[保養] 秋冬保濕補品精華素

雖然天氣未涼,但係我覺得天氣正左轉變!由我起身sneeze到眼都腫埋(鼻敏感)就知喇!! 各大品牌都應該出左一d新既保濕產品打秋冬市場! 但係呢,你地覺得唔覺得呢d天氣真係好難搞?搽太潤又唔得,搽得唔夠又會乾。同埋因為天然唔穩定,所以搽新產品又有危險!哈哈!!真係好多野要兼顧丫!! 

(English:  Even though it doesn’t feel like Autumn yet (temperature-wise), I feel that the weather is changing!  I know this because I sneeze so many times when I wake up everyday (nose allergy)!! I believe many brands have released some form of new hydrating products into the market!  However, do you feel that it’s quite hard to take care of your skin during this kind of weather?  Can’t be too much and can’t be too less!!  Also, due to the changing weather, application of new products might impose a risk as well – ha – so many things to think about!!)

我未衝去買d咩新保濕產品(係買左Keihl’s + Laneige),最大原因係我屋企有以下呢個產品!!哈哈!!以前我都用左好幾枝,不過當年未寫blog,所以無得分享! 我前幾個月敗咗佢, 諗住記錄下同埋同你地分享下!

(English:  I haven’t got much new skincare items for this season (yea got Kiehl’s and Lanegie.  The main reason is because I have the following product at home!! *Laughs*  I used up quite a few bottles in the past, however, I hadn’t start blogging, so I didn’t get a chance to share the comments on the product with you.  I got this a few months back and now I can make a record and share my views with you!)

Aesop Oil-free Facial Hydrating Serum

價錢(Price):HK$470/ 100ml


使用次數(No. of Usage):Finished 4-5 bottles (!!)
用後感:每當轉季,我一係就用天然野,一係就用SKII, 一係用抗敏保濕產品!我覺得呢三個組別真係可以減低轉季帶黎皮膚既不穩定! Aesop既產品係天然野,所以用轉季用落好放心。 佢個texture都好搞野,望落係普通既稀身lotion texture, 搽落面個下要手快去推,推完呢會覺得塊面有少少痴痴地,但係過一兩分鐘,吸哂就會覺得好爽好保濕。正因為個texture係咁, 你搽完佢要等佢吸咗先好搽cream,唔係會搞到唔上唔落,兩樣都吸唔到呀!  搽完個下覺得好保濕,同埋我之前成個冬天都用佢(之後再加cream),成個冬天都無甩皮! 所以我一直都覺得佢個保濕效果好讚, 呢個都係我不斷回購既原因! 另外,聞落佢係無咩味,轉季用真係掂, 唔洗擔心產品裡面既fragrance太刺激! 仲有,我真係超級愛佢係oil-free! 唔係話有油既野唔好,我係乾皮膚我都要油,但係香港既天然真係變化太大,無油既產品可以係一年四季都啱, 但係有油既就唔得喇! 所以我覺得佢無油係一大優點!唔止而家用得,春夏都無問題! 哈,如果你有痘痘都用得呢下真係好讚!! 我超鍾意Aesop呢隻保濕精華,亦都好推介俾大家!!如果你想為你既護膚品轉季又想敗枝精華,去試下呢枝丫!!私心推介呀!!

(Product Review:  For every season change, I usually use either natural products or SKII or hydrating products for sensitive skin!  I feel these 3 groups of product minimize the risk to skin that the weather might impose.  Aesop’s products are natural, therefore I don’t have to worry about anything when I use them during season change!  The texture of this serum is quite interesting.  When you look at it, it looks like the normal light lotion.  When you apply it on your skin, you have to massage quickly.  After that, you feel that the skin is a bit sticky.  That’s fine because after 1-2 minutes, it will get totally absorbed into skin and skin would feel very fresh and hydrated!!  Due to its special texture, you have to wait for it to be totally absorbed before applying any cream on top, otherwise, both won’t be absorbed really well (wasting the products).  After application, I feel that my skin is really hydrated and I used this during Winter before (plus cream on top), I hadn’t got a flake of skin for the whole Winter, so it has really great hydrating properties and this is the reason why I keep repurchasing this item!  Also, it doesn’t has any scent, so there is no need to worry about the fragrance being too irritating to skin.  Furthermore, I really love the fact that it’s oil-free!!  I am not saying products containing oil is not good (I have dry skin, I need a bit of oil).  It’s just that the weather here can fluctuate quite a bit, an oil-free product means we could use it in every season.  Ohhh btw, if you have oily skin types or acne prone skin, this is suitable for you as well!!  Wonderful!!!  I highly recommend this product to anyone with an urge to change your skincare items and want to look for a new hydrating serum!  Go try it at the counter!!)

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