[美髮] 新年新顏色 + 護髮秘技

生日當日我去左美髮, 因為我今年嘅生日同新年實在太近, 我明知髮型屋都多人, 所以唔搞咁多野, 淨係染下色算喇。 我今次去左Salon L(係尖沙咀)度整, 因為我想試個Moroccanoil Color Treatment 。 哈哈!

(English:  I went to get a new hair color on my birthday, the reason being that my birthday and Lunar New Year is too close this year, I understand that the salon must be packed, therefore I didn’t want to do too much (and wait for too long), so I decided to get a new hair color instead.  This time, I went to Salon L in TST as I wanted to try the Moroccanoil Color Treatment as well *laughs*.)

我覺得Salon L個環境好舒服, 可能我又早去啦, 所以唔算好多人。 我坐底左, 個Technician就問我想染咩色, 我話要朱古力啡色。 佢望一望我個頭就介紹左一隻色俾我, 話出嚟個效果會令d, 望落d頭髮無咁乾。

(English:  I actually think Salon L’s environment is really nice.  Maybe because I went there early and there weren’t too many people.  When I sat down, the Technician asked what color I had in mind and I replied that I wanted chocolate brown.  He glanced at my hair and recommended a color for me, saying that the result would be better and my hair would look less dry.  Deal!)

鬼咩! 之前我又電又染個頭,咩都補唔翻啦! 雖然未整個頭個陣真係好襯我嘅狂野feel, 但係要去拜年就唔好咁狂野好d!  個Technician幫我係d染髮劑度加左d Moroccanoil, 出嚟效果靚D之餘, 仲可以保護頭髮。

(English:  DAH!  I was torturing my hair with perm and hair dye before and as you can see it looked quite wild (suit my style), however, with Lunar New Year coming, I didn’t really want to visit my family with my crazy hair *laughs*.  The Technician added a few drops of Moroccanoil into the dye so that the color would look better and it can help protect my hair from damage as well.)

其實Moroccanoil有咩好呢? 佢主要成份係摩洛哥堅果油(Argan Oil), 佢可以即時滲入髮芯, 令頭髮幼滑同埋有光澤!

(English:  What’s so good about Moroccanoil?  Its main ingredient is Argan Oil and it can be absorbed to the heart of the hair, repairing it and making it more shiny.)

Product Information:

“Moroccanoil Treatment’s versatile, nourishing and residue-free formula can be used as a conditioning, styling and finishing tool. It blends perfectly with other products and even speeds up drying time. This treatment for hair completely transforms and repairs as its formula transports lost proteins for strength; fatty acids, omega-3 oils and vitamins for shine; and antioxidants for protection. It absorbs instantly to fill gaps in hair created by heat, styling and environmental damage.”

好喇, 溝好就開始染髮嘅工程喇:

(English:  Hurray!!!!  Let’s get started….)

呢位係幫我染髮嘅哥哥仔, 我好鍾意佢頭髮嘅顏色, 但係佢話佢個隻色要漂, 一聽我就無sa興趣(當然啦, 佢都唔建議我染呢個色, 太傷喇!)

(English:  He is the Technician!!  I really love his hair color, however, he told me that he had to bleach his hair, well, I almost immediately lost interest when I heard the word “BLEACH”!!  Anyway, he didn’t recommend that color for me, he said it would create too much damage on my long hair!)

搽好sa之後就係等待嘅時間喇。 今次唔洗等好耐, 因為係染髮劑已經加左Moroccanoil, 所以都有treatment效果, 等d色settle down就洗得吹得喇。 好方便!

(English:  Then it’s waiting time!  It wasn’t bad this time because the Moroccanoil was added into the dye, and it would offer the treatment effect when I was done.  So, let the color settle down and then it could be washed and blown!!  Convenient eh?)


(English:  Done *sings*!!)

個色好沉實(哈哈), 同埋d頭髮好令好滑丫! 幫我吹頭嘅哥哥仔手勢都好好啦(我自己無可能吹到咁靚)。 Moroccanoil仲有一個特別之處就係搽完佢先吹頭, d頭髮會比無搽就咁吹快乾! 哈哈! 又一方便之作!

(English:  A very subtle color *laughs* and my hair did look really shiny and smooth (of course thanks to the very skilful blow-drying as well).  Oh one more specialty about Moroccanoil is that if you use it before blow-drying your hair, it actually shortens the blow-drying time for you!!  Now the words “really convenient” come to mind!!)

用呢枝油護髮真係好方便,淨係搽落個頭就得又唔洗點等。 我都忍唔住帶左枝返屋企。

(English:  Well well well, because it’s so great of a product, I had to bring it home with me!)

我嘅用髮係每次我洗完頭, 等d頭髮唔滴水嘅時候, 泵一下半係手。

(English:  My way of using it – After I wash my hair every time (everyday), I wait till the hair is not dripping with water anymore, then I pump 1.5 pumps onto my hair.)

搓熱少少之後,就抓落d頭髮度(髮尾先, 有淨先再”high”落個頭度)。

(English:  Warm it with my hands, and start grabbing my hair (not rubbing, but grabbing).  Start with the lower end of the hair first, and if there is any left, I would just touch my upper hair very lightly.)

唔洗擔心, d頭髮唔會變得油左㗎。 個頭乾左之後, d頭髮會令左,好有彈性同埋個感覺係好爽㗎! 我用左都有個令星期喇, 我覺得真係好好用, d頭髮無咁乾之餘, 仲多左光澤。 同埋我覺得唔知係咪d頭髮營養好左, 我呢個星期甩少左頭髮wor!! 嘻嘻!! 不過如果你要買呢隻油就要去d salon度買喇, 街係無㗎!!

(English:  Don’t worry, it’s not greasy on hair at all.  When the hair is dry, it looks really shiny, feels really bouncy and not greasy.  I have been using it for over a week and it’s really great!  My hair is more moisturized and has way more shine.  Oh, and I am not sure if it’s because my hair now has more nutrients than before, I notice less fall-out this week!!  YAY!!!  If you are interested in this product, you have to get it from salon as they are not sold anywhere else right now.)

如果你d頭髮好乾, 我都好建議你做下呢個treatment同埋用下呢枝油, 我覺得護髮同護膚一樣咁重要呀!

(English:  If you hair is really dry, I would recommend you to have this treatment done (who doesn’t want sleek hair?) and use the Moroccanoil daily!  I think hair care is just as important as skin care!)

(the product information is extracted fromhttp://moroccanoil.com/products/Moroccanoil-Treatment)

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