[保養] 超強保濕多效護膚水

尋日講咗神級藍梘,今日趁新鮮講埋佢個護膚水! 如果你未睇我藍梘既分享,你可以睇翻我尋日既文章丫! 水我都用得多,但係多功效既市面反而唔多。 以前我唔係好用化妝水/ 護膚水就覺得佢地都係水黎,唔會好特別。 但係近幾年用過唔同品牌既水之後就覺得每隻都真係有唔同,我覺得用左皮膚又真係好d,所以我而家都好迷上用水。 好,即刻講下今日既主角先:

(English:  I have talked about Erno Laszlo Firmarine Face Bar yesterday and I want to continue today with its toner!  If you haven’t read my review on the Face Bar, please feel free to go back to yesterday’s post and have a read.  Well, I have used quite a few tones but I have to say not many are equipped with different functions.  I didn’t like using toners originally because I felt that they were just water-based stuff (nothing special really).  However, I have been trying so many different toners in the recent years and I discover that different brands offer something different and also my skin has really improved using some toners, so as the story goes, I am addicted to the term “toners” these days.  Right, spotlight please…)

Erno Laszlo HydrapHel


 價錢(Price):HK$470/ 200ml

Product Information:

“Erno Laszlo HydrapHel滋潤保濕護膚水 – 屬非一般的爽膚水,薈集多功能護膚於一身。其蘊含強效維他命B成份,能產生輔酶,發揮維他命B power高效美肌力量,激活肌膚細胞更生,促進抗體的製造,增強細胞的抵抗力,令皮膚不易受外來因素侵害,加強修復曬後受損細胞。此外,維他命B power當中亦結合多種保濕成份,補充細胞水份,同時提高鎖水效能。HydrapHel滋潤保濕護膚水中,另含草本植物精華,兼具抗敏舒緩的功效,尤合曬後降紅護理。”

(English: “An alcohol-free toner that gently calms and hydrates the skin after cleansing. This silky formula draws moisture to skin with active humectants, reduces inflammation and boosts renewal and repair.

• Soothes: Anti-inflammatory formula is gentle to sensitive skin.
• Stimulates: Encourages tissue repair, leaving skin soft, fresh and hydrated.
• Brightens: Eliminates flakiness and skin dullness.”)


使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感: 佢有幾個功效,等我逐個講一講。 最簡單係可以當佢係一般化妝水,洗完面後用。 我係倒落cotton pad抹上面, 我覺得佢個質地同其他水有少少唔同,佢都係水狀,但係抹上面既時候好滑,張cotton pad唔會捽面拉到皮膚。 因為佢連敏感肌都用得亦都冇酒精,所以上面好舒服! 我會俾皮膚吸佢一兩分鐘先再搽其他產品。 哈,用完佢個下皮膚真係好保濕,但係又唔會覺得好heavy!! 個感覺好正。 另外,我亦都會用佢浸sheet mask,當係面膜咁用。 我覺得呢個效果好強,亦都係我個人最愛既用法。 敷完15分鐘,皮膚真係飲飽水一樣,又彈手,又好明亮,連毛孔望落都細d呀!! 如果我某d日子要靚靚出街,我會化妝前先用佢做面膜濕敷,之後所有上既化妝都會好貼服同好long lasting!  好掂呀!! 另外,如果你出去做outdoor activities,曬到面紅紅,你都可以用佢黎敷,佢亦都可以幫你calm down你既皮膚。 係咪超掂先!! 我覺得佢最正係佢講既所有功效我試一兩次已經見到效果!! 真係超得!! 雖然佢既價錢唔平民,但係我覺得以佢個result黎講,真係好值得試!! 如果你覺得當日用toner好貴,我反而建議你買佢黎當係mask用,一有需要就用,咁你唔會覺得太肉痛啦。 當然,如果你唔介意個價錢,日日用感覺最正!! 我會回購呢枝產品既機會率超高!! 推推推!!!

(English:  Product Review:  This HydrapHel offers a few different functions and let me go through each one.  The most straightforward usage is to use it as a regular toner right after cleansing your face.  I use it with a cotton pad and I feel that the texture is different from other toners, it still looks like water, but when it’s on skin, it runs really smoothly (not like some others which the cotton pads would stick to the skin).  Since it’s suitable for sensitive skin and it doesn’t contain alcohol, so it feels really soothing and fresh on face.  I’d let it sit on my face after 1-2 mins before applying other products.  After application, skin is truly hydrated without feeling heavy.  Great!  Another method to use is to soak a clean sheet mask with it, turning this HydrapHel into a face mask.  I personally find this result is the best and it’s a favourite way to use this item.  After letting it sit on skin for 15 mins, skin is REALLY hydrated, elastic and brightened.  Also, pores look less visible as well!  If I need to look particularly good on a certain day, I would use this face mask method prior to applying my makeup, then, my skin would look good and my makeup would stay put all day!  Brilliant!!  Also, if you have caught the sun because you have been outdoor, you can use this face mask method to calm your skin down as well.  Amazing eh?  The best is that it takes me only 1-2 times’ usage of the product to realize that it’s working!!  To be honest, the price is not friendly, but I think it’s worth every penny given the results are fantastic.  If you think using this as a regular toner is a bit out of your budget, you could consider using this as a face mask, then you wouldn’t feel the pain too much.  Of course, if you don’t mind the price tag, then using it everyday is the best!!  It’s very likely for me to repurchase this item!!  Highly recommended!!!)

哈哈!! 用用下呢個品牌真係覺得佢既產品效果唔錯,我睇網頁見佢有好多其他產品,我應該未來會試更多呢個品牌既產品咁大家又可以參考下我既評價啦! 呢個品牌有無咩產品你地好想我去分享?

(English:  *Laughs*  Now that I have tried a few of Erno Laszlo products and I am more interested in the brand because the results are quite impressive.  I think I will explore this brand further because there are so many other products in he line.  Is there any particular product from this brand that you would like me to review first?)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.ernolaszlo.com)



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