[Blog Sale] 2013年第三回

Blog Sale第三回喇! 我諗我今次搞哂幾個Blog Sale之後,應該我好耐都唔會再需要搞Blog Sale!! 哈哈!! 如果你未睇今年既第一二次Blog Sale, 你可以睇翻,睇下有無野啱:

(English:  Blog Sale Round 3 for this year!!  I think after this series of blog sale, I don’t need to organize any blog sale for a good while *laughs*!!  If you haven’t checked out my first and second blog sale, please feel free to do so and maybe something will interest you:)

[Blog Sale] 係時候幫我既東東揾新主人 

[Blog Sale] 又幫東東揾新主人

今次都係同上兩次一樣啦。下面全部野我用既次數最多係三次,你地可以睇下有咩啱。 有就send email (iamhakme@hotmail.com) 俾我,先到先得呀! 同埋三日內要入錢,我唔想hold一個產品hold得太耐啦。 下面既價錢包咗本地平郵,如果要掛號另加HK$13喇。

(English:  Same as the last two times before, I have used the following products for around 3 times and you can check out to see if you are interested.  If so, please email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com and it’s on a first come first serve basis.  Plus, please transfer the money within 3 days because I don’t want to hold an item for too long.  The following prices include local postage and if you want registered mail, please add another HK$13.)

MAC Tartan Collection 6 Dashing Lassie Eye Shadows HK$200 (Sold) 


Illamasqua Sirens Palette HK$80 (Sold)

Sleek i-Divine The Original 594 HK$50 (Sold)

Integrate Eyeshadow Palette GY905 HK$50 (Sold)

Integrate Eyeshadow Palette BR701 HK$50 (Sold)

Wet n’ Wild 380B Walking on Eggshells HK$40 (Sold)

Wet n’ Wild 381B Sweet As Candy HK$40 (Sold)

Wet n’ Wild 246 Greed Gourmandise HK$50 (Sold)

Chanel Rouge Coco No. 38 Superstition HK$100 (Sold)

Bourjois Blush No. 33 Lilas D’or HK$40 (Sold)

Bourjois Blush No. 32 Amber D’or HK$40 (On Hold)


Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Eye Pencil Color: Lust HK$80 (Sold)

Nars Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner Color: Dark Blue HK$100 (Sold)




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