[保養] 一隻我俾爆燈分數既精華

識咗Makeup Artist最唔好既其中一樣野就係我地兩個加埋成日分享有咩好用,搞到互燒,當然荷包都血流不止啦(就好似你地識到我咁)! 不過我覺得一切都係值得,因為用到更多品牌,加上佢燒我既野全部佢都有用過,我買咁多野全部我都好滿意。 其中呢枝產品係我九月份大愛出過場,但係我愛佢既程度真係頂級,所以我一定要為佢開一個blog post! 咁好用,唔講我覺得我對唔住大家!!

(English: One of the biggest disadvantages of knowing the makeup artist is that we always share our thoughts on the good and bad products and we end up tempting each other a lot and bleed our purses to death (yea very similar to the experience between you and me)!  But I think it’s worth it because I could use more different brands and let you all know of my thoughts, plus she has used all the products that she recommends to me, so so far, I am really happy with what I’ve got from her.  One of these products has to be my best love so far and it has made its appearance in my Sept favourite video.  I am totally in love with this and I have to dedicate a blog post to this product, otherwise, I feel that I haven’t shared my amazing experience with you!!)

Pure Diamond Rose Velvet Serum

價錢(Price):HK$980/ 30ml (呢枝你話黑咪界紹有9折,淨係呢枝jar)

 Made in Switzerland


Before Blending


使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感:呢枝產品係叫做精華素,我覺得如果你唔係好乾,中性皮膚既朋友可以用黎做佢一枝搞掂精華加面霜呢兩個步驟;如果你係乾性皮膚,你可以用佢黎做精華再加你自己既面霜! 先講佢既質感,佢係一隻好稀身既油,推開係好薄同埋好易吸收! 佢係dry oil個種感覺,一d都唔會肥笠笠,大家唔需要擔心話會好笠爆粒粒,一d都唔會呀!! 同埋,佢另外一個好正既地方係佢係玫瑰味呀!! 推開個陣好清香,好relaxing同埋因為要按幾下先吸收,我用佢個陣仲加少少massage既步驟,按下淋巴位添(去下水腫)! 最緊要係效果,我覺得佢個效果係爆燈!! 皮膚吸完之後摸落係好似BB皮膚咁滑呀!! 真正既baby soft,仲要唔係淨係個一下先滑,個滑係last到成晚,我第二朝起身洗面都仲覺得皮膚好滑,同埋第二日上妝真係好好好貼!! 超正!! 夠潤得黎又唔會笠,仲要令皮膚好好好滑,又可以幫手去乾紋!! 超掂!!  我而家仲用佢搽埋眼,我將搽完面淨係手上面既精華搽埋落眼(好少得啦~~), 當係打底,之後先再搽少少自己既眼霜,我覺得個效果都好掂丫!! 我有兩條好深既眼紋,我覺得佢地淺左少少,同埋我第二日化眼妝個陣,個位真係無咁乾同埋無咁易卡粉!! 好正呀!! 我超推呢隻東東!! 超超超推呀!!! 我而家晚晚都要用先安落!! 我覺得雖然佢價錢係貴,但係每次唔洗用好多,但係佢個效果就真係好強,超值得投資既一個產品! 敗敗敗~~~

(English: Product Review:  This is called a serum, if you have combination to dry skin, you can just use this to replace your serum and moisturizer; if you have dry skin, you can use this as a serum and add your favourite cream on top.  Texture first, it’s of a very light oil texture, very easy to blend and absorb.  It almost feels like a dry oil and it doesn’t feel greasy so there is no need to worry that it would cause burden on skin!  Plus, it has a rose scent, so when I am using it, it’s like a luxurious experience because it’s really refreshing and relaxing.  Also, due to its texture, it takes a bit of time to be absorbed, so I usually add some massaging when I am using this and I do massage my neck with it as well to reduce the water retention on my face.  The most important part about a product is its effectiveness.  It scores sky high!!  After using this, my skin literally turns baby soft, the softness doesn’t only last for a while, it lasts through the night till the very next day (still feels skin is smooth when I wash my face the next morning).  What’s more, I find that it preps my skin to be a very good foundation for my makeup the next day!  Amazing!!  It’s definitely moisturizing enough without creating a burden to skin, it also turns skin baby soft and fades our some of the fine lines.  Brilliant!!  I now not only use it on my face, I use it on my eye areas as well.  I use whatever that’s left on my hands on my eye areas as a base prior to the application of my eye cream.  The result is again spectacular!  I have two horrible lines under my eyes and after using this serum on the areas for a few days, I notice the lines are getting lighter (yay!!).  And when I apply makeup the next day, my foundation is not stuck there anymore!!  Thumbs-up!!  I highly recommend it, like highly highly HIGHLY recommend it!!  Now, I am addicted to it and have to use it every night!!  Right, the price is definitely on the high side, but you don’t need to use much everytime and it really works (that’s what matters)!  I think it’s definitely worth the investment!  Haul haul HAUL!!!)


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