[保養] 皮膚抗議時嘅良伴 ♥ 綠水

其實我望望下我過往兩個星期嘅blog post, 差唔多全部都係敗家多, 好似無咩點寫review咁。 敗得太高興, 成日都想同大家分享左先, 所以係咁俾佢地打尖。 唔得喇, 我真係欠大家好多好野分享, 我要努力d先(笑)! 係wor, 如果你地見我未來個幾個月都無出敗家文(即係無買野), 記得要讚我叻叻呀!! 哈哈!

(English:  I was reading my previous blog post for the past couple weeks and almost all of them are haul-related.  It seems that I have been spending less time in reviewing stuff.  Anyway, I got too hyper when hauling and I couldn’t wait to share the hauled items, hence, the delay on the reviews.  I know I owe you ladies so many reviews on some of the goodies, I really have to work hard from now on *smiles*!  Right, if you haven’t seen me issuing any haul-related blog piece in the next few months, remember to give me a thumbs-up *smiles*!!)

今日想分享嘅野其實我想分享咗好耐。 我之前係咁用, 用用下我記得我未分享, 所以收慢咗步伐(笑)。 我今日一講完就會全速前進,好快又會清多一樣野。 咁今日講咩呢? 就係Menard嘅綠水喇(回顧敗家文)!

(English:  Today I want to talk about something that should have been talked about long ago.  I did using it regularly for a bit and then I recalled that I hadn’t written any review on it yet, therefore I slowed down *smiles*.  After talking about it today, I am going to stick with it till it’s finished *laughs*!!  Yea spotlight on Menard Beauness Spa Essence (refresh memory):)

Menard Beauness Spa Essence

價錢(Price):HK$480/ 160ml

Product Information:



“*化妝水 – 潔面後將適量BEAUNESS倒入化妝棉,均勻塗抹全面後,再塗抹爽膚水,然後繼續護膚程序。

*去油脂粒眼膜 – 每晚敷上浸滿BEAUNESS的眼膜紙約10分鐘,連續7日可見顯著效果。

*男士們刮胡後修護 – 刮胡後輕輕拍上BEAUNESS,可舒緩刮須後的各種不適現象。”


“The power of nature for beautiful skin
Rich in moisture-retaining ingredients based on the SPA concept, this product coalesces the power of natural hot springs, the sea, and vegetation.
Maintain your skin condition for a smooth, healthy sheen.”)

Texture & Effect:

使用次數(No of Usage):around 1 month

用後感:我記得買佢個陣係因為皮膚個期唔係好穩定, 一係無啦啦好鞋, 一係就出d粒粒。佢呢枝野係可以幫助穩定皮膚狀況, 所以見到即買嚟試。 我記得BA話連用7日就見到效果, 又真係wor! 我當化妝水用(連眼都用得)咗7日, 皮膚無再覺得鞋之餘, 仲覺得好夠水! 我用佢嚟敷係粒粒個d位, d粒粒都比平時快謝咗。 我塊面無再差落去, 佢都真係有好大嘅功勞! 因為皮膚靚翻我又放抵左佢一期無用,呢期新年唔知係咪時濕時乾, 我又覺得個面比平時乾同埋又出左d粒粒, 我又醒起佢喇!  好神奇, 又係用左幾日又無事wor! 不過我今次唔會再放抵佢喇, 我會用到尾, 等d皮膚再穩定d嚟迎接春天! 我覺得佢真係貴,但係貴得嚟係值得! 佢保濕力超強, 同埋如果皮膚曳曳個陣用佢幾日就掂sa! 如果你皮膚本身無咩問題, 我就覺得唔洗用佢(唔會點見到咩效果), 但係皮膚好乾/作反個陣用, 就真係好得!

(English:  After-use Comment:  When I first got this, my skin condition was quite unstable – so dry and got some tiny bumps.  This is said to stabilize your skin, so I had to give it a go!  The BA said that after using it for 7 days, I would notice the difference and I did!  I used it as toner (can be applied on eye areas as well) for 7 days and I felt that my skin wasn’t rough anymore, it was way more hydrated.  I also used it on my little bumps and the bumps were gone quicker (and didn’t come back).  I really thank Beauness for it’s wonderful effect on my skin (saved it from getting worse).  Then since my skin was back to normal, I stopped using it.  However, not sure if it’s the weather change or something these days, my skin feels drier and also there are a few bumps appearing (OH NO!).  I immediately started using Beauness again!  And again, wonders happen (yay!!).  I will keep using it till I finish it so that I will have perfect skin to welcome Spring time *smiles*.  Yes it’s quite pricey, but it’s definitely worth it!  It hydrates skin superbly and it helps to calm skin down effectively.  If your skin doesn’t have any problem, I don’t think you need this (as you won’t see much of the effect).  However, if your skin is super dry or acting up, I would really recommend this!)

後話: 我生日去Menard拎禮物個陣, 個BA同我講話下個月加價。 唔知加幾多啦! 本身我想買枝綠水傍下身, 但係我屋企太多野喇。 唔買住 (好乖)。 不過我覺得綠水都係值得回購嘅產品之一。

(English:  Side-story:  I went to Menard on my birthday to pick up a gift, the BA told me that their prices will be raised next month, not sure how much the increase will be!  I did want to buy another bottle of Beauness (just in case), however, I have too much stuff at home at the moment so I wasn’t too tempted (good girl).  Anyway, it’s on my repurchase list sometime!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.menard.com.hk & http://www.menard-cosmetic.com)

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