What Did I Bring to Chiang Mai, Thailand – Skincare Edition

今次好想travel light,所以我無帶好多護膚品去旅行。 我都係執一d試用裝過去,諗住貪佢地夠細粒唔會阻位。 有d係我每一次出trip都會帶,有一d係新野,同大家好簡單分享一下丫。

(English:  I did want to travel light this time, so I didn’t haul too many skincare items with me.  Mostly, they are samples because they just don’t take up that much space.  Some are my go to ones and some are new, let me share my thoughts with you.)

  1. Bioderma卸妝水: 佢薄身d,有時會抹到d cotton pad好散,但係佢夠唔時set裝有呢個size,我覺得出trip係好方便,所以出親trip都用佢。 佢卸面既產品係乾淨架。

    (English:  Bioderma Sensibio Cleansing Water: It’s a very light weight cleansing water, so sometimes the cotton pads will fall apart when I am wiping my face.  However, the brilliant thing is that from time to time, they would have a value set with this mini size inside, I find it extremely useful when I travel, so that’s why it usually comes with me.  It removes the face makeup really well.)

  2. Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser: Kiehl’s最好既一個地方係佢有travel size,有時去買野,佢會有呢d size送,我都會keep起出trip用。 呢隻係洗面產品,加水有泡。以前用過好多次都覺得OK,洗完唔算特別好乾,不過今次我諗我皮膚乾好多,所以我今次用完之後覺得好乾。

    (English:  Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser: The most amazing thing that I love about Kiehl’s is that they do have travel size.  Sometimes when you shop there, they will give you these travel sizes for free and I usually will keep them to one side and bring them with me when I travel.  This is a face cleanser, it foams up with water.  I had used this many times and I found it not exceptionally drying.  However, I think this time, my skin was somewhat too dry and when I used this, my skin wasn’t too comfortable.)

  3. Chanel Eye Makeup Remover: 之前用過好多好多枝full size,我去買野好多時候佢地都會俾呢個mini size我travel用。 好好既一個產品,high end黎講,佢真係落眼妝好乾淨同好快又唔過笠。 我好鍾意。

    (English:  Chanel Eye Makeup Remover:  I had used up many bottles in full sizes.  When I shop in Chanel, they usually will give me this mini size for travelling purpose.  A great product.  Yes it’s high-end, but it’s removes eye makeup really well and quick (and it’s not too greasy), I really like this.)

  4. YSL Or Rouge系列: 有幾款產品都係YSL貴婦既護膚品。 我用緊佢mask in cream覺得好好用,我就想試下其他產品,都仲係咁測試當中,之後再係video報告。

    (English: YSL Or Rouge Range:  There are a few products from YSL Or Rouge range.  I have been using their mask in cream and I find that brilliant, so I want to test out other products.  I am still trying so I will keep my thoughts a secret for now and I will report back in a video.)

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