[保養] 超強蝸牛面膜推介

之前見好多人都上Gmarket敗It’s Skin既蝸牛面膜,我諗應該都會好好用所以先咁多人買。 我記得佢有幾隻,但係我見個個人都係買金色呢隻,所以我又想試下(雖然我仲有好多paper未用)。 其實我覺得個價錢唔係真係叫平,但係香港未正式有得賣,同埋如果同香港某d品牌比,我都覺得可以接受! Work唔Work對我黎講先係最緊要,就算係好平,但係唔Work都無用啦,係咪? 

(English:  Ahh…so many people go on Gmarket for this particular snail masks, it must be good right?  I remember there are a few different kinds of snail masks but everyone seems to love the following, so I want to give it a go as well (even though I have many unused paper masks).  Indeed, I don’t think the price is dead cheap, but since it’s not officially available in Hong Kong and if I compare its price with other brands, it’s still acceptable.  Price is not a problem, the problem is whether it works or not right?  If it’s dead cheap, but it’s not working, in my eyes, it’s no use!!)

It’s Skin PRESTIGE Masque d’Escargot 


Gmarket Price: ₩14,900/ box (5 pcs) at Product Link

Hakme Group Buy Price: HK$195/ box (5pcs) including shipping to HK


Product Information:

“內螺旋蝸牛分泌液29400MG(濃度21%)能夠全面改善修復皮膚:有效淡化痘印、傷痕、暗瘡印、去暗黃、緊緻毛孔。是皮膚 醫師推薦使用的護膚保養品。使用後,肌膚能明顯變得柔嫩緊實,細膩白皙,細紋減少,較深的皺紋與粗大的毛孔也能輕易獲得改善,甚至最乾燥及過敏性肌膚也能恢復到健康自然的狀態。”


(English: “Gel-type mask sheet is blended snail extract and EGF. Centralized management of the rough skin, leading to a bright and healthy skin.

Contains mucin (snail mucus), the ingredient with superior cell restoration, moisturization, and skin trouble relieving effects, and EGF (epidermal growth factor), through the combination of which creates a synergy effect to regenerate damaged cells, the fundamental cause for skin aging.

After washing, prepare the skin with lotion. Apply mask gently onto face, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then peel off. Massage remaining residue into face to absorb.”)



During Application



使用次數(No. of Usage):2 times

用後感:佢唔係一般既paper mask,佢係hydro gel mask,即係話佢呢隻mask係好似paper jelly咁!! 佢係分開兩張,一張係俾面既上半部份用,另一張係俾面既下半部份用。 我覺得咁樣都好貼面,尤其係下面部份! 原本我見係佢hydro mask我仲懷疑佢會無咩料到,因為我之前用過幾隻hydro mask,但係幾隻個效果都係好一般!! 不過都買咗咁都要試下, 我敷個陣都覺得佢好貼面同好方便,佢好多精華,但係就唔似傳統既paper會敵野! 我都係敷20分鐘,之後就拎走張mask再等皮膚吸收下d精華(我無過水)。 我覺得留係面上面既精華都唔會多到吸唔到,我覺得個amount係just right!! 吸完哂之後你都睇相睇到個分別啦!! 皮膚明顯係白咗,d色斑無咁明顯,同埋好夠水份。 佢又唔係好潤,佢係水潤個隻,但係就唔係滋潤,所以我覺得大部份皮膚都適合!! 我見到個效果超鍾意,因為連d乾紋毛孔都比未敷之前無咁明顯!!好正呀!!  我覺得佢個美白效果都好強,我第一次覺得敷咗一隻mask會令我既色斑無咁明顯呀!! 掂掂掂!! 佢個效果都lasy到三四日, 所以都中價得黎有道理!! 好正呀!! 超鍾意丫,亦都無買錯!!! 哈哈!!! 如果你想要我以上所講既效果,你就真係要試!! 超推!!  我用完都一定會回購!!

(English: Product Review: It’s not the usual paper mask, it’s hydro gel mask.  That means the mask itself feels a bi like paper jelly!!  The face mask comes in 2 sections, one is for the upper half of the face and the other is for the lower half of the face.  I feel that these fit onto face really well, esp. the lower half!  At first, when I saw that it was hydro mask, I couldn’t help but doubt its effectiveness.  It was because I had been using quite a few hydro mask, but I found them not good.  Well, since I got it already, so I had to give it a go.  When I have it on my face, it fits really well and it’s convenient.  It contains a lot of essence but it doesn’t drip like the traditional one.  I have it on for 20 mins and then take the mask off and let the skin absorb the rest of the essence on my face (I don’t rinse my face after this).  I feel that the amount of essence left on face is just the right amount without being too overwhelming.  After total absorption, you can see the big difference from the photos yourself.  Skin is brightened and the pigmentation fades a bit.  Also, skin is hydrated but not overly moisturized (not too rich!!).  I think it would suit many different skin types.  I definitely love the effects especially when I find out my fine lines and my pores are less visible when compared to prior using the mask.  What a brilliant product!!  I also love its whitening/ brightening effect.  This is the first time in my life that I feel that my pigmentation fades a bit after using a face mask!!  Incredible!! I am absolutely in love with it!!!  *Laughs*  If you are looking for the abovementioned effects, you must give this a try!!  Highly recommended and I will definitely repurchase after using these up!!)

Note: 如果你揾我係Gmarket代買呢隻mask要HK$195一盒(包括所有運費),講真真係唔係特別平,因為我唔係正式做生意,我代買都係想幫唔識Gmarket既sister/怕煩既sister,所以如果你要最平既價錢,你可以上網去揾下。 我想講清楚,因為我唔想有咩誤會。揾我代買既好處就係我唔係走數(我有blog有Facebook,唔會失蹤),同埋我係收咗你地錢先上Gmarket訂,咁貨源係新鮮d既!! 哈哈!! 你地自己決定,我唔想好心幫人,人地話我賣得貴啦!

(English:  Note:  If you join my group buy at Gmarket, it costs HK$195/ box (including shipping to HK).  Honestly, it’s not specially cheap because this is not a business to me, I just want to help out those sisters who don’t understand Gmarket or who don’t want to bother on their own, so if you want the cheapest price, you can definitely do a search online.  I want to make this loud and clear because I don’t want any confusion or misunderstanding.  Join my group buy would be good in the sense that I won’t disappear with your money (I have a blog and Facebook, so I won’t disappear).  Plus, I only place my order after receiving your money, so the source is quite “fresh” *laughs*!!  Make your own choice, I don’t don’t want anyone to say that I sell them more expensive to make tons of money!!)



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