[保養] 又一平價防曬產品

收到呢枝防曬都好一段時間,即係話我亦都試用左好耐。 雖然傳統上我地已經立咗秋,但係太陽伯伯都未遠我地而去,所以防曬功夫一定要做足! 你地成日叫我介紹防曬產品,今日就睇下呢一個啦!!

(English: I have received this product for a good while, that means I have been testing it out for a good amount of time as well. Though in Chinese calendar, we have officially entered into Autumn, however, sun is still shining brightly, which in turn means that we can’t forget to put on sunscreen! You ladies have been asking me to talk more about sunscreen products, how about this one?)

Hada Labo Aqua UV Day Emulsion SPF50 PA+++

價錢(Price):HK$149/ 30g


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):30 times

用後感: 呢隻防曬個質地唧出黎個陣係實實地既lotion狀,望落一d都唔稀身,我初初見到既時候以為佢推開會好厚,但係一d都無喎。 佢好易推得開得黎又有少少潤,但係就唔會焗住皮膚! 我覺得佢隻質感唔係爽身,所以如果你係乾性皮膚,我覺得會比較適合。如果你係油性既皮膚,我覺得你可能會覺得有少少笠身。我覺得呢隻產品入秋用都好好,因為佢有滋潤效果,有時入秋真係無啦啦皮膚邊得好乾,我覺得用佢唔會過笠但係又唔會唔夠。勤力搽防曬可以抗老,所以我覺得佢話佢可以抗老呢點係好make sense。 最正當然係佢有SPF50度防曬啦!!唔洗成日補搽真係方便好多!! 有興趣可以自己去睇下丫!! 都係平靚正既一個選擇!! 

(English: Product Review: The texture of this sunscreen is quite a solid lotion base, when I look at it, it doesn’t look runny as well. At first, I thought it might be a bit thick to apply, but to my surprise, it’s really easy to blend and it has a good moisturizing effect on skin. It definitely lets your skin breathe. I feel that its texture is not really light, so I think it’s more suitable for dry skin type. If you have oily skin type, you might want to opt for something lighter than this, otherwise, you might feel it’s a bit heavy on skin. I think it’s a very good product to get in the preparation of moving into Autumn, because it’s moisturizing (sometimes Autumn can be really drying), it’s has the happy medium of texture! Putting on sunscreen diligently can delay aging process, so when it says it can help anti-age, that makes a lot of sense. Of course, the best part is that it has SPF50 and I don’t need to frequently reapplying the product – very convenient! If you are interested, you can take a look!! Quite a good choice given the price tag!!)



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