
唔知係呢期生活唔正常定係我老人chi呆, 我成日以為我寫左以下既產品, 我用完連個樽都掉埋先醒起我原來咩都無寫過.  咁都得!!  我都真係有d服左自己.  不過唔緊要, 雖然我有d想影既相係無影過 (我又以為自己影左), 但係我仲有張product picture.  睇下個樣先丫:

(English:  Not sure if it’s due to my really hectic schedule these days or I am getting old and forgetful, I “imagined” that I shared with you my comments regarding the following product, but I haven’t!!  Now I have already thrown away the bottle and suddenly remember that I haven’t even written one single word for it!  Ahhhh….I am so “proud” of myself!  Well, luckily, I still have the product picture which was taken last year (I thought I took more!).  Let’s take a look at the product:)

L’Occitane Repairing Serum 深層修護滋潤精華素

價錢 (Price): HK$220/ 100ml

Product Information:

“無需沖洗的修護精華素,揉合 5 種精華油的天然複合物,發揮柔順及滋養作用,防止髮絲飛翹。配方不油不膩,在髮絲表面形成保護膜,保護秀髮免受環境因素侵損,令秀髮保持亮麗,髮色持久鮮艷。”

(English: This leave-on serum smoothes and nourishes hair. It repairs split ends and prevents frizz. The non-greasy formula protects against the damaging effects of environmental stresses and preserves the shine of hair and the brightness of color.)


我無影到texture picture呀!!! 嗚嗚嗚…唯有聽我講啦.  佢個texture係lotion狀ga!  唔杰身同埋都爽身, 唔會chi lup lup.

(English:  I didn’t take any picture regarding the texture! *cries*  No choice but have to listen to me then.  Its texture is of a lotion texture.  It doesn’t feel sticky/ greasy on hair, on the contrary, it feels quite light on hair.)

使用次數 (No. of Usage):  1 bottle

用 後感:  我好鍾意佢個lotion質感!  搽上頭髮唔會覺得佢漿住d頭髮, 感覺爽身同有彈性, 一d都無chi lup lup個感覺 – 讚!  仲有就係佢好香, 搽左連d頭髮都香埋, 雖然唔會keep到成日, 但係都keep到大半日, 唔錯.  最重要當然係效果啦.  搽完佢覺得d頭髮真係令身左, 有光澤, 同埋我係curly hair, 佢都keep到我d頭髮有空氣感, 呢點真係好正.  望落d頭髮真係靚左 !  至於話會令到d頭髮無咁開叉, 我又覺得唔算好大分別, 有少少幫忙啦, 因為搽係髮尾, d頭髮望落同摸落無咁乾.  Overall, 我係好鍾意呢枝野, 但係價錢真係太貴喇, HK$220先有100ml, 其實都幾快可以用得完.  如果比我買到我之前分享過Avon隻精華 (回顧按此), 佢地可以做到個效果差唔多, 咁我就唔會回購呢枝.  但係如果買唔到, 咁呢枝東東當然會係我回購list入面啦 (人都係現實, 價錢親民又好用最緊要).

(English:  After-use Comment:  I am absolutely in love with its lotion texture!  It doesn’t make your hair stick together, it feels light and adds the bounce to the hair – thumbs-up!  In addition, it smells really NICE, the hair smells wonderful afterwards.  Even though the scent can’t sustain for a whole day, it stays on for at least half a day!  Fabulous!  Most important thing would be its effect.  After applying it, hair looks shinier.  I have curly hair and it doesn’t weigh down my hair, my hair still looks bouncy and alive!  When I look at my hair, I can only say that it looks quite amazing .  As for the split ends, I don’t think it makes a huge difference, but it definitely helps to moisturize the ends, so it won’t feel dry to touch.  Overall speaking, I am in love with this product, but I have to admit that the price is a put off.  For 100ml, it costs like HK$220.  Frankly, I think it’s a bit too pricey for a hair serum.  If I could get the one from Avon which I shared my comments earlier (refresh memory) and they promises similar effects, I would for sure opt for Avon’s.  However, if I cannot get a hold of Avon’s, then this product will be on my repurchasing list (well I’m very realistic, I’m always for products with friendly price tags and offer good results!).)

P.S.  呢期好似都幾好彩, 無咩用到好廢既產品, 突然間好想寫下廢野添~  等我諗真d, 係我無咩試到, 定係我又掉左唔記得!

(English:  P.S.  I feel quite lucky these days that I haven’t really experienced any trashy product.  I suddenly have an urge to write on some trashy product.  Now let me think hard to double confirm if it’s the fact that I haven’t got any, or if I have already thrown them into the bin!)

(the above product is extracted from http://hk.loccitane.com)

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