我相信大家都聽過或者睇過Tuesdays with Morrie,而呢一本The Stranger in the Lifeboat係同一個作者Mitch Albom寫。 我前幾日只係想睇吓書,所以上咗Kindle八卦吓,見到呢一本書做緊特價而個作者我都鍾意我就download咗。喺完全唔知呢本書講乜嘅情況底下,我用四日睇完亦都非常之想同大家分享。
I believe many of you have heard of / read Tuesdays with Morrie. The Stranger in the Lifeboat is from the same author, Mitch Albom. A few days ago, I had an urge to read, so I went on Kindle to browse around. I saw this on discount and it’s from one of my favourite authors, so I downloaded it. I literally finished it in 4 days and I am dying to tell you how good it is.
The Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom LINK

Mitch Albom嘅文筆細膩得嚟又好精準寫得出人類嘅情感。佢嘅書通常都有兩三個故仔同時進行,但係嗰啲故仔係有關連,以喺本書嘅structure嚟講係唔會覺得悶,更可以用引人入勝去形容。我最鍾意呢一位作者嘅地方就係佢啲書唔會又長又沉,佢用字亦唔會太深,所以就算冇耐性嘅人都好容易投入好快可以睇完一本。
I really like Mitch Albom’s style of writing, it’s to the point but it’s really delicate in the sense that you can feel what he writes. His books usually consist of 2-3 storyline and they intertwine together. So structure-wise, it’s entertaining and engaging, sometimes, even surprising. One of reasons why I love Mitch Albom’s books is that it’s never too long-winded and he never uses too many fancy words, so for an impatient person like me, it’s perfect.
呢本書分別有3部份: Sea, Land同News。Sea係講一隻船沉咗之後其中一個生還者喺海上嘅經歷。而Land就係講船沉咗一年之後有一位警察搵到隻生還艇同埋佢自己嘅人生經歷。News就係一個新聞節目咁去交代返唔同人物嘅介紹。Sea係成個故事嘅主線,亦都係睇到我會嘩嘩聲嘅一個故事。
This book is divided into 3 storyline: Sea, Land and News. Sea is about a ship wrecked survivor’s sea story; Land is about a police officer finding “the” raft a year after the ship wrecked and his personal issues; and News is like a new channel giving us further information on the characters. Sea is the main storyline and it’s the one that I got most excited and surprised.
當然我唔會透劇,你都係要自己睇。好睇程度又係放唔低嗰種。 而且個結局都好出人意表亦都好窩心。當中佢有少少宗教嘅內容,但係我覺得無論你有冇宗教都好,你都會有得着。 尤其係你身邊有人過身,你未能夠make peace嘅話,你可能睇到最尾會熱淚盈眶。
I am not going to tell you too much because as I always say, you need to read it for yourself. I love it so much that I can hardly put it down. The end was surprising and also heart-warming. It contains bits and pieces of religion in the book, but I think everyone of us would get something out of it whether we have religious beliefs or not. Especially, if you experience a loss of someone passing away and you still cannot make peace, then your tears might roll down your eyes by the end of the book (I am warning you…).
唔同人就算睇同一本書都會有唔同嘅得著。 我覺得呢本書好似提醒緊我要相信同埋要有希望,而希望係無時無刻都同我哋一齊,只係我哋去選擇見唔見到佢。 如果你想搵一本書又窩心又好睇,我超級建議你下一本就睇呢本書。
Different people will have different takeaways even reading the same book. For me, I feel like the book is reminding me to “believe” and to see hope even in the darkest time. Hope is always with us, it’s up to us to choose whether we see it or not. If you want a good read with some heart-warming aftermath, I highly recommend you read this one next.