[保養] 連不愛搽Body Cream既人都會愛上

保養黎講我都唔好既一樣野就係唔鍾意搽body lotion/ cream,我之前都講過我真係超級唔鍾意有野係我身體既皮膚表面(我會覺得好唔舒服), 亦都係因為咁, 我個身真係奇乾(自作孽)。 但係呢, 我呢期用緊之前敗落既Aesop Body Balm(真係太乾喇, 頂唔住), 我用用下又迷上咗, 仲好乖日日用添! 哈哈!! 我怕我又唔記得講佢, 所以今日講咗先:

(English:  One of really bad habits in skincare/ body care is that I really don’t like applying body lotion or cream.  As I said before, I just don’t feel like having anything on my skin as I would feel uncomfortable.  Because of this bad habit, I have to tell you my skin is super dry (it’s all my own doings!!).  However, I have been using Aesop Body Balm these days (the whether is way too dry these days) and I have been obsessed with it.  Somehow I have to use it everyday now!!! *Laughs*  I am afraid that I would forget to talk about it, so let me share my views with you today:)

Aesop Rind Concentrate Body Balm

價錢(Price):HK$245/ 120ml

Product Information:

“This swiftly absorbed citrus-based formulation relieves dry skin and
refreshes the senses. Its hydrating botanicals are ideal year-round to
soften, cool and revive skin. With its bracing citrus top notes, this
product is an international favourite.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):around 45 times

用後感: 我敗呢隻係好勁橙香, 因為我都係比較鍾意citrus類既氣味, 所以個BA一同我試上手, 我就唔記得自己係唔鍾意搽body cream(好彩, 唔係miss咗好野), 即刻話要敗! 佢個味真係好勁, 但係感覺好天然, 搽完上身個味都要半個鐘頭先無咁勁。 如果你愛呢隻味呢, 你會好like呢枝body balm。 平時如果用balm呢個字, 個感覺都會係好杰身係膏狀既東東, 但係呢個枝出黎係cream狀, 推開個陣我覺得佢有少少lotion feel, 可以推得好開, 所以一次唔洗用太多。 哈, 最正係佢超級易被皮膚吸收呀!!! 搽完一小陣就吸哂, 一d都唔會覺得癡住d衫, 但係又唔會覺得好似無搽過野!! 我就係超愛呢個感覺呀!!! 最掂係搽完再摸下皮膚, 又軟又滑又潤!!超鍾意!!!  第二日起身都仲覺得皮膚夠潤呀!!! 十個贊!!! 就係因為佢咁正,我而家一沖完涼就會搽佢(好乖), 久而久之皮膚都叫唔會乾到有白紋!! 呢個產品我回購做非常高, 雖然身體產品黎講, 佢價錢唔算太親民, 但係佢個texture真係fit哂我既要求,所以我會回購呀!!! 如果你唔鍾意搽body cream既原因同我一樣或者你好鍾意我頭先講既texture, 我都好建議你去counter玩下呢個產品, 睇下你又會唔會被燒丫!!! 掂呀!!

(English:  Product Review: This has a very strong rind/ orange-y
scent.  I personally love anything that smells like citrus or similar,
so when the BA tried it on my hands, I totally forgot that I dislike
using body cream (lucky me, otherwise I would miss out something really
good), and I ended up hauling it home!!  The scent is really strong but
is not artificial at all.  When I apply it on my skin, it takes around
30 mins for the scent to kinda fade a little bi.  If you love this kind
of scent, you would definitely love this body balm.  Usually brands use
the word “balm” to describe the very thick texture and it usually look
quite solid, but this body balm is of a cream format.  When I start to
blend it, it feels a bit like lotion, it’s just super easy to blend,
therefore, you don’t need a lot of product.  *Laughs*  The most amazing
thing is it gets absorbed very easily!!  After application, I don’t feel
like the residue of the cream sticking onto my clothes and such, on the
other hand, I still feel something is absorbed into my skin.  I really
love this feeling!!  Skin feels soft, smooth and supple – every reason
to love it even more!!!  When I wake up the next day, skin still feel
protected and hydrated!!!  Definitely in love!!  Due to all the amazing
things mentioned above, I use it immediately after shower everyday (good
girl) and now my skin is certainly less dry than a few months’ ago. 
There is a very high chance for me to repurchase this.  Honestly for a
body product, the price is not exactly friendly, but I love everything
about the texture and the results, so no hesitation for me to get this
again in the future.  If you are not particularly a fan of body cream
because you don’t like most of their textures or you feel that you would
like the texture described above, I highly recommend you to check it
out at the counter, because you might be in love too!!!)

如果你有興趣睇下我對呢個品牌Aesop有咩推介/用過d咩, 你可以去下面呢條link丫:

(English:  If you are interested in my comments on Aesop products/ what I have used from Aesop, you are welcome to check out the link below:) 


(the above product information is extracted from http://www.aesop.com)

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