[化妝] 零毛孔零細紋平價底霜

努力清貨當中又發現有產品我係未同大家分享(其實好多), 下面呢個產品係一用就成為我大愛之一, 所以我要係我用完之前要同大家好好分享一下:

(English:  I have been working hard to clear some stock and of course along the way, I discover there are a few things which I haven’t talked about yet (actually should I say “many things” instead?).  The following product has become my instant love once I have started using it, therefore, I want to dedicate a blog post towards it today:)


Canmake Smooth Skin Primer


價錢(Price):HK$108/ 16g

Made In Japan

Product Information:

“Pore Cover & Mat Keep

Makeup Base

Retouch Base

All-in-one Base”

我好鍾意佢呢個咀既設計, 因為用好少就可以,所以呢個最既設計唔會令你唔少心地枝咗好多出嚟!

(English:  I really love the design of the tube, since only a tiny bit of product is enough, therefore I love how small the nozzle is – it prevents too much product coming out!)



見唔見到本身我隻手有好多細紋? 搽完之後唔見哂呀!! 我係counter試玩個陣就係因為見到呢個效果所以即買!!

(English:  You see all the tiny fine lines on my hand prior to the primer application?  After applying the primer, all of them have disappeared!!!  I played with it at the counter, fell in love with this result instantly and brought it home!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):35 times

用後感: 我一向都好鍾意Canmake既產品, 原因好簡單, 平靚正!! 我覺得呢枝底霜真係無得頂! 先係佢個texture雖然好杰身, 但係好易推, 用少少就可以推哂成面(我係成面用, 但係你都可以淨係用係需要既地方)。 雖然佢有少少黃色, 但係搽出嚟唔覺得有咩特別顏色, 反而面色會少少均勻咗。  搽完呢個base之後, 皮膚係滑到線手, 毛孔細紋咩都唔見哂。 真係超級無敵掂!!! 仲要通常講話有遮毛孔功能既base都會有個唔好處, 就係好焗, 呢隻完全唔會呀!! 搽完仲覺得皮膚好唞到氣呀!! 超正!!! 搽完出黎你都見啦, 係霧面finish, 對於唔喜愛閃閃令或者油性皮膚既人, 真係好啱用! 佢仲可以令你化妝品比較持久, 用左都無出咁多油!! 我真係諗唔到有咩理由唔愛佢!! 如果你地想遮毛孔細紋,我覺得用呢個打底真係一流!!! 超級推丫!!!

(English:  Product Review: I have been a fan of Canmake’s products, the reason is really simple, it’s good, reasonably-priced and works well!!  I really feel that this base is top of the line!!  Even though its texture looks solid, it’s very easy to blend and only a tiny amount goes a long way (I use this on my whole face, but you can use it only on the desired areas).  Though it looks yellowish before blending, it doesn’t have major pigmentation, on the other hand, skin tone looks even out a bit after using this.  After application of this base, skin is ridiculously smooth (yea ridiculously!!!), all the pores and fine lines disappear.  It’s GREAT!!  Usually bases with the function of covering pores have one disadvantage – your skin feels like it can’t breathe.  This particular base doesn’t have this disadvantage, your skin still feel fresh and is able to breathe!!  BRILLIANT!!  You can see from the above pictures that it has a matte finish and it’s perfect for those people who don’t love shimmery base or with oily skin!  It also helps your makeup to last longer and minimize oil secretion on skin.  I really can’t think of any reason not to love it!!!  If you are looking for a base that works excellent in covering pores and fine lines, I highly HIGHLY recommend this base!!)


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