[保養] 超級線手Body Cream

今日想講呢個產品都係我四月份大愛入面! 又係一用愛上既產品,真係太正喇!! 我怕我好快又用完,所以我先同大家分享一下,唔係我一陣唔記得又唔知要等到幾時!! 其實你地睇咗我個blog一陣都知我唔太鍾意用Body Cream, 除非係超正啦! 否則都係同我無緣! 同埋尤其是夏天,我真係好唔鍾意有d Body Cream搽咗上身既感覺,好似有層野咁搞到個人痴笠笠又更加熱! 今日要講呢隻就完完全全無呢d感覺喇!!

(English: The product that I am going to talk about today had made its way into my April favourites! It’s one of those amazing products whereby you could actually instantly fall in love with it!! Yea it’s that great!! I am afraid that I would use it up before talking about it, so I want to take the time to share my views with you. Indeed, if you have been following my blog for awhile, you should know by now that I am not a body cream lover (apart from those which could win my body and soul!). The hate for body cream has reached its height especially during summer time because most of them make me feel sticky and hotter (than I am already!!). However, what I am going to talk about today is purely heavenly…)

Clarins Body Shaping Cream


價錢(Price): HK$500/ 200ml

Product Information:


(English: “Watch those curves! See your most beautiful body take shape with a targeted moisturiser that helps streamline contours, firm, tone and reduce the look of stretch marks. Minimises the appearance of “sponginess” around the waist, abdomen, hips and upper arms. Soft melting texture—with smoothing Bamboo extract—promotes a soft, supple skin texture. An ideal product to use for a massage. “)



Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感: 我可以用不得了黎形容! 初初我見佢寫Body Shaping Cream, 我以為係減肥產品! 但係用用下我就明白佢唔係咩減肥產品喇。 先講佢個texture,佢望落係cream狀,但係推開係一d都唔杰身,超好推,用少少就夠!! 入面佢有少少shimmer係度,所以一搽上身,就見到皮膚好有光澤,仲要有光既時候,某d位就會見到好有光澤,好3D。 即係好似化妝highlight個道理,但係呢個body cream就聰明在你搽哂成身,你郁既時候應該有光澤既地方,佢就會有。 咁樣就令到視覺上有錯覺,望落好似身體好tone up咁喇!!所以點解我話呢個唔係減肥產品,反而我覺得佢係效果即時既掩眼法!! 同埋我最愛係佢效果超自然,唔係我日日係度望得好真,其實係一d都唔覺得佢有閃閃係入面。 最最最正係搽完超線手,真係不得了!!!當然啦,佢係body cream,保濕個方面都做得好好,last成日一d問題都無!!!太正喇!!! 我愛佢既程度係日日出門口之前都要用佢!!! 呢個我用完一定會回購(係一萬個肯定!!)!! 如果你都想要我以上所講既效果,我真係超級推介呢個body cream!! 第一大愛!!

(English: Product Review: Can I use “OMG” to describe the product? At first when I saw the words “Body Shaping Cream”, I thought it was some kind of slimming product. But after using it for awhile, I started to realize what this product is all about and it’s definitely NOT a body slimming thingy. Texture-wise, it looks like cream but it’s not solid in texture, it’s really easy to blend and only a bit goes a long way!! It has a tiny bit of shimmer inside, so when it’s applied on my body, skin actually glows. When the light hits, some areas just pop with more shine, giving the body a tremendous 3D effect! It’s actually very similar to the highlight technique when it comes to makeup products. However this body cream is more clever in a way that you just need to apply it on your whole body, when you move, the should-be-highlighted areas will get the highlight! It’s actually lying to the eyes making your brain think that your body is more toned up (clever eh?). So, that’s why I said it’s not a body slimming product, but it’s an instant product which is able to trick the brain!! Plus, I love how natural it looks on skin. Well, I am here for review, so I observe the body cream very closely for 2 weeks, otherwise, I wouldn’t even notice the shimmer and all that jazz. What’s more to love? After application, body becomes silkily smooth and it’s super soft to touch!! OMG!!! Of course, being a body cream cannot fail on the moisturizing side of things. This body cream is really hydrating, and it lasts all day!! Freaking amazing!!! How much do I love it? I love it to the point that I have to use it before I get out of the house in the morning!! Yea!! That much. This is definitely on my repurchasing list (200% sure) and I will get one right after I finish this. If you are interested in the above effects mentioned, I highly recommend you checking this body cream!! Absolutely in love!!)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.clarins.com.hk)

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