我差啲唔記得同大家分享呢一本好書。 大家都知我好少睇小說類嘅書籍,但係呢一本The Midnight Library by Matt Haig我見佢故事幾吸引,所以就買咗嚟睇,我用咗兩日就睇完,睇到唔想放低你話幾誇張。 今日同大家分享吓點解我覺得佢咁好睇。
I almost forgot to share this wonderful book with you. Many of you know that I am not a fan of fiction but I got this to read due to its amazing story line. I literally finished The Midnight Library by Matt Haig in two days and I got so hooked to the point that I couldn’t even ask myself to put it down. Quite intriguing right? Let me tell you why I love it so much.
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig LINK

故事係講一位女主角生活好平淡,因為各種原因走去尋死。 但係佢唔係直接死咗,佢係有機會去其他平行時空感受吓佢自己其他唔同嘅生活。 因為其實我哋生活當中都充滿左唔同嘅選擇,當揀定咗一個選擇嘅時候條路就會唔同咗。 咁好多時好多人都會話如果我當時係揀另外一個選擇,條路又會點唔同法呢? 咁呢位女主角就有機會去感受吓佢其他嘅可能性。
The story is about a girl whose life is very ordinary. She tries ending her life due to various reasons but she doesn’t just die. She has a chance to go to different parallel universes to experience her “other lives”. Since our lives are made up of different choices, when you make a choice, the path changes accordingly. Some people always wonder how different the paths would be if they make other choices. This is what this story is about and the main character gets to experience her “other possibilities”.
我唔透劇,你哋一定要自己睇! 我淨係想同你講我睇完呢本書嘅時候,我同身邊所有人都講過一次呢本書有幾好睇! 我覺得佢好睇嘅原因係故事有趣緊湊,亦都好似心靈雞湯咁去回答我哋自己人生中嘅疑問。
I am not going to say too much, I think you definitely need to read it yourself! But I have to tell you, when I finished this book, I told everyone I know how good this was. I find the story exciting, interesting and engaging; and somehow the book answers some of our life questions.
如果你成日覺得你自己嘅生活有遺憾或者後悔,我覺得你好值得花時間去睇呢一本書,佢可能俾到另外一啲想法你。 我自己就冇後悔呢個concept,因為我成日都覺得當時嘅自己以當時嘅資訊去做咗一個決定,咁嗰個應該係我當時覺得最好嘅決定,就算比我再返轉頭,係冇未來嘅認知呢個大前提底下,我都係會做同樣嘅決定,所以我都從來唔會為任何事情後悔。 你諗吓如果我冇後悔呢個concept我都覺得本書好好睇亦都有人生道理學得到,咁應該好多你哋都會鍾意呢本書!
If you feel like you have regret in your life, I highly recommend The Midnight Library to you because it might just give you the other perspective that you need. I don’t have the concept of regret because I am a big believer in “if I make a choice based on all the information that I know at a time, then that would be the best choice for me at that particular time.” Even if I can go back in time, without the knowledge that I have now, I would still make the same decision. Hence, I don’t regret anything. I accept it, learn from it and move on. So if I don’t have the concept of regret and I still find this book fascinating, I think many of you would love it!