[保養] 去黃超讚既面膜

有d野買完好耐亦都用完好耐, 但係我就係唔知做咩成日未出文! 用完都未出文未必係因為唔好用(唔好用我都會講), 多數都係因為我成日想寫咗某d野先, 先會搞到有d產品遲遲未寫。 哈哈! 呢個產品就係其中既一個喇!

(English:  Some of the stuff that I bought awhile ago were actually used up awhile ago too!  But I am not sure why my blog posts haven’t been really on time!  The reason the blog posts are delayed from time to time is not necessarily because the products suck.  It’s just that sometimes I do want to write about some other stuff first, hence, the delay!  Well, this is one of the example:)

LUSH 綠茶人參雪糕面膜
LUSH The Sacred Truth

價錢(Price):HK$149/ 100g

Product Information:


主要成份 : 綠茶、人參、木瓜、銀杏及玫瑰香薰精華油”

(English: “The truth is, we all need protection from ageing. The vital antioxidant
action of wheatgrass, ginseng and green tea combines with fresh papaya,
cleansing clays and nutritious butters to defend the skin. This mask
delivers live, fresh, active ingredients, which enhance and refresh the
complexion. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave for five
to ten minutes, and then rinse away with warm water. Keep chilled.”


唉, 2月19日過期, 當然我係過期前已經用完佢啦, 但係我就到5月先出文! 哈哈! 我d文章都好過期下!! 呵呵!!

(English:  *Sighs*  The mask expired on Feb 19th.  Of course I used it up before the expiry date, however, I waited till June to issue the blog post!  *Laughs*  Somehow I think my blog posts are quite outdated *winks*!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage): 1 jar

用後感:綠茶有好好既抗氧化功效就唔洗多講, 所以平日我除咗多飲綠茶之外, 我都會用下有綠茶成份嘅產品。 呢個面膜主要功效係抗老同美白皮膚。 老實講, 抗老我就睇唔到d咩功效喇(都啱既, 佢又唔係叫做神仙面膜)。 反而美白去暗就勁正! 呢個面膜係雪糕面膜, 所以一定要放落雪櫃! 敷上面個陣凍凍地感覺好refreshing! 敷完過水都好容易過得清, 最正即時會見到皮膚明亮咗好多同埋d暗同黃唔見sa!! 效果真係好明顯!!  讚讚讚!呢個明亮效果都維持到三四日, 都算係咁喇! 嗱, 如果你話保濕呢, 我唔多覺佢係呢方面做得好好。 呢個mask我自己回購度超高, 因為敷完之後好多時我都覺得自己係另一個人(哈哈!!)。 如果你皮膚時不時有暗同黃嘅情況我都好推介你用呢隻面膜!

(English:  Product Review:  We all know that green tea has a very good anti-oxidizing function, so apart from drinking green tea a lot, I also look out for products with green tea ingredient as well.  This mask is mainly for anti-aging and brightening.  Honestly, I didn’t see any special effect on anti-aging (it’s not some kind of magical mask).  On the other hand, I was amazed with its brightening effect!!  This is an “ice cream” mask, so it has to stay in the fridge.  When it’s applied on face, the feeling was refreshing.  It was easy to remove with water.  The most amazing thing was that the effect was instant!  All the dullness and yellowish tone on face were gone!!  It was SO OBVIOUS as well!!  Wonderful!!!  The effect lasted around 3-4 days – not bad!!  Hmmm…if you are wondering if this mask hydrates really well as well – nope!  I didn’t feel any difference on the hydration.  I have a high chance to repurchase this mask because I feel like another person after using this mask *laughs*!!  If you encounter dullness problem from time to time, I would highly recommend this mask!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.lush.com.hk)

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