[化妝] Burberry限量新品分享

大家都睇我咁耐都知我對某幾個品牌係特別鍾情:Chanel, Tom Ford, Burberry and YSL。當然我喜愛既品牌同產品差唔多日日在轉,但係如果係呢幾個品牌出新品,我都會望下同捧下場! 係我去布吉前我就去Burberry行咗個圈,見到佢有新品,當然又忍唔住入咗手(我唔入手你地無野睇啦), 先唔講唔係限量既先(因為遲d都仲有得賣,唔洗心急),今日想分享下佢地既限量品,賣完就無喇! 如果睇完你地自己鍾意既話就好快去入手喇!

(English:  If you have been following me for awhile, you know that I am in love with a few brands: Chanel, Tom Ford, Burberry and YSL!  Of course, my favourite list is changing every single day but if one of these brands has a new release, I usually would check them out and give them a try!  Prior to my Phuket trip, I dropped by Burberry and discovered that they had new stuff, so I got my hands on a few (well if I don’t get them, there would be no blog post).  I will save the non-limited items till later (there is no need to hurry if they are available), today I want to share with you my comments/ thoughts on their limited items – once they are sold out, they are basically gone!  If you like what you see, my advice is “act quick” *laughs*!!)


Burberry Fresh Glow Blush


佢出左三隻色,我三隻都入哂手! 哈哈~~

(English:  There are 3 colors and I got all 3!! Haha~~~)

No. 23 Pink Azalea


No. 22 Pink Peony


No. 21 Orange Poppy

望落好鮮艷,但係搽出黎一都d唔係個回事!! 如下:

(English: They look really vibrant in the tube but I can assure you they look very different on skin, as follows:)

Swatches/ 試色圖:

用後感:超透薄既finish呀!! 佢係膏狀,先畫兩下落面在blend開,出黎效果啱啱好透薄自然!! 仲要搽落去個下有少少冰涼感同埋有少少光澤感(唔閃,不過有光澤),如果你喜愛超自然look你會覺得超正! 我用過之後覺得佢個名冇亂改,Fresh Glow真係好貼切丫!! Blend開無痴笠笠,又好持久,last一日無問題呀!!  我覺得呢個產品你要睇下你喜好喇,如果你熱愛好自然好淡既妝感,我覺得你會愛呢隻胭脂同埋會成日用。 但係如果你喜愛比較出色colorful既妝感,呢隻唔會燒到你丫!!  我自己就多數係行自然look個陣先用,又或者個日我對眼比我化得好浮誇,咁胭脂唔好咁勁個下用喇~~  So far我覺得呢個胭脂既finish同quality都讚既!

(English:  Product Review: Super sheer finish!!  It comes in a stick format, apply 2 streaks on face and blend with fingers, the finish is just right and look super natural!  The fun part is that when you apply it on skin, it has a cooling effect and gives a nice glow (no shimmer but leaving a glow behind), if you enjoy super natural makeup looks, I think you’d love this!  After testing it for quite some time, I feel that the name suits the product really well – Fresh Glow!  The best part about this is that it doesn’t leave a sticky feeling after blending and it’s very long-lasting (last all day without problem)!  I think you either will love or hate this product.  If you are into super natural makeup look, I think you will enjoy this and use this a lot.  But if you enjoy more colorful and pigmented looks, I don’t think this suits your taste!  I usually use it when I have a natural or almost bare face or occasionally I pair it with crazy eye makeup~~  So far, I give a thumbs-up on the finish and quality!!)


Burberry Nail Polish

No. 222 Pink Peony



No. 223 Pink Azalea


之前都係video度講過佢地既甲油有幾好油,出色同快乾,所以我唔長氣喇。 今篇文章有呢兩枝甲油既出現係因為佢地係限量版! 佢地呢次出左3隻限量甲油顏色,我就入咗兩隻色,都算係我平時比較喜歡搽既顏色! 兩隻顏色裡面我比較鍾意Pink Peony, 因為我手比較黑,搽完佢覺得手白dd! Pink Azalea都靚,不過我覺得襯秋冬多d!

(English:  I have already talked about how great Burberry nail polishes were in one of my previous video, so I am not going to be long-winded (recap: they are pigmented, easy to paint and fast to dry).  The reason of them appearing in this blog post is because they are limited edition!  This time, they have released 3 colors and I got 2 as these are my usual favourite colors!  From the 2, I like Pink Peony better because my hands are quite tanned and I feel my hands are whiter after applying it.  Pink Azalea is nice but I feel that it suits Autumn and Winter better!)


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