[化妝] Chanel 2012 Christmas Makeup Collection

話我係Chanel忠實粉絲真係無錯! 雖然唔係個個collection都啱我, 但係我都會好神心咁去潮聖!! Chanel今日出2012 Christmas Makeup Collection, 好期待, 亦都好想同大家分享熱辣辣情報, 睇下大家會唔會俾我燃燒到敗家聖火!! 哈哈!! 做好心理準備未?

(English: If you say I am a true fan of Chanel, yea I would say that you are absolutely right!  Even though not every of their makeup collection suits my style, I still “worship” their counters regularly *laughs*!!  Today is the day that Chanel is releasing the new 2012 Christmas Makeup Collection and I have been really looking forward to it!  I want to share my excitement with you and see if I could tempt you in any ways!! *Laughs*  Ready?)

Chanel今個系列重新詮釋著名黑紅色調 Rouge Noir, 用金色與古銅色做點綴,令晚妝更有現代感!! 黑紅色簡直就係我的菜!!

(English:  This year, Chanel is reinterpreting the famous color Red Black, together with gold and bronze, to add that hint of modern beauty into the night makeup!  Ohhh…Red Black is really my cup of tea!!)

Model化呢個妝好靚! 低調得嚟又可以吸引人哋目光。 我好鍾意佢領上面朵山茶花!好靚!

(English:  The makeup on this model is fabulous!!  It’s low-key but grabs attention at the same time!  BTW, I really love the Camellia brooch on the collar – a beautiful touch!!)

Chanel 2012 Christmas Makeup Collection

今個系列有十隻新產品, 眼面咀指甲都照顧得到! 我見到金色就已經好有聖誕氣氛! 再加埋個黑紅色, 低調華麗得黎又有神秘感。

(English:  There are 10 new items in the series covering eyes, lips, face and nails.  When I see the gold color, I am on Christmas holiday already, plus the Red Black, the whole atmosphere becomes low-profile, grand and mysterious at the same time.)

盒Chanel四色眼影好靚, 仲印咗個logo! 顏色配搭都好實用,好值得收藏!! 我好私心呢盒眼影, 所以要放多兩張相燒下大家!!

(English:  This 4-color eyeshadow palette is just simply amazingly designed with the imprinted logos!  The colors are very user-friendly and it’s definitely a collector item.  Since I love it so much, I am going to put a couple more photos here!!)


真係無敵美!! 靚相睇完, 不如逐樣睇下個十件新產品丫!! 我好貼心為大家打埋價錢(要讚下自己)!

(English:  Amazingly beautiful!!  Right, how about going through the product one by one?  I am so thoughtful that I have included the prices as follows:)

Stylo Yeux Waterproof (aka Long-Lasting Eyeliner)/ HK$205
Color: Grenat

呢隻眼線係酒紅色架! 我要去玩下, 我覺得應該幾特別!

(English:  This is an eyeliner in “red wine” color.  I feel that it could be quite special and I will go check this out!!)

Poudre Universelle Libre (aka Loose Powder)/ HK$425
Color: Reverie

呢個碎粉內有金銀粉, 可以令皮膚有光采成為全場焦點!

(English:  This loose powder consists of gold and silver pigment.  It brightens skin up and add that radiance, so that you will grab attention when you walk pass!!)


Levres Scintillantes (aka Lipgloss)/ HK$245@
Color: Allegorie/ Mystery/ Intrigue

我鐘意Mystery, 一來我好鐘意呢個字, 二來我覺得佢個顏色好自然好靚!

(English:  I like Mystery the most because 1) I really love the word and 2) I feel that the color is very subtle and natural!!)

Rouge Allure Velvet (aka Rouge Allure Lipstick)/ HK$260
Color: L’Impatience

呢個黑紅色好靚, 又唔會有鮮紅色咁搶眼!!

(English:  Love this Red Black!  It’s more subtle than a bright red color!!)

Illusion D’Ombre (aka Long Wear Luminous Eyeshadow)/ HK$260
Color: Apparence

之前佢一出個陣我一次過買哂6個色! 而家呢個金色好靚呀!! 呢個顏色超實用!

(English:  I got 6 of these when they first got released and this gold just looks fabulous!!  The color is friendly and can be used in many occasions!)

Les 4 Ombres (aka Quadra Eye Shadows)/ HK$530
Color: Harmonie Du Soir
Limited Edition

真係太靚!! 我要去玩要去玩(點解我同大家分享又會自燃一翻?)!

(English:  Soooooooo beautiful!!!  I have to check it out FOR SURE (hmmmm…I thought I was going to tempt you all, but it seems that I am tempting myself??)!!)

Joues Contraste (aka Powder Blush)/ HK$380
Color: Star Dust

呢個我好大機會會收藏呀! 我實在太鐘意佢地既胭脂, 我會keep住買, 等我儲哂佢所有既顏色返黎! 唔係講笑, 真係好好用(又香)!

(English:  I think I have a good chance of getting this blush!  I really love Chanel’s blushes and I decide to buy each of the colors!!  I am not even joking, they are with good quality and smells really good!!)

Le Vernis (aka Nail Varnish)/ HK$190
Color: Malice

呢個色真係超級聖誕! 搽完應該心情好好過聖誕!!

(English:  This color reminds me so much of Christmas!!  Having this color on the nails would mean “Merry Christmas”!!)

哈哈! 同大家分享咗咁多, 係咪想即刻去搶? 我唔阻大家喇!! Happy Christmas Shopping!!

(English:  *Laughs*  Are you really tempted now?  OK, I will get out of your way because I know how tempted and impulsive now!!  Happy Christmas Shopping!!!)

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