[保養] 眼部防曬+調色+去黑眼圈產品

好興奮呀!! 好興奮呀!! 我想買眼部防曬產品好耐,但係一係就唔多品牌有,一係就試過上手覺得好油! 有日去我Makeup Artist(MUA)個朋友度見佢有一set眼部產品,見平平地買黎玩下! 點知一試愛上呀!! 好掂!! 掂到本身我諗住拍咗片先寫review,但係實在忍唔住,我要同大家分享咗先!!

(English: Super excited!!! I have been wanting to get a sunscreen specifically for the eye area for a really long time and usually I encounter the following obstacles: 1. Not many brands make them and 2. The texture is too oily. Last week, I went to haul something from the Makeup Artist place and saw this set, I thought I wanted to give it a go because the price is very friendly (for eye products), guess what? I immediately fell in love with it!! Brilliant!!! I wanted to save it for a video shooting, but I just can’t wait, I have to share my thoughts on this product with you!!)

Quin Rose Eye UV Solution SPF30 PA+++

價錢(Price):HK$285/ set (10ml in each tube i.e. 20ml in total) 

Made in France


Before Blending




(English: Why did I want to get some sunscreen product for my eyes? It’s because I feel that we constantly apply sunscreen on our face but we tend to forget to protect our eyes. With this, usually the areas end up with lines and darker shade. So I just feel the need to really take care of the eye areas!!) 

使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感: 佢個質地唧出黎個陣係杰少少既lotion狀,好易可以印開(眼部係要印開唔係推開)。質地唔厚身,反而我覺得印開之後好薄身。 佢無咩油份,所以印開之後個感覺係清爽同埋唔會覺得好heavy呀!!!! 你見佢有少少顏色,呢個亦都有調色作用,佢有少少似CC Cream,會跟你皮膚顏色作出少少改變,亦都可以起遮瑕作用。我通常用佢,之後先上foundation(foundation都要搽眼位),咁之後唔用遮瑕膏都睇唔到我個黑眼圈!! 超掂!! 當然啦,佢個色雖然會轉變,但係望落唔會好自然。 如果你無搽粉底既習慣,就記得用好少,慢慢印開,千祈唔好用太多,如果唔係出黎效果唔自然架!! 如果你有搽粉底/BB Cream/CC Cream既習慣,就搽咗呢個eye cream先,之後on top搽foundation!!超愛!!!個效果真係好正!! 仲有,佢有SPF30,真係唔少,我覺得一般情況都已經好夠用!! 另外,佢亦都有我最愛既玫瑰香味!!! 用個陣超級浪漫!! 哈哈哈!!!我仲未講完(真係太興奮喇),佢入面有rose同埋chamomile既成份,可以幫助減淡黑眼圈, 我覺得呢點同佢有防曬function都有關係。 我用咗一個星期真係覺得有少少反應丫!! 我照鏡覺得我個黑眼圈淺咗少少!! 呵呵!! 我本身想試多一頭半個月先同大家分享諗住講下佢個去黑眼圈效果點樣,但係我真係忍唔住,淨係講佢個價錢,調色功效同埋防曬功能就已經夠要推下俾大家!! 雖然我見佢對我個千年眼圈有少少效果,但係我唔會咁開心住,我要繼續試佢,遲多幾個星期再同大家分享一下(不過黑眼圈之會係淺咗,唔會無咗架)! 好好好推呀!!!! 真係爆好用,你地都要快d試~~大家記住,因為佢有SPF,所以淨係朝早先好用。夜晚用翻無SPF既eye cream!

(English: Product Review: The texture is quite solid but it feels a
bit lotion-ary. It’s easy to blend using the press motion of the
fingers. After spreading the product out, it feels really light on
skin!! It doesn’t feel like there is any oil in the product, so it
doesn’t feel heavy at all!!! You can see that the product itself comes
in beige color and it can tune the skin color. It somehow is similar to
the CC Cream concept that it will trace your skin color and modify its
own color lightly, this can be used to conceal your dark circles. I
usually use this first, then I will apply the foundation on top. Then
after this, I don’t really need concealer anymore and I can’t even see
my dark circles!! Brilliant!! Of course, though its color changes, it
doesn’t look too natural if you apply it on its own. Remember, if you
don’t use any foundation or BB Cream, you only need to use a tiny bit,
don’t use too much, otherwise, you will have two stripes of white!! If
you use foundation/ BB Cream/ CC Cream, then use this eye cream
before applying your foundation/ BB cream or CC cream!! I really love
it because the results are just great!! Plus, it has SPF30, so it works
in most situations!!! Other than that, it has my beloved rose scent,
so you can imagine how happy I am whenever I use this!!! *Laughs* I am
not done HAHA (too excited), it contains rose and chamomile ingredients
and they help reduce the appearance of dark circles, I think this
has something to do with the SPF as well. I have been using it for a
week, and I feel that my dark circles have faded a wee bit!!! I
originally wanted to give it a test for 3-4 weeks before I talk about
its reducing dark circles function, but I just can’t help it!! Its
price, conealing and sunscreen functions provide me enough reasons to
highly recommend this product to you already. Though I see some results
in reducing the dark circles, I won’t be overjoyed, I will continue to
use it and let you know what my findings are after a good few weeks.
Highly recommended, you should try it too~~~ Remember, it contains SPF,
so only use it in the morning, use other eye creams at night!)

註: Quin呢個品牌係Italy品牌,我盒eye cream係made in France,我上網search過佢唔多資料,我諗係同佢專做美容院生意有關。 不過我見Made in France就安心用~~我唔去美容院,所以我唔知邊間有,我係MUA間店度買!

(English: Remarks: Quin is an Italian brand and my set of eye creams are made in France. I did some research on the internet and there is not much information about the brand, I think it’s because it’s more associated with beauty salons than retail. However, I feel safe to use when I see “Made in France”. I don’t go to beauty salons, so I am not sure which salons would carry their products. I got these from the MUA store!)

Makeup Artist店舖地址:尖沙咀利時商場10樓08室 (Monday – Saturday 1pm to 7pm)。 大家記得個日要落去就打個電話俾佢先,佢成日出job,我怕你地白行。 仲有,你地落去買野記得同佢講話係黑咪介紹,佢會俾95折俾你。 佢電話:6169-3166 Molly


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