[敗家] Chanel 手鍊

之前係Fashion Haul video都講過話我買咗條Chanel手鍊! 拍個日d光線麻麻,所以唔知大家睇到有幾多,所以再補一個blog post,如果有興趣既sis就可以close up睇下相喇~  其實我真係好鍾意Chanel既accessories,講真我覺得品牌野黎講佢某d產品都唔算天價,所以每幾個月我都會投資下佢既earrings/ necklace! 今次無意中見到呢條手鍊真係開心爆,所以又帶佢返屋企喇(我都係唔好行咁多Chanel店好d,唔係又出事)!

(English: As mentioned in my previous Fashion Haul video, I got a Chanel bracelet!  On the day of shooting my haul video, the lighting is not quite right, so I am not sure if you could see all the details, therefore I write this up, so if you are interested, you could take a closer look!  Indeed, I really like Chanel accessories, some of their products are not overly expensive, so every few months, I would invest in one or two of their items!  This time, I have come across this bracelet by chance and I am really happy with it, so I had to bring it home (well, yea I have to stay away from Chanel store as well, otherwise, I couldn’t imagine …)!)

Chanel Bracelet


如果潮野,我反而會買Zara/ Topshop個d! 所以如果你地要投資品牌既飾品,記得要問下自己會唔會成日帶,會唔會10年後都帶!

(English:  This bracelet is definitely not a rock style, on the contrary, it’s very classic.  They have another one which is more of a rock style with the big beads and stuff.  However, since I am investing for long term, I usually go for more timeless pieces so that I could wear it for a long time.  If I want to go for something more trendy, I usually go for Zara or Topshop!  So if you are going to invest in branded products, ask yourself if you would wear it all the time, and if you would wear it in 10 years’ time!)



(English:  My favourite part of this bracelet is all the charms.  Each one represent Chanel in a different way!)


我每次諗起Chanel,除咗佢個logo外,就係黑白既顏色配搭,真係好經典同埋百看不厭!! 今次佢條鍊都做到呢個顏色主題,黑白珠珠! 其實我咁鍾意Chanel係因為當我細心地睇佢每件產品既時候,就會留意到佢每個detail都有照顧到!

(English:  Whenever I think of Chanel, apart from its classic logo, I would think of the black and white combination, it’s really classy and it doesn’t bore me!  This bracelet carries a hint of that using the black and white beads!  One of the reasons why I love Chanel so much so that when I take a close look of each of its design, I really appreciate each detail!)

雖然真係好貴,但係真係好靚! 同埋當係獎下自己啦! 呢期做YouTube有咁多人支持,又幫大家搞團購,其實都真係辛苦,但係我覺得用咁多時間都係值得既!  開心!! 希望大家都開開心心~

(English:  Though it’s very pricey for a bracelet, it’s really pretty!  I treat this as a gift to myself for all the hard work that I put into life so far.  My recent YouTube channel is really popular and I have been helping out to do the group order for you all, though I have spent so much time in all of these, all effort is well worth!  Happy!!  Hope everyone is happy and stay that way~~)



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