[保養] 合作 | 台灣寶藝玉芙蓉極潤冷膜同類蛇毒胜肽冷敷劑

[呢篇係合作文] 寶藝既面膜我係2010年用過,不過當時唔係咁多地方有得賣,所以用用下無再繼續。 但係而家寶藝係Log On有賣,所以要買真係方便過以前好多。 如果大家有用開佢地既面膜都知係冷膜多,好啱而家天氣去用啦~~涼涼地好舒服。 今次要分享既係佢地一隻新新地既產品,玉芙蓉極潤冷膜,之後再同場加映類蛇毒胜肽冷敷劑! 同埋佢地Log On有promotion呀,所以最後都會同大家報一下料~~

(English: [This is a collaboration piece] I used a couple of Bonanza Membrane Masks in 2010, however, at that time, there weren’t many reselling locations, so I didn’t continue using it.  Right now, they are available in Log On, so it’s quite a convenient place to shop.  If you know of the brand, you probably know that many of their products are membrane masks, and they are suitable for the weather right now~~ has a cooling effect!  Today I am going to talk about its “newly” released – Yu-Fu-Rong Hydration Membrane and also its Syn-Ake Anti-Wrinkle Membrane!  Plus they are having a promotion at Log On, so I will share the details with you too~~)


(English:  Here is a gentle reminder, for genuine stock in Hong Kong, there is a original company paper box packaging and the following sticker.  It wouldn’t be genuine HK stock if any one of them is missing, so please pay special attention when you buy!)

Bonanza Yu-Fu-Rong Hydration Membrane

價錢(Price):HIK$258/ 250g

Available at Log On

佢入面有9種植物精華。 聽到個名令我諗起玉容散,傳說話中國四大美人西施都係以玉容散為保養品。

(English:  It contains 9 different plant extracts inside.)


使用次數(No. of Usage): 6 times

用後感:敷既時候要厚,好似十蚊銀咁厚先有效果。 呢個mask主要係保濕,幫手注水入沙漠肌為主,佢亦都有淡斑同抗氧功能。 佢個質感係似gel cream,唔係完全cream,敷上面涼涼地,而家天氣用好舒服。 敷完半個鐘,我用佢枝棒棒刮就多餘先過水。
過完水皮膚覺得夠水,但係唔會有滋潤感,亦唔會覺得好笠好有負擔! 我覺得皮膚都會有少少明亮,但係唔係我主要覺得好明顯既功能。
我知有好多人皮膚都乾,但係唔鍾意用笠既產品,我覺得呢個你會鍾意,因為佢質感唔厚,所以又唔會怕潤過頭出粒粒。 我覺得佢適合好多膚質。
如果太乾皮膚唔慣用太潤既產品,呢個都可以考慮一下。 又或者係油肌混合肌揾緊一d清爽既保濕mask既話,我覺得呢個都係一個好既選擇! So far我用咗幾次,都感覺良好~~

(English:  Product Review:  When you use this, you need to apply a thick layer (the thickness is kind of like our $10).  The main function of this mask is hydration, and it helps bring in moisture into super dry skin, it also says that it has functions of fading pigmentation and anti-oxidization.  The texture is like a gel cream but it’s not a total cream, when I apply it on skin, it has a cooling effect, which is perfect for this weather.  After 30 mins, I use the spatula that comes with that mask to remove the excess, then I rinse my face with water.  After that my skin is hydrated but not moisturized, I don’t feel stickiness or heaviness on skin!  Skin is brightened a wee bit but I would say it’s not that major focus.  I know many of the people have dry skin but tend not to like things that are heavy, I believe this could be a choice for you because the texture is still light and it won’t create any burden on your skin.  I think it’s suitable for many skin types especially if your skin is dry but you don’t like anything that’s too rich, you probably want to give this a try.  Or if you have oily or combination skin, you are looking for some hydrating masks with a light texture, I think you might like this as well.  So far I have been using this for a few times and I have to say, I am happy in this season!)

Syn-ake Anti-Wrinkle Membrane

價錢(Price):HIK$248/ 250g

Available at Log On


使用次數(No. of Usage): 4 times

用後感:敷既時候都要要厚,好似十蚊銀咁厚先有效果。 呢個mask主要係抗老!! 見到佢係gel都開心啦,因為抗老野多數都好鬼潤,大家都未必鍾意(我都係啦)。 佢隻質感完全係gel狀,所以你可以想像佢係一d都唔笠! 我用呢個有小驚喜,因為一路敷我一路覺得有少少拉緊。 用法同上面個mask一樣。 我過完水覺得皮膚好有彈性同埋比較收緊。 好用喎! 用完又係好清爽,但係摸落皮膚係明顯比較彈手! 我呢期無咩乾紋,所以唔知佢去紋得唔得,但係如果話增加皮膚彈力呢,呢個我feel到既。 呢隻mask唔係人人都啱啦,如果你係後生妹妹,唔洗用住,保下濕OK喇。 但係如果你廿五歲打後,覺得皮膚需要多少少彈力呢,同埋你又係唔鍾意好鬼潤既野,咁你就可以試下。我自己就好like丫~~

(English:  Product Review:  Again, when you use this, you need a thick layer (kind of like our $10’s thickness).  This mask targets anti-wrinkle but I would say it’s more of anti-aging not necessary wrinkle.  I am quite happy to see this comes in the gel format, because a lot of the anti-aging stuff is too rich for you and me.  The texture is a total gel one, so you can imagine it’s quite light on skin.  I have a small surprise when I use this because I feel like it’s actually tightening my skin.  The method to use is the same as the above one.  After rinsing, I feel my skin is more “bouncy” and firm.  Nice!!   Yes it’s on the light side of things, but when I touch my skin, I do feel the difference.  I don’t have any lines these days, so I can’t tell you if it would work on wrinkles, I can only tell you it improves skin’s elasticity.  I don’t think this mask is for everyone, if you are young, there is no need for this, just concentrate on the hydrating side of things.  But if you are after 25 years old and you feel your skin is somewhat “loosen up”, plus you can’t stand anything that’s too rich, then you can give this a try.  I personally really like this one~~~)

以下係Log On既promoion,由而家開始,做完即止,如果你有興趣可以去望下。 我2010年都review過佢兩款其他面膜,相已經出唔到(太耐),但係字仲係度,你地有興趣都可以click link

(English:  The following is the current Log On promotion and it’s while stock lasts.  If you are interested, you can check them out.  Also I reviewed the other two products from this brand as well in 2010, it’s been a long time, so the photos are somewhat not there, but the words are still on, if you are interested, you can click link!

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