[保養] 強強強保濕面膜

保濕係我一年四季都好著重既步驟,如果保濕做得唔好就好似個底打得唔好一樣,之後做咩無用~ 其實大家成日問我有無咩可以收毛孔,我成日都講如果你保濕做得好好就唔會毛孔粗大呢個問題喇!! 遲d再同大家分享多少少無毛孔對策啦~~ 今日講下呢個保濕好強既面膜先:

(English:  As I said many many times, hydrating is a very important step to take care of your skin and it should be treated as the most important one despite different seasons.  If hydration is ignored, then it would be like “there is no solid foundation” and whatever you try to build on top won’t be effective.  Indeed, I got the question of “which product can help minimize my pores” quite a lot, and my reply always is “if you hydrate your skin properly, then you won’t have the pore problem”!!  I will probably talk about this on another day~~  Today I want to talk about this amazing hydrating mask:)

Loveisderma Deep Hydrating Mask


價錢(Price):HK$137/ box (3 pcs inside)

Buy from: 黑咪小店 / email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com

Made in Taiwan

Product Information:

“愛斯德瑪高效抗老保濕生物纖維面膜, 來自先進的生物技術製程, 超細纖維素纖維結構, 完全服貼像極第二層皮膚! 獨特結構可以承載吸附多倍重量的精華, 特別適合臉部肌膚紋理。 隔絕空氣, 提高臉部溫度通暢毛孔, 讓成份完整吸收, 使肌膚看起來更加洋溢健康青春。 每一片生物纖維素面膜都是天然, 超細纖維素纖維結構, 可讓水氣、氣體通透,流體卻不會透流特性 可完整貼合肌膚紋理,進行皮膚深度保養,促進活性成分吸收。 30分鐘後提高肌膚保水度, 關鍵在於我們面膜的生物相容滲透技術 Biocompatible Delivery System, 使成分滲入皮膚角質層,集合抗老除皺保濕活性成分,多效合一設計,發揮面膜最大效能。 30分鐘後提高肌膚保水度, 關鍵在於我們面膜的生物相容滲透技術 Biocompatible Delivery System, 使成分滲入皮膚角質層,集合抗老除皺保濕活性成分,多效合一設計,發揮面膜最大效能。

蘆薈葉露、玻尿酸、甘草根萃取物、小黃瓜、海藻、德國洋甘菊、水解酵母蛋白 ”


Hydrating Mask in Progress


使用次數(No. of Usage):6 times

用後感: 張mask好有份量,我拎出嚟個下覺得重重地,再望下原來係50ml per piece,唔怪得咁聚手! 之後我又諗:唔知會唔會滴水(我既paper mask大忌)。。。 敷上面個下覺得好貼同埋貼得都嘅實,唔會郁兩郁個mask周圍移! 呢個mask都要敷幾耐下,要敷半個鐘頭,俾平日d mask敷耐d時間! 哈,我敷緊個陣一d都無滴野,同埋敷咗半個鐘張mask都唔會乾!! 正丫!! 我拎走張mask個下覺得係有d精華留係面上,但係唔係過份多,所以真係按兩下就吸收哂! 敷完之後發覺皮膚好夠水,仲漲卜卜!! 皮膚唔夠水個陣通常都會鞋手同埋好鬆,敷完之後呢d問題無哂,仲係摸落好滑同望落比較緊緻!! 掂呀!!! 佢個保濕效果last到三四日,所以唔洗日日敷,一星期敷2-3次都好夠喇!! 如果想再慳d就可以用佢同d平價mask隔住咁敷效果都唔錯!!  如果你有d重要日子,想個妝貼d,可以朝早敷一張,敷完直接上妝,咁個妝又會貼好多!! 正呀!!! 我超愛佢個效果,如果你揾緊保濕面膜,我超推你試呢款呀~~

(English:  Product Review: The mask is quite heavy and when I take it out from the box, I was like, “hmmmm….heavy….”, then I took a look and I noticed 50ml / piece!  No wonder!!  Then this went through my mind, “with the mask being so heavy, would it drip on me?” Yea if you follow me for a good while, you would know that I absolutely hate being dripped on when I use a paper mask!!  I apply it on my skin, the mask fits really well and it fits quite tightly (so it won’t move around when I walk)!  This mask needs to be on for 30 mins, it takes longer time when compared to other masks!!  Ha…but guess what!  During the 30 mins, the mask isn’t dripping and the mask won’t dry on me!!  Great!!  When I take away the mask, there is some serum left on the surface of the skin, but the amount is just right.  I massage it a bit and it gets totally absorbed!!  I must admit that after application, my skin feels very hydrated and bouncy!!  When skin doesn’t content enough hydration, it usually feels quite rough and looks saggy!  This mask kills these two problems in just 30 mins.  Wonderful!!  Its hydration effect lasts for 3-4 days, so you don’t need to use it everyday, 2-3 times a week is good enough.  If you want to be a bit frugal, you can use this with other cheaper choices alternatively.  Also, if you have an important day and you want to make sure your makeup looks very nice on skin, use one of these in the morning prior to makeup, you will find that your makeup would last longer and look better!!  I love it personally and if you want to try a new hydrating mask, I would highly recommend this one for you!!)



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