[職場] 同事成日問我著咁靚去邊

睇到個title係咪覺得有d奇怪?我寫扮靚野麻,無啦啦寫咩職場? 其實係咁既,我有日追緊台灣blogger既文,見佢地開始寫兩性(真係開個mailbox俾人問佢地問題意見),我覺得好搞野,但係兩性我又無咩inspiration(聽到有咩特別故仔再講)。因為我都係返工族,所以我突然間覺得寫下職場d搞笑野好過,可以同大家仲有共鳴!哈哈!!當然啦,為保護某些人物,佢地既身份係受到保護。 雖然我要講既都係親身/朋友經歷,但係我希望大家都懷住輕鬆既心情去睇下笑下什至乎講下”咁都得”就好喇。人物來由邊間公司都唔緊要! 好唔好?

(English:  Feel weird when you look at the title?  I focus on writing beauty stuff, why suddenly write about some office life?  Actually, I had been reading some Taiwanese bloggers’ posts and they start to write about “Relationships” (they really do have a separate mailbox to gather enquiries), I feel the concept is really fun, however, I haven’t been really inspired to talk about “Relationships” (maybe wait till I have heard some good stories).  Instead, I am in the job market as well and I suddenly feel that it would be fun to write about office life, maybe it will create a better connection with you all!  *Laughs*  Of course, some of my story characters are under protection and I won’t reveal their identity.  Even though the stories are based on true stories (mine or my friends’), but I really hope that you could relax and enjoy the story itself, laugh at it, or even say “what the hell?”.  The characters and the companies don’t matter!  OK?)有一日,我個朋友K打俾我同我講:”做咩我公司d人咁煩架,著靚d個日佢地個個都問,我做咩呀? 今日著到咁,去飲呀?”
(English: One day, Friend K called and said, “what’s up with the people in my company!!  The day that I dress up, everyone asks, “what happens to you?” “why do you dress like this?”  “Are you going to a wedding?”)我問:”咁你個日做咩著咁靚jer?”

(English:  I asked, “so what happened to you??”)朋友K:” 無呀! 我心情靚囉,不過問問下靚都變唔靚, 好煩!”

(English: Friend K said, “nothing!!!!!  I was simply in dang good mood!  But after everyone started asking the same question, I was totally annoyed!!”我話:” 吓! 咁但係你著靚d唔係都會想人察覺ga咩?”

(English:  I asked, “Ohhhhhhh…but when you dress up, you want people to notice that right?”)朋友K:” 你唔明喇!佢地好8掛架!一陣又唔知聯想左去邊!”

(English:  Friend K said, “you don’t understand!!  They are way too curious!!  They must be imaging some storyline with my outfit!!”)我話:” 明!不過如果你著得咁靚又無人問你,你會唔會唔開心呢?”

(English:  I said, “understood, but IF you dress up and nobody mention anything, would it be upsetting?”朋友K無出聲(思考中)!

(English:  Friend K didn’t respond (probably in deep thoughts)!)我自己唔係日日都有心機著得好靚返工既人(雖然係扮靚達人,但係我都係普通人!),但係聽完朋友K既故仔,我有日用左d平價衫整個Chanel Look返工(見圖)。當日當然有好多同事問我係咪去飲,做咩著到咁elegant各樣各樣。係我記憶中應該係最多人同我講野既一日(唔係講笑)。 亦都當然有人係目光唔友善覺得我著得好招搖(但係我唔生事)。每當有人問我今日做咩個陣,我初初都係笑,話無咩呀! 之後我發覺人既好奇心真係好強,佢地覺得你要係做d野先著成咁, 如果你話無野,佢地係會追問落去唔罷休!之後我就索性話:係呀, 今晚要去一個生日會。 我開始咁答嘅時候我發現d人會好滿意同我講:係啦,我都覺得你有地方去威先會著成咁!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I am not the kind of person who dress up everyday for work (even though I am a beauty guru but I am still pretty ordinary!).  After hearing Friend K’s story, I decided to try the theory out and used some of the cheap clothing that I’ve got to create an affordable Chanel look (see pic).  I went to work with my pretend-to-be Chanel outfit and of course I did draw a lot of attention!  Many colleagues asked me, “ohh are you going to a wedding?  How come you dress so elegantly?” etc. etc.  It should be the highlight of my career as many people talked with me that day (not kidding).  And expectedly, some colleagues gave me some good stares and probably thought to themselves that I was an attention freak!  At first, my response to the questions was, “ nah…nothing really.” But I feel that that even drove up their curiosity to a sky high level, and they kept chasing me and asking the same questions.  Then I switched my response to, “Oh yea, I got a Birthday party to go to!”  *Laughs*  After giving them the “proper” answer, they would nod their heads and say, “yea that’s what I thought!!”  See!! The power of perception!)

其實佢地個腦已經有個觀念係”你要去街先會著到咁”, 咁我講無野滿足唔到佢地既好奇心(覺得我有野隱瞞),所以一定會追問落去。於是我就話我有街去滿足下佢地既perception!
(English: Well, they already have a perception in their mind that you must have a reason to dress up.  When I said NO, that answer didn’t satisfy them and they probably thought that I had something to hide!  Therefore, no wonder they kept asking!  So I did a spin and gave them what they wanted to hear!)掉轉頭諗, 我覺得我應該多謝我既同事覺得我個日好特別,因為諗真d人地覺得你唔同,instead of話你今日著得好靚 ,佢地用左另一個方式去問你,去想知你做咩! 如果呢d事都會發生係你身上,何不將佢地既言語當成係compliment既一種?咁自己唔會俾人搞到覺得好煩之餘,仲可以保持好心情。

(English:  On the other hand, I should thank all my colleague who thought I was dressed rather specially that day because they felt the difference.  Instead of simply saying, “oh woah, you dress really nice today.” They chose another way to express the same thought.  If these situations apply to you, why don’t you take it as a kind of compliment.  This way, you won’t be annoyed and you could still retain that “good mood”!)如果你著得靚個日,你都會想人問下你,你改變唔到人地問你既方法,但係你可以改變自己既心情去面對。如果有日你見你既同事都著得好靚咁返工,記得唔好問d usual questions喇!反而話:你今日好靚wor! 你個同事應該會好開心!!Happy Dressing Up!

(English:  If you dress up, I am sure secretly you would want others to notice that too!  You cannot change how people express their compliment, but you can definitely change your emotions to suit the situation.  Remember, if you see a colleague dressing up for work, don’t ask the usual questions!  Simply say, “oh you look so nice today!”  That would put a smile on everybody!!  Happy Dressing Up!!)

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