[美髮] 美髮產品一覽


(English:  Since my hair is not in tip top condition all the time, I have been using quite a few hair products.  I would say I probably use different hair products all through the year and the following are some of the products that I have been using for awhile (well there are others still sitting at the shelf not opened), I want to group this into 1 blog post so that you have a better idea of what I would recommend and such:)

Kose Happy Birthday Precious Rose Hair Cologne

價錢(Price):around HK$50 (?) Can’t remember exactly


我多數都係去完一d特別地方,例如食燒烤,Karaoke等等先會用佢, 去一去頭上面既油煙味。 咁有時見d咩特別人物,我都會噴一噴,等自己香一香,唔會人地同你行到好埋個時講野會聞到你個頭有陣唔知咩味。頭髮香香俾人感覺好清潔又整齊。我覺得佢真係可以除臭,同埋佢既香幾好聞得黎又last到幾個鐘!唔錯呀!!又唔貴呢!!細細枝袋出街又輕便!用完會回購!

(English:  This mist is mainly for refreshing your hair and killing the weird smell on your hair.  It smells quite nice and it doesn’t have hair care function, it just makes hair smell better.

I use this when I go to special places like Barbecue, Karaoke etc.  It helps to remove the strange smell of the hair.  It’s especially good when you are meeting someone special.  You use this on your hair so that your hair could smell really nice and when someone is leaning close to you to talk, they won’t smell some strange scent.  Hair smelling nicely is a sign of clean and respect.  I really feel that it can kick away the unwanted smell of the hair and it lasts for a good few hours!  Nice and it’s not expensive.  It can be put in purse when going out!  I will repurchase again!)

Tsubaki Water Damage Care

價錢(Price):around HK$88

呢枝都係細細枝,但係就主打係護髮。 係一隻免洗式既護髮噴霧!

呢枝我就係頭髮望落好乾,叉開個陣會用! 噴出黎既霧散得好平均,噴兩下再用手去抓一抓d頭髮,咁望落就有光澤得黎又唔會散開。 佢一d都唔笠, 所以我幾鐘意用佢。 佢個效果都可以維持大半日,所以我頭髮好乾既話,我一日噴兩次(上午同下午)。 佢又係細細枝帶出街方便丫!!雖然我覺得佢價錢偏貴,但係我覺得佢個效果好好,所以我用完如果唔想試新野我會再回購。呢個我好推俾d頭髮好散既人用!

(English:  This is a small size bottle specially designed for recovering damaged hair.  It’s a leave-in conditioner!

(I use this when I see my hair is exceptionally dry!  Its spray very nicely and its coverage is quite well.  I usually spray a couple times and then use my hand to grab the hair together, then my hair will become shiny and stick together.  It’s not heavy and sticky at all, so I quite like it!  Its effect last for half a day and if my hair is really dry for the day, I use it once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  It’s convenient to put in purse and go out as well.  Even though I feel that its price is a bit on the high side, I find the effect is really nice.  If I don’t want to try new products when I finish this, I will use it again!  I recommend it to people with super dry hair with flyaways.)

Lucido-L Hair Make Supplement Treatment Oil

價錢(Price):around HK$69.9 (?) Can’t remember exactly呢枝係油狀既護髮產品,話有少少造型效果,佢呢個系列有幾隻唔同既for唔同髮型,我呢隻係for wavy hair(我本身d頭髮係有少少curl)。
因為我頭髮太乾既關係,所以我好少用造型產品,反而我好多時都係用護髮產品,如果整curly hair,我都係會用hair serum唔會用mousse,mousse整出黎個型比較硬d,hair serum出黎個效果自然同埋可以護髮麻!! 呢隻唔好聽到佢係油就驚,呢隻個texture似dry oil!! 我會搽係乾既位置同髮尾,一d都唔笠架!!用咗之後,頭髮好令之餘,仲要感覺上lively咗, 無咁乾!!我覺得好good!!我而家日日都用佢, 佢個效果last到成日,掂!! 唔貴,會回購!

(English:  This is a oil form hair serum product and it has a tiny bit of hair styling effect.  The series consists of different colors of bottles for different types of hair, mine is for wavy hair (my hair is loosely curl for some reason.

