[美髮] 令頭髮又令又滑既護髮油

除咗我塊面之外,我第二樣最注意/著緊既野就係我既頭髮。我覺得兩樣都好緊要,因為兩樣野都好影響人地對你既第一印象! 我d頭髮唔係天生麗質,其實都真係好難打理,因為真係又乾又有少少捲。 盡力啦,我都唔期望有奇蹟出現,但係我覺得至少我會盡力保養! 就係因為咁,我成日會買同試護髮產品,睇下邊隻好用。我之前上網睇好多YouTuber都話以下既產品好用,所以我都買咗睇下係咪咁好用。 用咗幾個星期喇,分享下先:

(English:  Apart from my face, the next thing that I care the most is my hair.  I feel the two are equally important because they really affect people’s first impression on you!  My hair is very wild and it’s quite out of control most of the time, because it’s dry and it’s a bit wavy.  But I am not giving up, I will still take care of them and I am not hoping for miracles (I am very realistic).  Due to my wild hair situation, I always have an urge to try different hair care products to see which one works out the best.  I saw many YouTubers were talking about thi before, so I got it online as well to see if it lives up to my standard.  I have been trying this for a couple weeks and I want to share my thoughts with you:)

Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment



Buy it from: CLICK

Product Information:

“A therapeutic oil to help all hair types this Macadamia Healing Oil Treat will especially benefit to dry, coarse and damaged hair.

Shown to extend the life of colour treated hair by reducing fading and providing natural UV protection with an intense nourishment and long lasting, tangle-free, frizz-free finish which enables you to have a good hair day every day.

    Instant absorption
    Light-weight, non greasy feel
    Natural UV Protection
    Reduces Drying time 40-50% faster
    Hair is ultra-smooth, manageable and shiny”


使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:我超愛用護髮油,但係一定唔可以油笠笠。 我初初倒出黎個下覺得呢隻油都好厚身,望落好似好笠,不過搽落頭髮個度又一d都唔會笠,仲好乾身添!!  呢隻油可以用係乾髮或者微濕既頭髮上面。 乾髮用就可以加翻d營養落頭髮,望落會無咁多飛起既毛毛同埋會令頭髮令身d。 我自己覺得最正既時間用佢係洗完頭印乾頭髮後吹頭前。 我搽完佢吹頭真係用少好多時間,頭髮快乾好多。 同埋吹完效果係勁正。 頭髮好整齊同埋好令身(但係唔會硬咗),亦都無咩飛起既毛毛!! 效果好正!!! 我而家剪咗陰,所以我要吹下頭,用佢真係用上癮,用佢黎吹係又靚又令。 我亦都有試過唔用佢黎吹,個落差真係太大! 唔用佢既時候,吹完個下真係自己都覺得自己頭髮好乾!! 所以我覺得我無咗佢唔得,哈哈!! 個效果好掂!! 另外有樣野我最鍾意係佢隻味超級香同埋個香味last好耐,搽完連頭髮都好誘人!! 超勁!! 仲有,佢有自然防曬功效,即係話搽完佢,佢會保護頭髮唔好俾紫外線傷害!! 係咪好good先?  我上次唔知佢好唔好用,所以買咗呢個30ml,佢有大size,我一用完就會買125ml! 我實左太迷亂呢枝產品喇!! 如果你地有興趣,你可以去呢度買:CLICK

(English:  Product Review:  I love using hair oil but it can’t be heavy/ sticky.  When I poured this out the first time, it looked really thick but when I applied it on my hair, it didn’t feel heavy or sticky – which is great!  This can be used on dry or damp hair.  When it’s used on dry hair, it adds back nutrients and there is less frizz plus hair looks shinier.  Personally, I think the best time to use this is after washing and drying your hair with a towel but before the blow drying time.  After I apply this on my damp hair, I find that my blow drying time significantly diminishes.  I absolutely love the results.  Hair looks tidy and shiny (but it’s not hard core), the frizz is all gone as well!  Amazing eh?  I now have fringe, so I have to blow dry my hair and I am addicted to using this oil because it makes my hair look healthy and good.  I try not using it just to compare the difference, I would say even I can’t stand how dry my hair look without the help of this oil.  I don’t think I can live without this.  It’s just great!!  Plus, it has a great scent and the scent is really long lasting.  My hair smells really attractive after using it!!  NICE!!!  What’s more, it offers a natural UV protection to hair, which means that it protects your hair from UV rays’ harm.  Fantastic, isn’t it?  When I first got it, I didn’t know it was this good, so I got the small size to try first.  Guess what, when I finish this, I am gonna get my hands on the 125ml bottle *Laughs*.  If you are interested, you can get yours from here: CLICK!)



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