[化妝] Burberry Beauty Swatches 試色圖

尋日講咗Tom Ford Beauty,今日講下Burberry Beauty丫! 其實佢個counter我真係行過無數次, 但係我一路都無想敗既衝動, 原因係我見佢嘅顏色都真係比較沉實, 唔覺得好搶眼。 但係呢, 女人當然係善變啦! 正因為我買唔到Vidi Vici個foundation, 我就醒起我之前見過幾個YouTuber都話Burberry既粉唔錯, 咁我就俾個好大嘅藉口自己喇! 一行入去當然又唔止淨係帶一樣野走啦(未睇之前Burberry敗家video,如下啦)!  開開心心咁敗完, 係時候同大家分享下佢既顏色喇! Base同foundation好唔好用呢, 唔該大家等等我, 我要用多一小陣再分享, 其他野我都會再分開咁分享一下既, 唔好心急呀!

(English: I have talked about Tom Ford Beauty yesterday and let’s move onto Burberry Beauty today!!  Actually, I have passed by their counter so many times, but I didn’t really want to get impulsive there, the reason was simply because the colors were very earth tone and I wasn’t attracted.  However, women change their minds easily (and frequently)!!  I am a very typical example!  Since I wasn’t able to get the Vidi Vici foundation, I suddenly recalled that I watched some YouTubers talking about Burberry foundation and how good it was, so with that in mind, I gave myself a really big excuse to haul!!  Of course, I seldom just got 1 thing and go, I ended up with a few goodies (please check out the haul video as follows if you haven’t already!)!!  I hauled happily and now it’s time to swatch the products for you!!  I know you are probably dying to know if the base and foundation are really that great!!  Please wait for me, as I would love to give them a few more days’ trial, also same with other stuff, I will write separate blog posts on the items and review them for you, stay patient!!)

Burberry Beauty Haul Video by Hakme

Burberry Beauty Fresh Glow
Luminous Fluid Base

價錢(Price):HK$370/ 30ml

鍾意佢係泵裝呀!! 方便!!

(English:  Love the fact that it comes with the pump – very convenient!!!)


(English:  Very blendable and it’s shimmery!!)

Burberry Beauty Velvet Foundation
Long Wear Fluid Foundation
Color: 206 Trench

價錢(Price):HK$390/ 30ml

你知唔知Burberry係全世界黎講, 佢係香港既價錢係最平! 其實我今次買咁多既原因都係因為我怕多人買之後會加價丫!! 三百幾蚊既counter foundation, 感覺上真係好抵!!
(English: Do you know that the prices of Burberry Beauty is the cheapest in HK?  I bought quite a few things this time because I was kinda afraid that they would raise their prices once their brand got popular!!  OMG – it’s a really good price for a counter foundation!!)

佢有兩隻foundation, 我呢隻係velvet, 另一隻係sheer, 我試上手覺得velvet薄d, 不過等我再試下先, 亞BA哥哥俾咗兩個sheer既sample我, 我比較完會拍片啦!

(English:  There are two foundations in the line.  Mine is velvet and the other one is sheer!  When I tried it on my hand, I liked the velvet one better because it seemed to be lighter.  I will compare the two since the BA gave me a couple samples for the sheer one and I can definitely do a comparison!  Yea – I will shoot a video to let you know my findings!)

Burberry Beauty Complete Eye Palette
4 Enhancing Colors
Color: 05 Dark Spice


個顏色真係太襯我喇!! 我用過兩次出嚟效果好唔錯! 如果你唔鍾意咁深色, 佢另外有d都好淺色架!

(English:  The colors suit me really well!  I have used it a couple times and they look great!  If you are not a fan of dark colors, they have other ones which are of lighter colors as well!)


(English:  The golden beige color disappears on my hand!!!)

Burberry Beauty Light Glow
Natural Blush
Color: 01 Russet Blush


呢隻色係BA哥哥超級推介俾我! 我初初見到唔太鍾意, 因為我見佢啡啡地(我夠啡喇!!), 但係當佢搽落我到出既色係帶橙! 閃閃地都幾靚, 即買!! 但係呢, 我玩過呢盒野落我個好白既friend到, 真係唔得,好似好muddy咁, 唔靚! 如果你係白底, 我唔建議你買呢盒呀! 如果你係健康膚色我就好推呢個色俾你!

(English:  The BA highly recommended this color to me!  At first, I didn’t really like it because it looks brown in the container (I am brown enough!!).  However, when he applied it on my skin, it turned out beautifully – orange tone with tiny shimmer!!!  Love it!!  Mind you, I used this blush on my friend who has very fair skin, and it turned out to be really muddy – not good!  So, if you have fair skin, I don’t recommend this color for you!!  But if you have tanned skin, this get this!!)

Burberry Beauty Lip Cover
Soft Satin Lipstick
Color: 32 Sepia Pink


變下唔買nude色, 買下呢個色! 佢仲有好多色丫! 我見nude色都靚, 但係我諗我下次先買nude啦! 冬天想買枝有氣氛既顏色!

(English:  Don’t go for nude colors for a change, so I got this one!!  There are so many other colors to choose from as well.  I quite like their nudes, but I think I will leave it till next time because I want to get some color that represents holiday season better!)

Burberry Beauty Lip Glow
Natural Lip Gloss
Color: 18 Vintage Gold
Limited Edition


講真, 好似我係video咁講, 我初初見呢枝野真係一d都唔燒啦(都話我夠啡), 不過BA哥哥係咁推介(唔hardsell,但係佢講得好有confident同好convincing)話我搽會好靚好特別, 又係白底既人用唔到咁! 好啦好啦, 又喺限量, 我就帶咗佢返屋企! 未用, 揾日拍片就用下佢睇下係咪咁靚啦!

(English:  Honestly, as I mentioned in my video before, I didn’t really like the color of this lip gloss (I am brown enough), however, the BA highly recommended this one for me (not hard-selling, but he sounded so confident and convincing).  He said that it suited my skin tone really well and it wasn’t really suitable for fair skin!!  OKOK, it’s a limited edition as well, so I brought this home!  Haven’t used it yet but I will probably use it in one of my videos – I really want to see if it’s that pretty!!)

睇得開唔開心呀? 我仲好想敗呀!! 一敗開又有強逼症呀!! 但係我要唞唞先~~ 我會叫自己出好哂review先再敗, 唔係又寫唔切!!

(English:  Happy reading?  I still want to haul!!!  Once I start, I cannot stop!!!  But I should really take a rest from my recent haul!!  Well, I will wait till I have reviewed everything first, otherwise, I cannot keep up!!)

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