Since my hair is very dry, so I don’t tend to use styling products.  I use hair care products most of the time.  If I perm my hair and it gets curly, I use hair serum instead of mousse.  The results of using mousse is quite hard and not natural, but using a hair serum would help the curls look more natural and it can nourish hair as well.  Don’t worry that it’s an oil-base product, the texture is more of a dry oil.  I use it on particularly dry areas and hair ends, it doesn’t feel sticky at all!  Hair is really shiny and lively after use and definitely less dry!  It’s good!  I use it everyday now and the effect can last for around a day – nice!  Not expensive and I would repurchase again!!)


Ma Cherie Perfect Shower

Bought from Japan


我晚晚瞓前會噴呢枝,原因同佢講既function無關(初初用我完全唔覺得我d頭髮有咩特別),只係我通常做完一日野,返到屋企髮尾會打kick,所以我會噴下先梳頭,等d頭髮好梳d! 我覺得佢講d function對我就真係無咩用,但係我就覺得佢個味好peachy!!噴完先去瞓就可以香住咁去訓覺喇!! 如果香港有得賣,我都唔會回購,我覺得呢枝野一d都唔特別!

(English:  I don’t quite understand the function of this since all writings are in Japanese.  My guess is that it’s a hair product.  I saw a couple Chinese words mentioning use before sleep and something related to hair will become straighter when wake up the next day.

I use this every night before sleep not because of its instruction and functions (well don’t really see hair become straighter).  It’s simply because after a day’s work, hair is not smooth.  So I spray this before I comb myself and it definitely makes hair smoother.  I don’t think its functions are effective but I like the peachy scent.  Quite good to use prior to bed! I won’t repurchase even though HK might sell it somewhere since I don’t think there is anything special about the product!)

L’Occitane Repairing Serum



呢個我之前都講過有幾好用,可以睇翻條link(d相無咗, 因為我係Yahoo搬過黎個時,可能d post太舊,佢食咗我d相)!!

(English: I used this before and you can read the comment in the following link (pics are gone due to the move from Yahoo to Blogger), for pics, please see the follows:)

Review on L’Occitane Repairing Serum

呢枝野貴得嚟我真係回購咗唔知幾多枝!!真係好啱curly hair用,用完個型靚得黎仲要有護髮作用!!

(English:  It’s expensive but I have repurchased don’t-know-how-many bottles!  It’s perfect for curly hair and it helps to set the hair nicely and it has good hydrating properties!)

Fino Premium Touch Hair Mask

Bought from Taiwan

唔洗多講,佢係護髮hair mask!!

我係台灣敗佢真係無錯!我呢期d頭髮轉天氣真係爆,我就用佢當係conditioner用(好豪)!!好掂呀!!!用完第一次已經見到髮質唔同咗, 好soft, 好smooth,仲要好令好好梳!!!我超推乾髮人士用,雖然佢唔可以起死會生,但係佢真係令到頭髮健康不少!!!超愛!!等我用埋我d洗髮用品,我要成條line轉用Fino呀(係,真係好掂)!! 係香港我見日本百貨公司有得賣,但係係街唔係好見到!如果你地見到邊度有得賣,麻煩話我知,我要去入貨!!太好用喇!!好耐都無試過用護髮產品用到咁感動!

(English:  I got it from Taiwan and that was such a good decision!  My hair for these days is actually a disaster and I use this as a conditioner (yea quite generously)!  Wonderful!! I can see the different for the first time usage, my hair becomes soft, smooth and very manageable.  I super recommend this to people with desperate hair.  Even though it doesn’t totally change your hair texture, it helps to really nourish your hair!!  Super in love with this!!  After I use up my regular shampoo, I will change to Fino’s products (yea really good!).  I saw that some of the Japanese mall sells Fino’s products, but I don’t seem to see it elsewhere.  If you see their products at some stores, please let me know, I have to go and stock up!!!  It’s been awhile since I am loving a hair brand!!)

好啦!今日講住咁多先,希望幫到頭髮乾既你啦!! 我會繼續研究有咩好野再同大家分享!

(English:  Right!  So much for today and hope that it helps those who have dry hair!  I will keep my investigation going and see if there is any goodies/ badies to share with you all later!)

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