[保養] 唔洗趕住搽body lotion既有機瑞典沖涼液

早前收到邀請試下有機瑞典L:A BRUKET既產品,聽到佢地話L:A BRUKET都係有seaweed我即刻好有興趣(大家都知我呢期迷上seaweed啦)。 佢地而家係中環Harvey Nicols有pop up store,我都去拜訪左一下:

(English:  I received an invitation from an organic Swedish brand called L:A BRUKET, I heard that the products contain seaweed and my interest level went up (you know how I am obsessed with seaweed these days).  Right now they have a pop up store in Harvey Nicols and I went there to take a look as well:)


你去到中環Harvey Nicols 1/F既Noesa Counter,同店員講你想睇L:A BRUKET既產品,佢地就會帶你去一個小showroom,你可以見到同埋試佢地唔同既產品。

(English:  When you arrive at Harvey Nicols 1/F, head to the Noesa Counter and tell the staff that you want to look at L:A BRUKET products, they will take you to a small showroom and there you can sniff and test different products.)



(English:  Their products are focused on body care and also home care~)


因為佢地產品好天然亦都好新鮮,所以貨存唔會有好多,即係話如果當日有貨既話,你可以直接買走。 如果無貨呢,就要預訂,等3-4星期有貨你就可以去拎,咁確保你既產品係最新鮮啦!

(English:  Since they want to ensure their freshness of the products, so the stock level is not much.  That means, if what you like is in stock, then you probably can buy them right there right then.  Otherwise, it goes through like a pre-order, you can collect after 3-4 weeks.  This kind of make sure your products are very “fresh”!)


(English:  They have given me 3 products to try and I have been using them for awhile, so time to talk about them:)

L:A BRUKET Lemongrass Liquid Hand and Body Wash
HK$260/ 450ml






用後感:呢個我好愛亦都大推! 先係佢係好正既Lemongrass味,超清新。 另外係佢入面有seaweed成份可以幫手修復皮膚。 佢係有機產品,所以用落無咩泡泡,但係如果你用沖涼波波既話,佢都會起到少少泡。 沖得乾淨,但係唔乾!! 出黎我無搽body lotion都唔會乾到起皮呀(我對腳一乾會起皮),皮膚摸落仲係線手既添!! 好好好正!! Mr Honey都超級like,佢話隻味令佢好醒神!! 我覺得如果你皮膚唔係太乾,唔搽body lotion都得,但係如果好似我咁會起皮,咁而家天氣未係好乾,唔搽body lotion都OK,不過乾d個陣最好都搽少少body lotion喇。 如果你唔like Lemongrass味,佢都有好多唔同氣味可以揀,佢既味道係偏向精油類!! 超推!!

(English:  Product Review: I am super in love with this and highly recommend this!  First it’s the scent – Lemongrass, super fresh!  Also, it contains seaweed ingredients which help to nurture and repair skin.  It’s an organic product, so it doesn’t generate a lot of foam.  However, if you use a shower ball, then it would help to generate a bit of foam.  It cleans really well and it’s not drying the skin!  My legs are usually ridiculously dry to the point that they have flaky skin, but with this shower gel, I don’t have the issue anymore even without body lotion!!  And skin is silky to touch after!!  Absolutely wonderful!!  Mr Honey really like this as well because the Lemongrass scent gives him a nice and refreshing feeling!  I think if your skin is not crazily dry, you probably can skip body lotion.  However, if you have flaky skin like mine, you can still skip body lotion right now.  But when the weather is a bit more drier, my suggestion is that you will apply body lotion.  Oh if you are not a fan of the lemongrass scent, they have many others to choose from and their scents are more on the essential oil side.  Highly recommended!!)

L:A BRUKET Bergamot Body Lotion
HK$298/ 250ml





用後感: 其實我好短可以講完:香,質地易推,易吸收,吸完唔會笠住個身同埋皮膚會好夠潤得黎好鬼滑!!  講完,全部都係大家要知道既重點。 我覺得黎緊秋冬用佢隻沖涼加呢隻body lotion都搞得掂又唔洗痴笠笠,正!!  唔係好貴,但係效果好好。

(English:  Product Review:  Actually I can finish this very quickly:  Nice scent, easy to spread, easy to absorb, doesn’t leave an annoying sticky feeling and skin becomes very moisturized and smooth to touch!  Done – all these are the key points for you.  I have a strong feeling that the body wash + this body lotion will do the trick!!  Brilliant!!!  Also the price is not ridiculous but the result is amazing!!)


L:A BRUKET Seaweed Bath
HK$398/ 350g


佢另外有一樣野都好特別! 如果你個身有濕疹或者好敏感咁,你可以試下佢呢個seaweed bath,用既時候記得要用埋海鹽,咁d seaweed先認得自己係海上先會釋放出佢地既正野幫你修復皮膚。 我無bath,所以我用咗佢地黎浸手,皮膚係滑滑同白淨咗既~~

(English:  This is quite a special highlight!  If you are troublesome skin like very sensitive or eczema, you can try this bath but remember to use sea salt with it because only then the seaweed will recognize that they are “home” and they will release the good stuff to repair your skin.  I don’t have a bath, so I use them for my hands and they are smooth and brightened after~~)


佢地另外都有一home care產品:


(English:  They do have a few home care items:)





(English:  The most interesting item to me is the dog shampoo~~~)


有興趣自己可以去佢地Pop Up Store望下:

(English: If you are interested, check out their Pop Up Store:)

Date: Aug 5th – Sept 29th, 2015

Time: Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm & Sun 10am-7pm
Address: 1/F, Harvey Nicols Landmark, Central (Noesa Counter)

仲有黑咪特別優惠Hakme Special:

你地而家去買任何三件產品同埋出示呢篇blog post,咁佢地就送翻一枝價值HK$338既body oil俾你。 Body oil都有幾隻味你地自己可以揀自己喜歡既。  優惠期淨係Pop Up Store先有。

(English:  Upon purchase of any 3 items and show this blog post to staff, they will give you a body oil as a compliment gift which worths HK$338.  These are a few scents to choose from and you can pick what you like.  The special is only valid at the Pop Up Store.)

[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”hakme-beauty-limited.myshopify.com” product_handle=”l-a-bruket-069-liquid-soap-lemongrass-450ml” show=”all”] [shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”hakme-beauty-limited.myshopify.com” product_handle=”l-a-bruket-071-liquid-soap-wild-rose-450ml” show=”all”] [shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”hakme-beauty-limited.myshopify.com” product_handle=”l-a-bruket-104-liquid-soap-bergamott-patchouli-450ml” show=”all”]
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