[試色] Chanel化妝品新色

好啦, 大家之前都睇過我敗左咩Chanel化妝品, 而家又係試色時間。 今次真係敗左好多, 好似真係咁耐都未係Chanel敗得咁誇張! 不過樣樣我都覺得好靚, 其實都唔係淨係得嗰樣wor, 佢地d品質都真係好唔錯。 係就係貴, 不過都值回票價!  咁我又睇下今次燒唔燒到大家丫!

(English:  Yea~~ You have seen my previous Chanel haul video right?  Time for swatches.  I did haul quite a few things and it seemed to me that it was my first time.  Well, everything looks wonderful and they qualities are really great as well.  Yep, they are quite pricey, but they are worth it!  Let me see if I could tempt you this time.)

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine
(Color: Brilliant)

呢個金金哋, 令令哋, 好夏天丫!! 令我諗起陽光反映係海水上面金光閃閃嘅顏色。

(English:  This golden color has quite a shine to it (and shimmer of course).  It reminds me so much of summer time – when the sunshine hits the surface of the ocean, it gives out this kind of shine as well.)

Chanel Rouge Coco
(Color: #38 Superstition)

我呢期想用d比較nude色唇膏, 但係我唔要d似病嘅色, 所以買左呢個色試下。 揾日等我個嘴仔好翻再用比大家睇。

(English: I am going for nude color these days but I don’t like those which look a bit sickly on lips, so I try this one.  When my lips recover, I will try it and shoot a pic.)

Chanel Powder Blush
(Color: #69 Fleur De Lotus)

超愛呢個胭脂, 好實用健康嘅顏色又唔會嚴重少女。 搽上面有種自然面紅嘅感覺。 正呀! 呢個真係超推。

(English:  Super in love with this blush.  A very practical, healthy color but not overly girly.  When it’s applied on cheeks, it actually looks like your cheeks blush naturally.  Amazing!!!  I personally super recommend this one.)

Chanel Iridescent Powders For Eyes & Cheeks
(Color: Lucky Stripes )

呢個我都唔呃你地, 我真係買佢個包裝。 我仲係處於欣賞佢當中, 所以未用吖。 用完再分享(乖, 等我欣賞多兩眼先啦。。。)。

(English:  I am not lying to you on this.  I bought it because of the packaging.  I am in the midst of admiring it, therefore, I haven’t really started using it yet.  Let me admire it for a little bit before I apply it on my skin.)

Chanel Quadra Eye Shadow
(Color: #35 Rives)

呢期超好啡色眼影, 所以見到呢個覺得實用度超高, 所以要敗咗佢。 呢盒野做自然效果又得,用嚟做smokey eyes又得。 等我兩個look都整俾大家睇下丫。

(English:  I am really fond of brown eye shadows these days and when I saw this I had to get it because of its practicability.  It can create both natural look and smokey look.  Let me find some time to create both effects for you to see.)

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