卸妝油: Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

我的工作真是不斷在搜羅好用的產品,因為我經常化妝,所以不斷都在試卸妝產品。前陣子入手了這一枝Bobbi Brown 紓緩卸妝潔面油,都差不多用完,就跟大家分享一下吧。

My job is dedicated to find great products in the market. Since I do wear makeup quite a bit, I do give “new” makeup removers a go from time to time. I got this Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil awhile back and I almost used it up, so it’s time to record my findings.

Bobbi Brown 紓緩卸妝潔面油 HK$505/200ml
Soothing Cleansing Oil LINK

Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil


還記得我之前在這裏分享過MAC的卸妝油嗎?忘記了或者沒看到可以按此。我覺得這枝Bobbi Brown的卸妝油跟MAC的那枝差不多啊。沒強勁的香味,乳化好,卸完皮膚沒油光,毛孔沒堵塞,沒敏感沒出粒粒。亦跟MAC的那枝一樣,卸面部的妝容完全沒問題,但眼妝睫毛液沒完全卸掉啊!我要先用其他眼唇卸妝液,然後先再用這個卸妝油。感覺跟MAC的效果沒差好多,但價錢就比MAC貴出一百多。兩者去選的話,我會選MAC的,這枝我不會回購。

Remember I did a review on MAC Cleansing Oil here? If you missed the blog post, click here. I feel that this Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil is very similar to MAC’s in a lot of ways – no strong scent, easy to wash off, leaves no trace of oil behind, doesn’t clog pores and my skin experienced no allergies nor bumps while using this. And also, same as the MAC one, it cleans the face makeup well but it doesn’t remove my eye makeup completely! I had to use a separate eye makeup remover first and then use this cleansing oil after. Honestly, I don’t think it offers much difference when compared to the MAC one but its price is HK$1xx more than MAC’s. If I had to choose between the two, I would go for the MAC one and I won’t repurchase this.

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