[保養] Bye Bye橙皮紋 Goodbye Cellulite

喺香港我真係無咩留意自己個身,唉, 日日都咁多野整,邊有心情時間左望右望,淨係塊面無事都還得神樂!但係當人在海外就唔係咁講,突然多左好多時間。我上半年去咗泰國,一沖完涼出嚟就俾好多鏡圍住,想唔望下都唔得(都唔知d酒店整咁多鏡做咩?)。 唔望都好d, 一望之下發現大脾後面(近pat pat)個位好多橙皮紋!! 救命丫!!唔想咁樣可以點樣???之後嗰一日,我個腦不斷重覆住三個字”橙皮紋”。

(English:  When I am in HK, I don’t usually pay attention to my body that much, it’s simply because the daily life is draining enough and I don’t really have the time or the mood to investigate.  However, when you are overseas, the story might be a bit different. Suddenly I feel like I have got more time on hand and definitely I am in a better mood.  I went to Thailand in Feb and one day, when I walked out of the bath tub, I was surrounded by quite a few mirrors, so my only choice was to take the time to take a look.  OMG!!!  Sometimes I think it’s better not to find out the truth!!!!  I looked and then I discovered that there were cellulite on the back of my thighs!!  HELP!!!!  What could I do?  The word “cellulite” lingered in my head the following day.)

因為shopping時間唔多,所以我本身諗住返嚟香港先買d咩搽下咁。 不過我呢d性急怪,邊度可以忍咁耐丫!我之後個日去左Oriental Princess, 除咗買makeup之外,佢都有好多body野,所以我又睇埋有無咩啱用!哈!有wor!!!佢有一個系列係用嚟收緊皮膚,個BA話其中一個產品可以搽橙皮紋!唔理咁多,即刻搬咗兩枝野返嚟!!就係下面呢兩枝喇!

(English:  Since I didn’t really have much time to shop, I thought I would buy some anti-cellulite thing when I got back to HK.  But knowing myself very well, I couldn’t wait that long (not even for a couple days).  The very next day, I went to Oriental Princess and apart from hauling their makeup items, I took a look at their body care ranges to see if there was anything suitable for killing my cellulite.  Oh yea!  They have a line which is specialized for firming the skin.  The BA said one of the items could help killing the cellulite!  OKOK, I got a couple items from that range happily and they are the following items!!)

Oriental Princess 5In1 Fit & Firm Series


(English: Let me talk about this serum first:)

Oriental Princess 5In1 Fit & Firm Serum


使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month
用後感:其實枝野講到有好多功能,又減肥又燒脂又可以去橙皮紋。我覺得減肥同埋燒脂都係做下運動吧啦,如果減肥真係咁得,呢個世界上唔會有肥人啦,亦都唔輪到我同你買,應該會一早沽清! 所以我唔著眼於佢呢兩個效果!反而我淨係想講下佢去橙皮紋得唔得! 答案係得,好得個隻添!我用咗大概兩個星期就見效喇! 佢個質地係gel咁, 只要沖完涼按下係有橙皮紋既位就可以,佢超級快被吸收,唔會整到條褲! 我用咗兩個星期已經見d橙皮紋少咗好多,仲要個位好平滑!!哈哈!!掂呀!! 我用咗一個月就唔見哂d橙皮紋喇!!!超開心!!我而家都有keep住用,等個位keep住咁平滑!!如果你受橙皮紋困擾,我好推你試下呢枝精華,快見效得黎又唔會太貴!但係唯一唔好處係,香港無得賣! 如果你去泰國記得記得去睇下呀!! 正!!

(English:  Product Review:  This serum is said to have quite a few functions indeed, like slimming, burning fat and removing celluliate.  I personally think if you want to lose weight, do some exercise instead!  If it really works on slimming/ burning fat, then there won’t be any fat people on earth and also they should be sold out!  Therefore, I am not going to focus on those two functions.  I only want to talk about if it’s effective in killing cellulite!  Yes!!! And brilliantly!! It took around 2 weeks to see the effect.  The texture is of a gel form and I just have to massage it a bit on the “areas” after shower.  It gets absorbed really easily and it won’t leave any sticky feeling.  After using it for 2 weeks, most of my cellulite was gone and my “areas” became really smooth.  Wonderful *laughs*!!  After using it for a month, I didn’t see any trace of cellulite!!  YAY!!!!!!!  I still use it now, just to keep up the smoothness of skin!!  If you are bothered by cellulite, I really recommend this product to you, it’s effective but not too expensive!!  The only downside is that it’s not available in HK!  So if you go to Thailand anytime soon, make sure you check it out!!! Great stuff!!)


另外我仲買咗佢枝同系列既body lotion:

(English:  Oh, I also got their body lotion in the same range:)
Oriental Princess 5In1 Fit & Firm Body Moisturizer


使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month
用後感:呢個都係話可以收緊呀, 減肥咁。 不過我可以話就咁搽野係唔會有效,所以又係呢d功效我唔講。反而如果唔睇佢所謂既功效,我係覺得呢枝野好正!佢個質感好好好正,超易吸收!搽完個下好快被吸哂入皮膚入面,之後摸落皮膚線手之餘又唔會痴lup lup!!! 好愛個線手感覺呀!! 無得頂!!效果亦都好持久,第二日起身都仲覺得皮膚好保濕好夠水份!!正!!!夏天用真係無敵!!不過又係啦,香港無得賣!!我超想狂回購呢個body lotion!! 我下次去敗翻半打返嚟先~~好推好推!!!

(English:  Product Review:  This is said to have those firming, slimming functions as well but as I said before only by applying stuff won’t make us slim, so I am not going to talk about the functions.  On the contrary, if I ignore the said functions, and concentrate on the product itself, it’s actually a wonderful product!  The texture is really brilliant, super easy to absorbed!!  After application, I feel that it’s totally absorbed into skin and leaves skin soooooooooo smooth!!!  It doesn’t create burden on skin and there is not sticky feeling!!  I love how smooth my skin is after applying this body lotion!  Brilliant!!  The effect is quite long-lasting as well!  I wake up the next day and still find my skin nicely hydrated!!  I love using this in the summer time, it’s just perfect!!  Again, it’s not available in HK!!  I really want to repurchase this item but I guess I will have to wait till I go to Thailand next time (next time I will get half a dozen!!!).  Highly recommended as a body lotion!!!)

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