshadow HK$295

Color: #116 Rouge-Gorge


本身無諗住買,但係睇睇下玩玩下又覺得呢隻顏色好靚,橙橙地唔過鮮色,搽落眼自然又閃閃地~~ 靚靚~~ 同埋呢個顏色我覺得同啡色好襯! 反而佢另一個顏色係黑色閃,我覺得無咩特別所以無買~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  I didn’t go in for this actually, however after playing with it at the store, I quite like the colour.  It’s the kind of orange colour that’s not too crazy and wearable.  I think this would go perfectly well with brown eyeshadows!!  On the other hand, they have a black with shimmer one to choose from, I didn’t get that one because I didn’t think it was special enough (had seen similar before)~~ Haha~~)

Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet HK$275

Color: #51 La Bouleversante

係,我知我好多紅色唇膏! 哈哈,不過鍾意好難講,隻隻紅都有少少唔同啦(藉口)! 呢隻我覺得搽出黎有少少橙紅啦! 亦都係唔閃matte color,所以入手!

(English:  Yes I know I have many red lipsticks, probably too many!!  Haha, well, I guess when you come to like something, it’s really difficult to hold back and each red is slightly different than one another (excuse!)!  Anyway, this red is with a hint of orange, again matte colour with no shimmer!!)

Chanel La Base HK$200
Chanel Le Top Coat HK$200
Chanel Le Top Coat Velvet HK$200
(Limited Edition)

佢既甲油我用得多,見佢出左base coat,top coat都想試下好唔好。 佢velvet個隻係限量,呢隻係top coat,搽出黎有matte效果! 呢個玩完我再報告啦~~

(English:  I use quite a lot of their nail polishes, so when I saw the base coat and top coat, I wanted to try to see if they would be as nice as the nail polish!  The velvet one is the limited edition, it’s a top coat with matte effect!!  Should be quite nice and I will report back after trying it~~)

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