去水腫好幫手 ♥ 牛蒡茶 Burdock Tea

呢期經同事仔推介我愛上左飲牛蒡茶, 而家搞到要日日飲, 唔飲唔安落.  事源係我見我同事仔呢其個面尖左, 我就讚下佢啦.  佢就好興奮咁話我聽應該係佢d水腫去左所以望落瘦左.  去水腫野係女性都有興趣ga啦, 哈哈~~  講講下知道佢原來係飲緊牛蒡茶, 佢仲俾左一小包我試下, 睇下我鍾唔鍾意隻味先.  飲左一個星期到, 感覺好唔錯wor!  加上個一小包就快俾我飲完, 我就去入貨喇 (同埋同大家分享):

(English:  I was recommended to drink Burdock Tea by my colleague and now I am kinda addicted to it!  The story started with my colleague’s face seemed to be sharper these days, I took the initiative to praise her and she mentioned that it must because the water retention was gone.  *Laughs*  I am sure every lady is interested in reducing water retention (including me)!!  Then she introduced me to Burdock Tea and even gave me a small pack generously to try.  I have been drinking this thing for a week now and I have to say it’s amazing!  Well, the small pack doesn’t last me too long and I have to stock up this brilliant Burdock Tea:)

牛蒡茶 Burdock Tea

價錢 (Price): HK$68

我呢包應該同我同事仔個包唔同, 但係唔緊要啦, 我諗d牛蒡應該唔會太大分別.

(English:  Mine is different than the one from my colleague.  Hmmmm… I don’t think the Burdock root would be that much of a difference.)

個樣都幾得意!!  哈哈.  飲個時就將5-8片牛蒡沖熱水, 焗佢3-5分鐘就可以喇.  超方便.  仲可以翻沖3次添, 咁就唔會浪費啦.  佢d味係甘甘地咁, 如果你地唔係好慣, 都可以加小小蜜糖調味.  我自己就咩都無加…就咁飲!

(English:  It looks quite interesting!  Put 5-8 pieces into cup and add in hot water, cover the lid and let it sit for 3-5 mins before drinking!  Super convenient!!  You can also add in a bit of honey if you are not that used to the taste!  I love its original taste, so I haven’t added in anything really!!)

我同事仔個包沖完出黎黑d ga.  呢隻沖出黎無咁黑.  但係聞落就無咩差別.  我飲落就覺得呢隻清少少, 都唔緊要啦, 最重要係keep住飲ma先有效果ma!

(English:  I have to say that the one from my colleague offers a darker color after adding in hot water.  Mine doesn’t seem to be as dark.  But when I smell it, it smells the same!  Taste-wise, mine is a bit lighter.  Doesn’t matter indeed, the key thing is to keep drinking it and make it a habit, otherwise it wouldn’t be effective!)

其實我搵過d資料見牛蒡有好多唔同既療效, 例如: 抗老, 排毒, 減肥, 平衡血壓, 調節血脂等等.  我就無諗咁多野, 我淨係想有減水腫既效果jer, 其他野都係bonus!!

(English:  Actually I did some research and it seems that Burdock Tea offers quite a few benefits like anti-aging, detoxing, weight-losing, balancing blood pressure and such.  Well, I am not that greedy, I just want to reduce water retention, if it benefits me on other things, that’s a bonus!!)

就咁講去水腫, 我覺得佢非常有效.  通常飲左半杯之後, 就會好想去”尿尿”.  哈哈.  飲左佢之後去”尿尿”既次數真係多左.  咁呢個當然係好事啦.  排毒+去水wor!  我飲左一個星期覺得自己無平時咁腫!! 嘻嘻….我會keep住飲呀!! 

(English:  Talking about reducing water retention, it works brilliantly.  Usually after half a cup of Burdock Tea, I would want to go “pee pee” *laughs*.  After drinking it, the no. of toilet visits go up!  It’s a good thing – as it helps to detox and reduce the water retention within the system.  I have been drinking this for a week, I feel lighter than before!!  I will definitely keep drinking this!!)

如果你地想知道多d牛蒡茶既功效, 可以睇 –> 連結

(English:  If you are interested to know a bit about Burdock Tea, you can read –> LINK)

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