[時尚] 鞋,女人都係鍾意買鞋

先前Jipi Japa送咗對鞋俾我(回顧按此),我同大家分享咗話有幾好著啦!今次佢地又新出咗涼鞋,佢地又邀請我去佢地個店影下相同埋試下佢地既新款式。

(English:  Previously, Jipi Japa sent me a pair of flats and I have been bragging about how comfortable it is (refresh memory).  This season they have released some new sandals and invited me to take some pictures of their stores and try out their new series!)

好丫!我諗無咩女人唔鍾意買手袋買鞋!今次我都好好奇究竟佢地出左d咩款式。先分享下我係店到影嘅相先。哈哈! 先講明呀, 我影個d都係一d我自己鍾意既款式,佢地舖頭咁多對鞋,我真係影唔sa咁多,唯有影一d係我比較鍾意既去同大家分享啦!

(English:  Right.  I think no woman would actually tell me that they don’t love to buy handbags and shoes!  I was pretty curious about their new releases.  Let me share what they have in stores first.  Honestly, there are so many pairs of shoes there and I cannot take a picture of everyone of them, so I took some pics of those which are rather my cup of tea!)

哈,其實我好想寫多d關於Fashion既文章,但係天氣太熱,要我係街到影相我怕我影唔夠兩張就熱死咗! 我都係比較適合係室內去影相!哈哈! 等夏天過咗, 我再出多d配搭文啦! 唔講咁多喇!睇相丫!!  一張相真係勝過我千言萬語!呵呵!

(English:  Hmmm… I have always been wanting to add some more fashion elements into my blog but I just can’t be a model outside due to the extremely hot weather.  Well, I guess I will have to let Summer say goodbye to me before I could issue more blog posts about fashion and mix and match!  Ha….let’s look at some photos of the shoes now.  Photos definitely speak louder than words!!)


(English:  I am addicted to shoes like these!!)


(English:  Makes me think of long skirts!)

呢對勁like, 好有渡假風嘅感覺!! 同埋我好鍾意白色鞋!

(English:  I am super in love with this pair!  Reminds me of holidays and such like!  Also I love white shoes!!)


(English:  Of course I love leopard print the most!!)

呢對我上一篇文都已經話勁like!!! 好靚!!

(English:  I mentioned that I love this pair in my previous post!! Very pretty!!)

我自己就揀咗呢對高底拖鞋,因為我貪佢個樣夠causal,著長裙好好襯,同埋如果淨係出街買下野都好方便! 呢對有啡色有黃色,我揀黃色嘅原因好簡單,佢係今季既大熱色同埋著上腳超sharp! 等我有日好心情就整幾個look俾大家望下丫!

(English:  I picked this pair of yellow sandals (kinda like slippers).  I love it because it’s quite causal and it matches long skirts really well.  Also, if I just go downstairs to buy something, this is definitely a choice as it’s really convenient to wear.  This pair is available in yellow and brown, but I picked yellow because it’s such a hit color this year and it looks really sharp on the feet!  Let me do some fashion photos on this one when my good mood arrives!)

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