[保養] 殘樣急救強效精華素

節日玩完殘樣暴現~ 其實節日唔節日好多時我地都會有殘樣。 好似我之前返工好多野做,做到我聖誕之前都有殘樣。 個d時間當然就要急救下啦! 唔通多野做多party去就唔見人咩! 今日講下呢個幫咗我好多既產品丫!

(English:  Usually tired looks appear after holiday parties and such~~  Whether it’s holidays or not, we do come across times whereby we all look tired and dead.  Just like myself, I was working to death prior to X’mas and I looked horrible.  Lucky that I got the following items, otherwise I didn’t think I would want to go out and meet people, so let me share my secret weapon with you today!!)

Wellmaxx Hyaluron + Sea Silk Anti-wrinkle 

Skin Optimizer Concentrate
+海絲綢 抗皺精華素


價錢(Price):HK$399/ 2ml x 7pcs

Buy from: 黑咪小店 or email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com

Product Information:

“抗皺精華液: 內含水通道蛋白,可促進肌膚細胞穿膜水通道的再生,提高滲入水分的吸收率,深層保濕、促進細胞水循環。 海藻纖維配方能夠促進肌膚膠原蛋白的合成,使肌膚光滑有活力。



(English: “This anti-wrinkle concentrate helps the skin build up a deposit of moisture and keeps the circulation of moisture intact.  This effect is the work of Aquaporine plus, which can stimulate the regeneration of microscopically fine water channels in the skin to help make added moisture more effective within the skin.  Sea silk promotes collagen synthesis, leaving a smooth, vital complexion.

Suitable for:

    All skin types
    Treatment of dry skin
    Dehydrated skin
    Treatment of fine lines and wrinkles”)



(English:  Love the small size, use one ampoules every time, retain the freshness!!)

Made in Germany


Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用法(Method of Use):
1. 轉季用:每晚一枝,連續用兩個星期。 停用兩個星期(其間用翻自己既產品)。 之後做保養,可以隔日用。

2. 急救:需要時用。可以晚上用,亦可以妝前用。

(English: 1. Change of Season: Use 1 every night and use for 2 weeks consecutively.  Stop for 2 weeks (meanwhile, you use your own skincare products).  After the resting period, you can use this every other day.
2. Urgent Relief: As needed.  Can be used at night or before makeup.)

用後感: 呢個可以轉季用,亦都可以用黎急救。 而家未轉季我就唔講,講左急救先。 當我覺得我皮膚好乾,或者個樣好鬼殘既時候,我就會夜晚洗完面之後咩都唔用,淨係用佢。 我會係洗完面之後,直接啪開枝精華,倒三分一出黎全面搽,等佢吸咗之後,我會再倒一半出黎再搽,又係吸完之後,我會倒埋最尾個d出黎再搽! 之後我就會去瞓覺(如果你覺得唔係好夠,你都可以再加cream)! 佢既質地超快吸收,吸完之後塊面漲扑扑,潤得黎又唔笠。 最正係佢有少少拉緊個感覺,緊縮效果真係好唔錯。 你知啦,通常殘樣個陣d皮都好似鬆鬆地咁,呢隻就可以幫手收緊翻d皮膚喇!! 掂!! 另外,如果有特別日子,但係又覺得個日一起身個狀況好一般,我都會先用一枝,搽完哂之後吸收埋就再化妝,會發覺化妝好貼架!!! 唔係講笑,呢個係我近期急救大愛,之後轉季我都會再同大家分享下佢另一個用法,但係而家黎講,我就覺得佢係急救好幫手!! 呢隻品牌都有其他唔同既精華, 我未試哂,有d我覺得無咩特別。 我會揀d有特別既先入店。 哈哈~~你地要急救既話,我就超推呢隻!!

(English:  Product Review: This can be used during the change of weather and it can be used as an urgent relieve as well!  Since it’s not the time for the change of weather yet, I only talk about the urgent relief first.  When I feel like my skin is super rough or I look like dead, I would skip all skincare at night and just use this.  After cleansing my face, I use 1/3 of the serum on my face, once it’s absorbed, I will use the remaining 1/2, again once it’s absorbed, I will use the remaining on my face!  Then I will head to sleep (if you still feel that it’s not enough, then you can add some cream on top)!  The texture is quick to absorb and skin feels bouncy and moisturized afterwards.  The best part is that it’s very good in tightening.  As you know, normally, if you are tired, your skin is somehow saggy as well, and this can help tighten your skin up!!!  Brilliant!!!  Also, if I have some big days, and I feel like I am not 100%, then I would use this prior to my makeup, I find that my makeup sticks better!!!  No joking, this has become my fav urgent relief product.  I probably will talk about it again when it comes to the change of weather.  At this moment in time, this scores highly on the urgent relief!!  This range offers other serums with different ingredients, I haven’t tried them all yet, but I will.  Initially, I find some a bit boring, so I guess I would only stock those interesting ones.  *Laughs*  If you need something for urgent relief as well, I highly recommend that you try this!!)

Remarks: 我暫時淨係得10盒,賣完之後就要等到一月尾先有貨(又德國送到),所以要現貨就要快手。 如果你唔介意等,你都可以預訂丫!



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