[保養] 對抗痘痘有辦法

我自己好好彩無痘痘呢個問題, 但係我睇住身邊有幾位朋友都有痘痘呢個問題。 講真, 好多時見到都好心痛。 因為佢地都為咗痘痘而好唔開心, 同埋好多時佢地都會不斷試d對抗痘痘嘅產品, 希望可以消滅d痘痘!  我諗某d睇我個blog嘅人都會有痘痘呢個問題, 所以我都會成日問我d朋友究竟用咗d咩會好d, 等我可以代下筆,同大家分享下。

(English:  I’m really blessed that I don’t have acne product but I have a few friends who do!  Honestly, I feel for them because I see their frustration all the time with anti-acne product.  I think some of you who read my blog might encounter the same issue as well and that’s why I always ask my friends to see if there is anything which works on fighting their acne in the hope that I could share that piece of information with you.)

近期同幾個英國嘅朋友聯絡翻, 其中有一個朋友同我講話佢食咗隻抗痘痘嘅supplment 8個星期, d痘痘好得8899。 咁正? 喺我追問底下, 我發現係我個朋友做緊嘅一間公司! 唔係掛! 世事有無咁Q?  之後, 我再問我其他喺英國嘅朋友, 哈, 有d都食緊呢隻產品去暗倉(面部/背脊)。  喺有好多好評底下, 我決定寫以下呢篇文同大家分享。  究竟呢隻可以對抗痘痘嘅產品係咩呢?

(English:  I have been in touch with a few UK friends.  One of them told me that she had been taking a supplement for 8 weeks to cure her acne and that worked!  OMG – really?  After some thorough discussion, I found out that actually one of my friends is working in the brand – what a coincidence!!  Then, I kinda asked around and found that some of my other friends are taking this supplement to clear their skins (face/ back) as well.  Due to rave comments on this product, I came to a conclusion that I had to write about this.  So, what is it that I am talking about?)

Help: Clear Skin

價錢(Price):39.95GPB/ 28 day (New Packaging)

Made in UK

Product Information:

Help: Clear Skin是一隻英國製的天然抗痘痘美肌食品。 它可以有效地在8個星期內對抗痘痘, 令你擁有平滑無瑕的肌膚。 Help: Clear Skin是100%天然產品, 當中的主要成份是Praventin – 一種在奶品中提煉出來的成份, 能有效地在6個星期中發揮效用。

Praventin含有豐富的Lactoferrin, 它能提升皮膚的自我防禦功能, 有效地對抗痘痘的侵襲。 令你皮膚達至無痘平滑有光澤的狀態。 臨床實驗證明受痘痘困擾的人仕, 服用了200mg Praventin的之後。 4個星期後, 痘痘減少了71%, 如果服用長達個8星期, 痘痘更明顯地減少了95%。雖然是在奶品中提煉出來,但是直接飲用奶品是沒有這樣的功效。 最簡單的抗痘方法就是每日一包Help: Clear Skin。

除了Praventin之外, Help: Clear Skin亦添加了:

蘆薈: 能提升皮膚的修護能力, 保濕肌膚。

Oligofructose: 天然纖維, 能幫助排毒。

(English: help: clear skin contains 100% natural ingredients including Praventin – a bioactive protein extracted from milk using advanced scientific methods – that has been proven to deliver results after a minimum period of six weeks.
Praventin is a natural ingredient derived from milk, rich in Lactoferrin, which has been proven to reduce acne by boosting the body’s natural defences. It limits the growth of acne bacteria, reduces the appearance of blemishes and speeds up the skin’s innate healing process, leaving your complexion looking clearer and more radiant.
Clinical research has shown that people with acne-prone skin who add 200mg of Praventin to their daily diet noticed a median reduction of 71% in blemishes by week four and a staggering 95% median reduction by week eight.

Although Praventin can be found in milk, the beneficial skin clearing effect is only activated when this bioactive protein is extracted from the milk. This means that drinking litres of milk is not going to deliver the same benefit. An easy and effective solution is to simply take a sachet of help: clear skin once a day to get the required measured dosage of Lactoferrin.
In addition to Praventin, help: clear skin contains:
·      Aloe Vera: a high extract of this healing plant has a smoothing and nourishing effect on the skin
·   Oligofructose: a natural source of soluble fibre. Increasing fibre intake enables your body to expel toxins that affect the skin and help avert acne”

一盒有7包, 即係話一盒可以食一個星期!

(English:  There are 7 packs in 1 box and a box can last for 1 week!)

食法:Help: Clear Skin無色無味。 每日一包, 加入自己的無汽飲料, 乳酪, cereal或者湯水當中。為其6至8個星期, 你會見到明顯的功效。

(English:  1 pack a day and add that into any non-carbonated drinks like yoghurt, cereal or soup.   After 6-8 weeks, you should be able to see the effect.)

呢隻粉紅色係俾女性食用,如果係男士嘅話, 就要選擇粉藍色嘅包裝。

(English:  This pink one is for ladies and they have a blue one for men.)

雖然我自己無食過, 但係我訪問咗幾個朋友, 佢地都覺得有效, 所以我先會寫呢篇文章, 亦都希望呢隻產品可以幫你遠離痘痘呢個煩惱。 如果你試過好多野都無效, 不防試下呢隻丫, 起碼都係健康食品, 唔會好似d藥咁有咁多副作用。 如果你真係要試呢個產品, 我會建議你食足8個星期, 一定要日日食, 呢d野一定要有恆心, 食下停下唔會見到有咩效。 仲有, 如果你食足8個星期都無效果, 即係話呢隻產品唔啱你, 你要搵過另一隻產品喇。8個星期係痘痘嘅漫長歲月又算得係咩丫? 如果work, 就係一件終身值得開心嘅事(呢個就係我朋友嘅心情喇)。 我自己就食緊佢另一隻抗老產品, 都食咗幾個星期喇。 我會再出post同大家分享。

(English:  Even though I haven’t tried this product, I did “interview” a few and they commented that this product is effective.  Hence, there is the creation of this piece hoping that this product could help you as well.  If you have tried many different things to cure acne and it hasn’t been helping, why not give this a go?  It’s a natural supplement and it doesn’t have all the side effects that the drug has.  To add, if you are thinking about trying this product, please make sure you take this everyday for 8 weeks.  Supplement takes time and you can’t expect to see any results if you are on and off the product.  If it doesn’t work for you in 8 weeks’ times, you could definitely opt for something else.  What’s 8 weeks in a long hard time against acne anyway?  If it works for you, it would be such a celebration (quoted from my friend *laughs*).  Well, I am trying their anti-aging product now, and it’s been a few weeks, I will have another post about it.)

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