[保養] 超香超潤既Body Scrub

我諗你地睇我個blog咁耐, 都發現我雖然成日都試新野,但係有d品牌我係特別鍾情! fresh就係其中一個品牌喇。 老實講, 我未去到成條line都要用佢地既產品, 但係我會好有興趣試佢地既野。 原因好簡單, 因為我試過幾樣佢地既產品都無令我失望, 所以好自然地我對佢地品牌都有confidence, 可惜香港賣得比美國貴啦,如果價錢親民少少, 我諗我會試更多佢地既產品, anyway, 唔可以一次過試哂, 都可以分開黎試! 哈哈!! 我就係之前唔想咁快用完佢地既產品(我敗咗一期個堆野), 所以我留咗一d近期先開黎用。 唔知係咪我用得合時, 超有驚喜丫:

(English:  For those of you who have followed my blog for awhile, you should discover that even though I always try new stuff, some of the brands are my favourites and fresh is one of them.  Honestly, I am not like “Oh I have to use every fresh products in my daily routine!” but I certainly would be more than happy to try their stuff from time to time.  The reason is just simple because out of all the things that I have tried, they haven’t disappointed me so far, so naturally, I have confidence on the brand.  Sadly, they are way more expensive in HK than in the US.  If their prices could be a bit more friendlier, I wouldn’t hesitate to use more of their products.  Anyway, I can’t try them all at once, but I can try each one from time to time!  Yea, I didn’t want to use up what I hauled before (like all in one go), so I saved some of the stuff to use now.  Not sure if I am using it at the right time, the results are really surprising!)

fresh Brown Sugar Body Polish

價錢(Price):HK$600/ 400g (mine is only 200g)

Product Information:


– 純正黃糖結晶能防止水份流失同時溫和去除死皮

– 糅合4種珍貴精華油,包括月見草油、甜杏油、杏核油及荷荷巴油,深層滋潤乾燥肌膚


– 金盞花可鎮靜和舒緩肌膚

– 柑桔油能提升肌膚光澤並均勻膚色

– 不含防腐劑及香料”

(English: “BROWN SUGAR BODY POLISH is the original, all-natural sugar exfoliant and the unrivaled treatment for supremely soft skin after just one use.

• Real brown sugar crystals, natural humectants that prevent moisture loss while gently buffing away dry skin cells.

• A superior blend of four precious oils of evening primrose, sweet almond, apricot kernel, and jojoba that nourish the skin and deeply moisturize dry areas.

• Ginseng root extract and peppermint to invigorate the senses and revitalize skin cells.

• Calendula to calm and soothe the skin.

• Citrus oils that brighten and tone the skin while leaving behind an unforgettable natural scent.

• Paraben-free and fragrance-free”)



(English: There are maybe a couple times left before I use it up!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感:話Brown Sugar係佢地最出名同出眾既line真係無錯!呢jar Body Polish而家天氣真係超爆好用!! 佢係有一d美肌油浸住d粒粒,成份好天然, 同埋佢超香Brown Sugar既味呀!! 好醒神!! 正因為有油,所以除咗磨沙之外佢仲可以潤膚, 真係一舉兩得!! 佢d粒粒比較粗,但係正正就係我好like既粗粒。 我覺得磨身真係要狠d, 因為唔係成日都好好心機去照顧身體部位麻! 所以我超愛用粗粒磨, 夠爽!! 哈哈!! 磨完呢, 你如果唔鍾意好潤就可以用沖涼液洗身, 但係而家好乾, 所以我都會就咁磨完,過水洗就d粒粒就算! 抹身既時候會見身上有油份, 但係一d都唔笠, 抹完身連body lotion都唔洗搽丫!! 之後成晚都會見皮膚夠潤, 有光澤同埋超柔軟。 Last到第二日都無問題添!! 我超愛呢jar產品丫(救命)!! 佢個價錢真係唔親民, 同埋我覺得佢好快用完, 所以計起上黎仲貴。 但係我就好愛佢個效果。 我諗我夏天唔會買黎用, 但係冬天我就會。 夏天我都唔需要皮膚太潤, 但係冬天就唔同! 我今次用完咗呢jar野, 我會等下個秋冬先再敗黎用! 好掂呀!! 如果你都想揾d正點又潤既身體磨沙, 如果你唔係好介意價錢貴既話, 我超推呢jar!!!!

(English:  Product Review:  Whoever says Brown Sugar is the most brilliant line within fresh, I totally agree!  This Body Polish is perfect for this dry whether (or dry skin)!  It does contain quite a lot oils with some coarse particles, which are all very natural.  It has a great Brown Sugar scent and it’s really refreshing!!  Because it’s oil based, so it can scrub and moisturize in one go!!  The particles are coarse and it’s exactly how I like it because I feel that I don’t take care of my body much, and if I use a scrub, it has to do the job!  After scrubbing, if you don’t like the oil to be retained on your skin, you could use a shower gel and kinda wash it off.  However, for the dry whether these days, I won’t use any shower gel after.  I would scrub, rinse and dry my body.  When I am drying my body, I can see a layer of oil on my skin but it’s not heavy.  I would even skip the body lotion afterwards.  Guess what, skin is moisturized, radiant and soft for the whole night and even lasts till the next day!!  I am really in love with this Body Polish (HELP!!).  Its price is definitely not friend and it doesn’t last a long time (so in a way it’s even more expensive!!), but I really love the results.  I don’t think I will get this for summer time because I don’t need the oil on my skin, on the other hand, I will get this for winter time.  I think after using this up, I will get this again when the next Autumn and Winter come along.  Brilliant!!  If you are looking for something that scrubs well and moisturizing at the same time (and you don’t mind the high price), then I would recommend this to you without any hesitation!!)

如果你地有興趣睇我對其他fresh產品既分享/review, 你地可以去下面條link丫:

(English:  If you are interested in my other recommendations/ reviews on fresh products, you’re welcome to visit the following link:)


(the above product information is extracted from http://fresh-hk.com)

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