[保養] 一枝我不喜歡的Chanel產品

其實一直都好想分享我對呢枝產品既睇法, 但係我一直都未有時間啦! 我買呢個產品都係兩年前既事喇, 而家枝產品都魂歸天國, 其實枝產品我用過4次咋, 都好唔捨得同佢分開。 但係現實係殘酷既, 我同佢真係完全唔夾。 雖然我見好多blogger都話如果佢地用某d產品覺得唔好唔會寫(提都唔提), 我都明既, 因為個個人皮膚唔一樣, 我覺得唔好用既野可能你覺得好呢。 不過一樣啦, 我講過話唔好用既我都要同大家講下有咩唔好, 如果你同我差唔多膚質, 或者你唔鍾意既野同我一樣, 咁你咪可以減少一個風險囉! 好喇, 今日要講既係:

(English:  Actually I have been wanting to share my views on this “special” product, however, I haven’t come around to it every single time!  I first got the product two years ago and actually the product is now “gone” to heaven!!  Indeed, I used it for 4 times only and I didn’t want to break up with it, however, when reality hits, I just have to admit that it’s not good for me.  I know that many bloggers would prefer not to write about certain products that don’t work (don’t even mention it), I totally understand that because everyone is different.  What I don’t love might be your next best thing!  However, I still feel responsible to share my negative views with you so you could make your own judgement.  If your skin type is very similar to mine or what you don’t like is very similar to mine, then maybe I could save your some money and heartache here:)

Chanel Ultra Correction Lift
Express Lifting Firming Mask 


價錢(Price):HK$535/ 75ml (this price was two years ago)

Product Information:


CHANEL發現了一種在肌膚老化過程中,扮演著關鍵角色的真皮蛋白 (dermal protein)─ 張力蛋白 (tensin)。

張力蛋白能維持細胞的活力,使肌膚保持在最佳的密度和飽滿狀態。然而,隨着年齡的增長,張力蛋白的數量會逐漸減少。目前,CHANEL已成功萃取出一種獨特高活性分子─欖香脂PFA* ,能促進張力蛋白的製造。

超完美修護緊緻面膜,能使 肌膚變得更緊緻。面膜的清新質地,能瞬間提升肌膚活力。肌膚變得更平滑、飽滿和緊緻,肌膚光澤更均勻,綻放活力與光采。”

(English: “ULTRA CORRECTION LIFT goes beyond surface action and offers a firming approach based on a natural lifting effect at the heart of cells. CHANEL discovered the key role of a dermal protein in the skin-aging process. Its name: tensin.Tensin preserves the shape and vitality of cells, for a maximum level of skin density and suppleness. However, with age, its production diminishes.

Now CHANEL has created an exclusive active ingredient*, elemi PFA**, which is able to boost tensin production. With the ULTRA CORRECTION LIFT mask, the face appears firmer. Upon application, its fresh texture acts like a revitalizing boost, and gives an instant lifting effect.The face appears firmer, more toned and supple, glowing with vitality. Once again, your face is visibly younger-looking. ”


使用次數(No. of Usage):4 times

用後感: 佢個質感係gel狀, 好容易推開! 我記得我係counter試上手個下真係無得頂。 但係我敷面就慘喇, 佢搞到我面紅, 又少少敏感既徵狀呀! 我諗唔知係咪佢入面既獨特高活性分子強過頭, 我每一次敷完都會面紅! 我唔死心啦, 諗住唔同季節都拎出黎用下, 睇下會唔會都係面紅, 點知都係!! 同埋我既紅係要兩日先退, 所以我用咗四次之後投降啦! 我皮膚會敏感, 但係唔算係好敏感,所以唔係超敏感肌先會有呢個情況。 再者, 我另一個朋友佢皮膚係唔敏感, 佢都話用完面紅, 所以無再用喇! 仲有就係, 佢係有好大陣酒精味, 所以敷上面個陣都有少少攻眼! 如果你唔受得酒精味, 呢個mask你一定唔like!  至於無紅既地方, 我又唔覺得有咩收緊咗, 所以我更加覺得我塊面紅得唔值得呀!!  我用左四次頂唔住就送咗佢去西天喇。 我覺得如果你對個mask有興趣, 最好既方法係你去Chanel買野既時候問佢拎sampe試咗先, 如果你受到個味同埋無面紅先再諗下買唔買個full size, 我都唔想大家浪費金錢呀! 如果你聽我講都覺得你唔會like呢個mask, 咁就唔好諗佢喇!

(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is of a gel format and it’s very easy to blend.  I remember when I tried it at the counter on my hand, it was brilliant!  However when I got home and applied it on my face, OMG, my face went red and it showed signs of allergy!!  I am not sure if there is some ingredients inside which are too strong for me, but what I can guarantee is that everytime after I use this, I would get red cheeks.  I didn’t want to believe the fact, so I saved it and used it during different seasons to see if there is any difference.  Right, same result – red cheeks and signs of allergies!!  Everytime it took me two days for the redness to go away and allergies to calm down.  So guess what? I surrendered after the 4th time (just had enough!!!).  My skin is a bit sensitive but it’s not super sensitive, so it doesn’t happen to very sensitive skin only.  Also, I have a friend who has the same mask and she has normal skin type (never has any skin allergies in her life), she told me that she experienced the same scenario and she gave the mask up as well.  Also, it contains a very strong alcohol scent (very strong), so when it’s applied on face, eyes would feel a bit stingy.  If you don’t like any alcohol scent, you won’t like this face mask!  Also, for my face, for those parts which didn’t go red, I didn’t feel anything special going on, so I didn’t think it’s worth my allergies!!!!  I tossed it after the 4th time usage and right it was a waste but I didn’t want to give it to someone and “pass” that allergy to anyone else.  If you are still interested in this mask, the best thing for you to do would be get a sample when you haul at Chanel next time.  If you can stand the smell and your skin doesn’t act up, then consider buying the full size.  However, if you feel like (by reading what I have said) you wouldn’t like this mask, then it would be best to forget about it and move on!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.chanel.com)

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