Branded Camera Bag Directory

之前同大家分享我既手袋wish list,之後都收到幾個PM同我講話其實Gucci Soho Disco Bag好實用,話我應該都會喜歡。話說我之前上網睇野,睇睇下見到好多品牌都出同Gucci Soho Disco Bag差唔多既款式,普遍叫camera bag,我覺得可以將我既findings同大家分享,如果你對呢類款式有興趣,其實都有唔同價位同埋品牌可以選擇。 我去UK同發法國前買既Chanel都係叫camera bag,款式都係差唔多,所以如果買唔到Chanel Camera Bag既話(唔係季季都有出),亦都可以望下以下既,價錢比起Chanel既平好多,但係型狀就差唔多喇。以下既價錢係俾大家做參考,係我上網見到既價錢,我亦都會放埋網站條link,你可以望下model上身既效果。 但係我建議如果你對某個袋有興趣,都去專門店望下試下同埋比較下個價錢邊度抵d先決定(網上價錢有機會同店一樣,所以你要睇埋運費計下數)!

(English: I did share my handbag wish list with all of you in a video format before, and then I got a few PMs telling me that Gucci Soho Disco Bag is a very practical one as well and I might like it too.  Well, then I did some deeper research online and I found that many brands have released something quite similar to Gucci Soho Disco Bag and they call them camera bags.  I feel that I could share my findings with you, so if you are interested in the style, there are more than 1 choice and 1 price point.  The Chanel bag that I got before I headed to UK and France was called Camera Bag as well and I have to say the style is really similar.  So if you can’t get your hands on Chanel Camera bag (they are not releasing it every season), you could take a look at the following, the price is much more reasonable than the Chanel one but they do offer something very similar.  The following prices are for your reference, these prices are shown online and I will leave the links for you so you can check out how they all look on the models.  I do highly recommend you go to the stores to try them out and compare the prices if you are interested in any of them before your final decision (the online prices might be very similar to the stores’ and also be mindful of the delivery charge if you buy online).


Gucci Soho Disco Textured Leather Shoulder Bag HK$9,500 (Link)

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好多人已經係YouTube做咗review,真係放到好多野。 哈哈,真係睇佢唔出,唔怪得好多人都好推呢個Disco Bag。 我知佢應該都有唔同顏色,所以可以就自己喜好揀翻。 我望完好多review之後覺得呢個實用度都好唔錯,that’s why佢係classic。

(English:  Many people have already done reviews on YouTube and yes it holds quite a lot of stuff.  *Laughs*  I couldn’t tell that it could hold so much stuff just by looking at the bag itself, no wonder many people do recommend this Disco Bag.  I know it comes in different colours and you can choose based on your preference.  After reading so much online, I do have a feeling that it’s a practical day to day bag and that’s why it becomes a classic.)

Gucci Mini GG Marmount Camera Bag 2.0 HK$7,900 (Link)



Gucci Mini GG Marmount Camera Bag 2.0 HK$6,670 (Link)



上面兩個係一樣款式一樣大細,但係唔同顏色同價錢(唔同網站)。我覺得nude色好靚,但係我覺得如果girly既話粉紅色都好Spring + Summer。 呢款應該比起Disco Bag細d,唔放到咁多野,比較適合少野既朋友用。但係佢都有另外一d大d既SIZE,雖然係放到多d野,但係我覺得大size要高大既人先carry到,因為個型大咗比人感覺有少少bulky。 細size呢個型cute d啦。

(English:  The above two are the same style, just in different colours and price point (different websites).  I find the nude very appealing to the eyes but I also think that if you are quite girly, the pink is a nice one for Spring + Summer.  This comes in a smaller size than Disco Bag so it might not hold as many items – more suitable for people with less items to carry.  It also comes in other bigger sizes, though they should hold more stuff, I feel that the bigger sizes are better off for taller people because they do tend to look a bit bulkier.  I find this mini one quite cute!)

Versace Palazzo Crossbody Bag HK$4,869 (Link)



Versace都有,呢款望落同Disco Bag差唔多,但係價錢平幾千。 仲要見網站話係有兩條帶,一條係皮另一條係canvas,所以一個款有兩個style,唔錯呀!

(English:  Versace has one as well, this one looks really similar to Disco Bag but the price is of course more affordable.  Also I see in the website that it comes with 2 straps – 1 leather and 1 canvas.  So officially speaking, this one bag comes in two styles!  Not bad!)


Dolce & Gabbana Pom-Pom Zip Should Bag HK$8,302 (Link)

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我覺得呢個好fun,好啱夏天,仲要有側邊有detail位做咗pom pom,見到顏色咁豐富個人都開心d! 我望相覺得佢個size都係同Disco Bag差唔多,應該都裝到多野!! 靚!!

(English:  This one is a fun choice and it’s perfect for summer.  I love the pom pom details on the side and somehow it makes me feel happier seeing the colours.  When I look at the photos, it seems to be a very similar size to the Disco Bag, so it should be practical as well!  Nice one!)

Saint Laurent Classic Toy Monogram Bowling Bag HK$8,508 (Link)

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Saint Laurent 細袋之前好多人講blogger bag,但係我覺得blogger bag真係好撞鬼,連iPhone 7 Plus都放唔到入去,容量亦都太少喇。 Cute就真係好cute但係我覺得無幾多個人真係用得到。呢個我望落大少少,都係偏細,無Disco Bag咁大,所以我覺得呢個比較適合少野或者party用!

(English:  Saint Laurent Blogger Bag was popular before but I don’t really get it because it doesn’t even fit iPhone 7 Plus, it seems to me that from a practicality point of view, it scores “0” for me.  Yes it’s cute, but it’s just not designed for every day use.  This one looks a wee bit bigger but I think it runs smaller than the Disco Bag, so again I think this is more for people with less items or parties!)

Alexander McQueen Skull Camera Bag HK$5,803 (Link)

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Alexander McQueen Skull Camera Bag HK$5,804 (Link)

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上面呢兩個都係款式大細一樣只係唔同色。 我覺得McQueen呢個都幾實用,因為佢前面仲有一條zip,可以放下其他野,而佢個size又係望落同Disco Bag唔差好遠,應該都好裝野。呢個都係簡單實用之選!

(English:  The above are the same style, just the colours are different.  I feel this McQueen one is quite practical as well because it comes with a zip compartment in the front!  The size looks similar to the Disco Bag, so it should hold quite a bit of stuff.  I think this one is a simple and practical choice!)


(English:  Right, my hands are actually aching from typing.  After going through these different types of bags, which one is your favourite?  I hope somehow this post is useful to some of you!)

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