[時尚] 買鞋,網上買鞋

大家睇得我多都知我超鍾意網上買野! 我估原因係我幾點睇都得同埋我可以慢慢睇慢慢揀! 前兩個星期有網站邀請我問我有無興趣試下佢地個網站睇下感覺點樣! 哈哈,係一個鞋既網站,都好丫! 橫掂女人真係最愛就係買鞋,同埋鞋真係唔怕多~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  If you have been following me, you must notice that I love online shopping!  I guess it’s because I can do it whenever I want and I could really take my time browsing!  A couple weeks ago, a website contacted me and asked if I would be interested in experiencing their website!  *Laughs*  It’s a shoe website, OMG!  Women love shoes and I guess we don’t think we would ever have “enough” shoes (yep, I know it’s hard for men to understand)!)


呢個網站有好多鞋款,其實你諗得出既佢都有好多選擇! 要買野就要register先啦! Register好就可以開始睇下有咩款式係自己鍾意既! 我自己就好好好多平底鞋,high heels我近年又好少著,boots我又啱啱買咗兩對,所以我就睇另一個款喇,就係走佬鞋喇! 因為我屋企無呢類型既鞋,所以我想要一對! 有時知道自己個日要行得多路就可以著,咁就可以舒服d喇~~

(English:  There are so many different styles of shoes to choose from.  Prior to hauling, it would be better to get yourself registered first!  After registration, then you can take your time to browse and see what interests you!  I have so many flats, I seldom wear high heels these days and recently I got two pairs of boots elsewhere, so I wanted something different and I opted for loafers.  I didn’t have any loafers at home so I wanted a pair.  It would come in handy when I have to do a lot of walking for a day.  It would make my feet way more comfortable~~)


(English:  See something interesting?  Click and go in!)

選定顏色同size就可以check out喇! 之後就入資料網上付款,搞掂! 我等大概兩日就收到貨! 同埋收貨前,送貨哥哥係會打俾你問你係唔係屋企~ 成個過程都好smooth!

(English:  Pick the right color and size, then you can proceed to check out filling in your payment information!  Done!  I received mine in 2 days and the delivery guy did give me a call before and asked me if I would be at home prior to delivery!  The whole process was very smooth!)

無錯無錯,我就係揀咗上面呢對走佬鞋喇~~ 個色係咪好靚呢? 佢有紫色同shocking pink,以我既風格,當然係揀shocking pink啦!! 哈哈!! 而家望下實物先:

(English:  Right!  I have picked the above pair!  Don’t you love the color!  They have purple and shocking pink to choose from and of course, I opted for the shocking pink pair!  Let’s see the real deal:)


顏色: 桃紅色 / Shocking Pink


望落對鞋既質量好好,同我係website見個樣係一樣! 隻顏色都無咩偏差。

(English:  The quality looks good and they look almost identical to the website picture.  I love it when there is no color distortion as well.)


哈!! 個底原來好特別! 無車邊,成塊布包埋個底!

(English:  *Laughs*  I love the bottom of the shoes!!)


我著上腳覺得入面有少少氣墊feel~ 行個陣好舒服同埋唔會覺得對腳好貼地(明唔明我講咩呢? 有時平底鞋個底太薄,令對腳感覺好貼地,行個陣會唔舒服)。 呢對真係幾好行喎! 我自己平日著鞋著38號/39號(要睇對鞋咩樣),我呢對買咗39號,因為我見個頭有少少修修地,所以我就買39號,著落啱啱好!

(English:  When I wear them, I feel like there is the air cushion effect~  They are comfortable to walk in and I don’t feel like my feet are touching the ground (not sure if you get what I mean.  Sometimes when the bottoms of the flats are too thin, I feel like the feet are walking on the ground (minus the shoes) and it’s not a comfortable feeling).  I quite love these, they are really nice! My sizes are usually 38/ 39 (depending on the style of the shoes).  I got 39 for these because the head is quite pointy in a way, so I got 39 and they fit perfect!)


(English: They come with a pretty dust bag, if you don’t usually store your shoes in the box, you could use the dust bag instead!)

So far,我覺得成個感覺都係滿意! 個website好簡單易明,送貨都好快,同埋我覺得實物同圖既差別唔大!! 正!! 唔係人地邀請我,我都唔知有個咁正既website添!哈哈~~

(English:  So far, I am happy with the whole experience!  The website is easy to understand, the delivery is quick and the quality of the shoes is nice!  Brilliant!  If I am not invited, I wouldn’t have known that there would be such cool website!  *Laughs*~~)

你地而家register,將會有$100 Amé Voucher + 50 Amé Points俾你買鞋呀! 用黎換季真係啱哂啦!! 你地可以係呢度register:http://www.shopame.com/

(English: Now, you will get $100 Amé Voucher + 50 Amé Points by just registering!  It would be perfect to use to spice up your shoe shelf a bit!  You can register here: http://www.shopame.com/)





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