[重溫] 做到零毛孔嘅化妝底霜

前兩日有個friend打俾我, 除左同我講聖誕快樂之外, 仲問咗我一個問題:”有邊隻makeup base係又平又遮到毛孔㗎?我d無孔真係好唔掂呀, 想問完你就飛奔去買。”  我諗左兩秒就話:”我之前咪講過L’Oreal隻BaseMagique嘅?佢又平又有效果wor!”  之後, 我個friend都真係飛奔咁去買, 事關佢個晚要去趴地, 所以要零毛咁出席(意中人都去麻 – 明嘅明嘅)!

(English:  A couple days ago, a friend called.  Apart from wishing me a Merry X’mas, she asked me, “which makeup base doesn’t cost a fortune and covers pores really well?  My pores are horrendous, I want to buy it straight away after talking to you.”  I thought for 2 secs and said, “remember I talked about L’Oreal BaseMagique before?  I think that suits your needs.”  Of course, she hanged up and rushed to the store to get it (she had a party to go to that night and her “dream guy” would be there as well – totally understood the urgency!!)

我諗毛孔粗大都係好多人嘅煩惱。 要補救唔係唔得(秘技:保濕保濕再保濕!!), 但係就需時比較長。 如果你好似我個friend咁, 要有即時效果, 咁就要用秘密武器啦:

(English:  Large pores have been bugging some of us.  Well they can be diminished (trick: hydrate, hydrate and HYDRATE!!), but it takes time.  Sometimes, we just don’t have enough time, so it might be wise for us to cheat with the secret weapon:)

L’Oreal BaseMagique Transforming Smoothing Primer

價錢(Price):around HK$109/ 15ml

Product Information:

“A unique blend of silicon oils and soft light powders create a sensational smoothing velvet formula to refine the skin.

– Smooth wrinkles and fine lines
– Perfectly hides pores
– Skin imperfections are corrected

The rosy shade brings out the translucency on the bare skin tone.”


睇到呢度記唔記得我一年多前都講過呢個產品? 如果你想睇下遮毛孔個效果, 可以睇下我之前個post –> Click Here

(English:   By now, do you remember that I have talked about this product a year ago?  If you are interested in its effect on covering up pores, please read my previous post –> Click Here)

用後感: 一年前用一年後嘅感覺一樣(回顧按此)! 佢唔單只有平滑肌膚嘅效果。 用左佢之後, 毛孔一d都唔覺眼,同埋皮膚質感變得細緻。 突然間唔見左d毛孔嗰種感覺真係好爽! 如果你地都好想遮遮你地嘅毛孔, 呢個base真係一個好好嘅選擇。

(English:  After-use Comment:  My comments are exactly the same as a year ago (refresh memory)!  It doesn’t only smooth out skin!  It makes pores less visible and refines skin texture.  I have to say that it makes me feel so good the minute when I see the pores “disappear”!  If you are looking for something to cover up the annoying pores, this base is a good choice!)

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