[敗家] 台灣美鞋篇

去台灣唔係淨係可以買化妝品護膚品。 我今年見香港d鞋款無咩特別得嚟價錢又嚇人, 我無咩點入手(入左兩對啦, 遲d影俾大家睇)。 去到台灣我見好多靚鞋wor, 雖然唔係特別平, 但係我都覺得買得過, 點解? 睇落就知喇。

(English:  Apart from hauling skincare and cosmetics products in Taiwan, you could haul shoes too!  This year, I find the shoes/ boots in Hong Kong are not interesting, something with a simple design has a scary price tag, I almost didn’t get any new shoes/ boots (I got two pairs, will shoot pics for you all to see later).  When I arrived in Taiwan, I saw that they had some fab shoes/ boots!  Even though they were not hugely cheap, I still got some.  Why?  Read on and you’ll know.)

之前我睇台灣blogger講有間鞋店叫ABC MART, 入面有好多唔同嘅鞋款, 我就搵左佢地嘅地址諗住經過就入去望望。 我先去好近士林嗰間, 但係嗰間無我好想買個對鞋, 於是我就咩都無買行出嚟。 諗住無得買啦, 點知有日去西門叮, 又見到呢間鞋店, 即刻碌入去睇。

(English:  I knew from the Taiwanese bloggers that there is a shoe store called ABC MART.  I looked up their address online and planned to take a look.  At first I went to its store very close to one of the night markets, but I didn’t see the pair of boots that I wanted.  And, I came out empty-handed.  While I was thinking that I couldn’t get it, I passed by another ABC MART store in another location, I immediately went in and took a look.)

呢對係日本款呀, 所以佢分嘅碼係S/ M/ L/ XL。

(English:  This pair is Japanese-styled.  Its sizes are S/ M/ L/ XL.)
因為我都幾高, 所以我要著最大(即係XL)。 原本個哥哥仔話呢個款無XL喇, 但係我話我真係好鍾意(我好有誠意用我好爛嘅國語同佢講), 佢俾我打動咗話再幫我入闖搵揾! 過左一陣, 佢好開心咁拎住呢盒野跳出嚟, 話俾佢揾到最後一對(又係最後??)。 即試即買。

(English:  Since I am quite tall, I have long feet and I need XL!  At first, the sales person told me that the XL was sold out, then I told him sincerely how much I loved this pair of boots (yea using my very broken Mandarin).  I guess he was touched and then he said he checked the stock for me again.  After a brief while, he jumped out with a box in his hands with great joy, saying that he found me the last pair (AGAIN???)!!)

我咁愛呢對鞋嘅原因係佢有三個著法呀!! 睇下面就知係點喇:

(English:  The reason I wanted this pair so much was because you could wear it in 3 different ways.  Here they are:)

Method No. 1

Method No. 2

Method No. 3

我嘅大愛當然係第三個著法啦!! 超有型, 個爭又唔太高! 好靚。 我唔記得exactly係幾多錢, 我淨係記得大概台幣二千頭啦。

(English:  My favourite way is the No. 3!  I love everything about it and the fact that its heels are not too high!  I can’t remember how much it costs exactly but I recall that it’s slightly more than NT2000.)

另一對就女仔d, 都係喺ABC MART敗嘅(係, 一次過敗左兩對)。  佢地仲係同一牌子添。

(English:  The other pair is a bit girly and it’s from ABC MART as well.  It’s the same brand as the previous boots.)

呢對深啡色, 好鍾意d毛毛!

(English:  This pair is chocolate brown and I love the “fur”!!)

呢對都有兩個著法, 就係反落嚟(好似上圖咁)或者反上去(好似下圖咁)。

(English:  You could wear it different ways too: 1) as the above picture and 2) as the picture below:)

我記得呢對都係台幣二千頭。 價錢中等啦。  我就好滿意喇。 哈哈!!

(English:  It costs slightly more than NT2000.  I think it’s reasonable!  I am so thrilled with both pairs *laughs*!!)

另外呢對呢, 唔係喺ABC MART買, 係我行行下見到有間野寫住NT168, 我仲問Mr Honey: NT168係一隻鞋定兩隻鞋呀? 佢即刻叫我入去睇話咁平一定要我買一對(可能佢怕我唔買會後恢)。

(English:  The last pair, I didn’t get this from ABC MART.  I bought this pair at a random store.  I saw the sign of NT168 and I asked Mr Honey, “is NT168 for 1 feet or two?”  He immediately dragged me in saying that it was really reasonable and I had to get a pair (maybe he got scared that I would regret if I didn’t get them??).)

哈哈, 係抄UGG嘅, 不過入面都係毛毛, 著落都好暖, 加上價錢真係無械可擊, 諗都無諗就敗左啦。 凍起上嚟真係用得著喇。

(English:  *laughs* A UGG replica!  My feet feel so warm when I wear it!  The price is too friendly to be true!  It would be of good use during colder weather!)

好開心, 連鞋都買到好多對。 最開心當然係我買到我好想對靚鞋(最後一對)。 下次你地去台灣都可以去ABC MART留意下, 有好多款可以選擇。 佢連男裝都有㗎, 咁如果同你另一半去唔驚佢悶啦。

(English:  Super happy that I was able to get so many pair of shoes!  The most happy incident was that I got the exact pair I wanted (and the last pair in that store).  Next time when you visit Taiwan, take a look at ABC MART, there are many shoes/ boots to choose from.  Oh and they have sections for men as well!!  If you are going with your other half, then he wouldn’t be bored to death and bug you *laughs*!!)

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