[化妝] 粉紅韓國大眼仔

大家都知我好少帶con,原因係我對眼太乾! 其實雖然我唔係日日帶,但係我都會留意大眼仔,因為我覺得化妝俾大家睇既時候帶咗大眼仔真係成個感覺會唔同哂! 呢幾次化妝都用咗我係網上買既韓國大眼仔, 今日想show對粉紅色俾大家睇下!

(English:  You all know that I seldom wear contact lens due to extreme dryness of my eyes!!  Even though I don’t wear them everyday, I do pay attention to the circle lens because I feel that it makes the look more complete if I am doing a makeup look for you guys!!  I have been using some Korean circle lens in my recent makeup tutorials and I want to particularly show a pink pair today!)

Rose Heart Pink 

價錢(Price):Original USD28.84; Now USD17.84

Buy it from: http://www.cocopiel.com
Product link: http://www.cocopiel.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/2615/cid/225

我呢對係6-12個月既! 佢地網站都有One Day可以揀!

(English:  Mine lasts for 6-12 months.  There are One Day ones on their website as well!)


(English:  The shopping experience is nice and easy.  Just go to their website, choose the pairs that you love, pay with paypal and they will ship the goodies to you from Korean!)

粉紅色!!! 我揾咗粉紅色好耐喇!!!好靚好特別呀!!

(English:  Pink!!!  I have been looking for a nice pink pair for so long!!  Very nice and special!!!)




個效果都好特別! 帶上去唔係過份粉紅,但係感覺就同其他顏色好唔同! 我個人比較浮誇d,我揀大眼仔通常都係有色,望落特別d!!!哈哈!!

(English:  I love the effect!!  It doesn’t look ridiculously pink on the eye balls.  It definitely looks different from other colors! I personally love color circle lens because I think they are just fab!!! *Laughs*)

 之前我都有用過其他兩隻色係d video度:

(English:  I have used two other pairs in these two videos too:)

Sky3color Gray 

 Product Link: http://www.cocopiel.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/3852/cid/149

Sky3color Brown

Product Link: http://www.cocopiel.com/Product/Detail/view/pid/3828/cid/148


(English:  If you are interested, just drop by the website and take a look!)

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