[化妝] 新舊Chanel 4色眼影盒比較 + 6盒Chanel眼影試色圖

我之前係video講過雖然我係Chanel既粉絲,但係佢唔係咩都好用。 佢既4色顏色盒就係一個好例子喇。 我之前有買舊版,但係都幾失望,因為上眼搞黎搞去都唔係好上色。 亦都因為咁,所以佢出咩色我都唔係好燒! 跟住佢地將4色眼影改formula,既然係改formula,咁又值得我去測試同比較下究竟係咪真係好咗喇。 佢改咗formula之後,我都入手左幾盒,趁而家出埋試色圖同大家分享分享。先黎睇咗6盒新formula既試色圖先丫:

(English:  I have mentioned in my video that though I am a Chanel fan, it doesn’t necessarily mean everything from Chanel is good.  The best example is their Quadra Eyeshadow.  I did pay for them and got disappointed simply because it’s not that pigmented at all on eyes.  Due to this single fact, I didn’t really bother what new releases they have on this.  Then the good news came around and they have launched a full range of new Quadra Eyeshadow with improved formula.  Well, now they got my attention and it’s a perfect opportunity to compare the new and the old.  I have got quite a few and it’s time to release some swatches and share my thoughts.  Here comes the swatches of the 6 colors that I got first:)

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 204 Tisse Vendome

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 214 Tisse Mademoiselle

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 226 Tisse Rivoli

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 202 Tisse Camelia

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 228 Tisse Cambon

Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 232 Tisse Venitien

舊版/ Old Version

Chanel Quadra Eyeshadow

Color: 35 Rives


(English: Again, I haven’t used any primer in the picture and they are the results of two strokes.)

我覺得舊版同新版真係有分別! 舊版既色好散,摸落有d鞋手同埋出黎個色係唔均分,一達達,要用都用到既,要搞耐d咁解。 同埋我個point係如果要俾幾百蚊只係有咁既質數就真係唔值。 新版就反而好好多,摸落係滑,粉質細,出到色同埋顏色比較creamy一d! 用掃上眼個顯色度會打咗少少折扣,出黎會淡少少,如果你話你係新手唔洗咁實色,我覺得係OK既。 但係如果你係老手,都可以build up出到你想要既intensity! 如果淨係新版同舊版比較,我覺得新版絕對買得過,因為真係改善咗好多。 當然市面上亦都一定有其他眼影出色過佢,佢值唔值幾百蚊一盒就見人見智啦~~

(English:  There is quite a noticeable difference between the old and the new version.  The color in the old version seems to be scattered, rough to touch and doesn’t distribute evenly.  You can still use it but it just takes more time.  And my most important point is that if I have to pay a few hundreds for that kind of quality, NAH!  The colors in the new version have improved a lot, they are smooth to touch, finely milled, pigmented and feel more creamy.  When I use a brush to apply it on the eyes, the pigmentation is not as intense as on the swatches.  If you are a makeup newbie and you don’t want anything that’s very intense, this is a nice choice.  On the contrary, f you are a makeup expert, you might have to use a bit time to build up the intensity that you want.  If I only compare the old and new versions, I would say the new versions are definitely worth to splurge.  Of course, there are quite a few other brands in the market who make more pigmented eyeshadows, whether these are worth the money or not really depends on your perspective.)

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