[化妝] Chanel 2013 X’mas Edition Charming Eyeshadow Palette

又到聖誕又到聖誕! 我覺得辛苦咗一年,年尾既時候應該好好咁獎勵下自己! 今年我唔係睇中好多X’mas Set,但係就買咗幾樣我自己覺得比較值得投資既產品! Chanel呢個眼影盤就係其中一個喇,其他買咗既野就等聽日個video再同大家分享一下! 今日先講咗Chanel呢個東東先~

(English:  It’s X’mas time!!  I feel that we all have been working so hard for a year and it’s really time to give ourselves some good treats!  I haven’t had my eyes on many X’mas sets, but I have got a few things that are worth investing!  One of the goodies is this Chanel palette!  For the other items, you will probably see if in my video tomorrow!  Let me talk about this Chanel goodie first~~)

Chanel 2013 X’mas Edition
Charming Eyeshadow Palette


之前我都講過,Chanel既X’mas眼影盤多數都係Made in Japan,但係我覺得quality個方面唔係咁好,因為通常都係望落好靚,但係就唔多上色! 今年呢個改咗地方製造,今次係Made in Italy! 我都係見到咁先有興趣!

(English:  I had mentioned this before, for Chanel X’mas palettes, usually they were Made in Japan, but I felt like the quality wasn’t superb.  They looked nice but they weren’t pigmented.  Good news is that for this year, they changed the location.  This palette is Made in Italy and that’s why I am interested!!)

我覺得今年呢個palette d顏色都好特別,因為望落唔係好holiday,閃爆個d,反而係一d好平實日常都用得到既顏色! 其實我過咗個d成日比包裝迷惑既年紀,所以今次見到呢個palette覺得平日都會好多用,投資左都應該有回報,所以即刻加分!

(English:  The palette this year is quite different as well, it doesn’t look very much like holiday season palette (not many glitters and all that).  On the other hand, it looks very much like an everyday palette!  I have passed the age of being sucked only into packaging, so I am quite happy to see this kind of colors, which means I would probably be using it quite a bit, then my investment would be worth it!)


(English:  The colors don’t contain a lot of shimmer, except the middle one, still it’s quite low-key!)


全部都係就咁畫落我隻手到,無加眼影打底! 睇係幾上色!!

(English:  I haven’t used any primer underneath, see – very pigmented!!)

簡單用後感: 我一玩呢個palette就愛上! 原因有幾個:1.我覺得佢個顏色好務實,平日有好多機會都會用呢d顏色,實用度好高! 2.佢既顏色超上色,我覺得仲上色過佢平日既四色眼影盤,淨係呢點我已經加好多分! 3.一盒顏色有深有淺,行natural或者smokey look都得,算係照顧到我既需要! 4. 如果去旅行既話,佢細細盒但係就已經有需要既顏色create at least 3個look, 夠方便! Overall,雖然唔平,但係如果你鍾意呢d顏色既話,我覺得佢係你今個X’mas非常值得你投資既一個產品!

(English:  Quick Review:  I am definitely in love with this palette and here comes a few reasons why: 1. I feel the colors are very pragmatic and there is a high chance of using these colors during a normal day, it’s a very practical palette!  2. Love the pigmentation, I feel that it’s even more pigmented than their regular 4-color eyeshadows!  I definitely give it a high score on this point!  3. There is both light and dark colors, I can use it to create natural or smokey look, so it really takes care of my needs.  4. For travel, it’s a perfect size palette because it’s small and compact and it offers at least 3 looks, it’s very convenient!  Overall speaking, though the price is on the high end, if you love these colors, I highly recommend this as your X’mas treat!!)

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