[敗家] Chanel 2015化妝品護膚品新品

一過新年又俾Chanel燒得好慘! 我之前上網已經知道佢會出好靚既花花胭脂同新既保濕精華,所以好期待! 點知無啦啦收到BA姐姐whatsapp我,又send哂相俾我話出咗,咁唔可以當見唔到丫!! 望望下好燒要個晚即刻碌出去買~~ 咁又可以同大家分享下新野! 係,有d係限量品,我會寫埋俾大家,等大家有個參考啦!  不過今日未分享到comment住,因為我又唔係用咗好耐,所以comment我就遲少少再講啦!!

(English:  We are officially in 2015 and the first brand I visited was Chanel *laughs*!!  I knew they were releasing a new blush with the flowery pattern and a new hydrating serum, so I was quite looking forward to it!  Well, unexpectedly, I got a whatsapp message from the BA sending me pictures of the new products, I guess me being me, I just couldn’t pretend I didn’t get the message, so I did some study and had to haul the items that very night~~~  Well, then I can share my thoughts with you after playing with them!  Yes, some are limited items and I will mark them for you as well just so you can have a reference!!  However, I cannot share my detailed thoughts on each product just yet as I need more time to conclude, well, I promise to share those later!!)


Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 238 Tisse Paris 


Chanel Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow HK$495
Color: 236 Tisse Fantasie (Limited Edition)

我之前都講過我覺得佢既眼影唔係經出色,要畫多幾下先會出到圖中既顏色! 有好有唔好啦,好既係新手唔洗驚化完出黎好誇張,老手又可能會嫌唔夠色! 自己喜好啦! 我覺得Paris既色系好浪漫,好girly,而Fantasie就算係比較大路同型少少。

(English:  I have mentioned before that Chanel’s eyeshadow quads are not the most pigmented ones on earth, you need to apply a few layers to get the intensity in the photos.  Well there are good and bad sides to this.  The good thing is that it’s easier for the makeup newbies to handle but the bad side is that if you are somewhat an expert, you might feel that it’s not enough!  It’s all personal choices and preferences!!  For me, I think Paris is very romantic and girly while Fantasie is a bit more edgy and easy to carry!)


Chanel Jardin De Chanel Blush Camelia Rose HK$540
(Limited Edition)

呢粒就係我超級期待個粒喇!!! 好靚!! 我初初望佢見部份顏色有d暗,所以唔知出黎靚唔靚!  好彩mix埋出黎感覺良好,好柔和既粉紅色!! 好靚!! 會唔會唔捨得用。。。我諗我會用呀!! 欣賞多一陣會就用,唔用好浪費麻!! 哈哈~~~

(English:  This is what I have been waiting for – stunning, isn’t it?  At first I see part of it is of a duller color, I wasn’t sure if it would turn out to be appealing!  Luckily after mixing it and it turns to a very soft and light pink!!  Very pretty!!  Would I use it?  Hmmm…. I think I will.  After appreciating it a bi more, I will start to use it, otherwise I would feel like I am wasting it!!  *Grins*)


Chanel Powder Blush HK$380
Color: 190 Angelique (Limited Edition)

之前都講過,我愛佢既胭脂多於眼影(但係我都係係咁買佢d眼影,好變態),所以我唔會放過呢粒限量版! 其實我覺得佢既胭脂顏色唔可以話好特別,但係我覺得日常用就一定係好good,因為效果自然呢~~

(English:  Well as I said before, I loved its blush more than its eyeshadow quad (but somehow I still keep hauling them – not sure why), so I had to have this!!  Indeed, I can’t say Chanel’s blush color is truly special, but I feel that they are great for daily use because they do look very natural on skin~~)

Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick HK$260
Color: 49 La Petillante (Limited Edition)

哈哈哈~~~ 好想大笑!! 我又買lipstick!! 我得一個咀丫!! 不過我好愛呢個顏色,所以帶佢返屋企啦!! 同埋我好想show俾大家睇麻(藉口)!!! 佢Coco Shine都有出新色,不過我個人喜歡Allure Velvet,因為顏色豐富好多,Coco Shine比較似有色lip balm feel丫!!

(English:  *Laughs*~~~  I really want to laugh out loud now!!!  Lipstick again!!!  I have only a pair of lips~~~  Well, the justification is that I really like the color and it’s a limited edition, AND I want to show how lovely the color to you all (excuse!!!)!!  There are new colors in the Coco Shine range as well but I personally am more fond of Allure Velvet due to the intensity of color, I find Coco Shine range is leaning more towards the tinted lip balm finish!!)


Chanel Stylo Waterproof Eyeliner HK$205
Color: 912 Ardoise

炭色,唔錯!! 我呢期用啡色eyeliner比較多d,呢條係買黎備用!!

(English:  A charcoal color, nice!!  These days, I am more of a brown eyeliner fan, so this is more of a “just in case” purchase!!)

Chanel Nail Colour HK$190
Color: 641 Tenderly (Limited Edition)

今次佢出三隻甲油都係限量呀,所以大家睇中就快d,如果唔係又變咗633事件(我之前講佢隻X’mas 633甲油,點知限量無得買啦)。 呢次我買呢隻色,有d唔同,唔好成日買黎買去都係nude色或者紅色~~

(English:  The 3 nail colours in this new range are all limited edition, so if you like any of them, you need to act fast, otherwise, it will become another 633 incident (I talked about their 633 nail colour before but it was not available anymore as it was a X’mas edition).  I got this color out of the 3 this time, because I want something different, I feel like I have way too many nude and red polishes~~)


Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Serum 

HK$790/ 30ml

新品新品!!! 好耐之前用過佢舊版保濕精華,覺得唔錯啦,不過我當時嫌佢係gel gel地咁,所以無回購。 今次出咗新既好好好想玩,所以即買!! 呢個我用一期再分享啦~~

(English:  New stuff new stuff!!  I used its old version of Hydrating Serum before, it was nice but I didn’t like the somewhat gel like texture, so I didn’t repurchase!!  Now, since the texture is different than the old one and the technology is different, I have to get this to try!!  I have started using it and I will report back my findings later~~~)


Chanel Chance Hair Mist 

HK$345/ 35ml

最後hair mist,噴頭髮令頭髮香香既東東!! 用耐少少又再報告丫,睇下除咗令頭髮香香之外佢仲有無其他功效丫!!

(English:  Last but not least, something for your hair to smell wonderful – hair mist!!  I will test it some more and report back to see if it does any other things else apart from fragrancing your hair!!)



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