[穿搭] 我的返工服

你地返工著咩衫多? 洗唔洗要著suit? 我就都算好彩, 返工唔需要著suit, 總之個樣斯文, 唔好太狂野就可以喇(哈哈, 當然可以狂野就最好, 但係世事無咁美好啦!)。  我覺得夏天著衫雖然可以colorful多少少,但係就無秋冬咁多變化。 我諗諗下, 我著其他衫你地都見得多(Facebook我有時都影下, 同埋video都睇到少少)。 我返工個斯文樣大家就唔係好多見(哈哈。 其實都唔係太斯文!)。 不如等我簡單分享下啦:

(English:  What do you usually wear for work?  Suit needed?  I consider myself quite lucky that I don’t have to wear a suit for work, my Company is more for business causal (thank God!).  As long as we look decent at work, it’s fine!  I feel like for the summer time, there are usually a bit more colors going on but I wouldn’t say I can mix and match as much as in winter times.  Ah….you have all seen me in causal/ rock outfits (in Facebook or in my videos)…but it seems that I seldom talk about my work outfits.  Let me briefly share:)

因為我怕熱嘅關係, 所以我通常都係一件衫過, 再加一條窄身褲。 夏天我真係唔可以玩配搭, 唔係熱起上嚟成個人濕哂就真係唔慌唔靚喇! 你見我都係簡簡單單咁,唔花巧。 雖然我超愛黑色, 但係夏天都係有d色調好d! 我好鍾意呢件粉紅色衫。 又涼爽又平。 上年係金百利買, 多謝$150。 係咪好抵?

(English:  Since I have no tolerance towards heat, so I usually wear a pull over top and a pair of tight pants.  I don’t even feel like mixing and matching in the summer time, so 1 piece of top would be really ideal.  You can see that my outfit is very simple (to minimize any heat wave I will get).  Though I have black, I do wear some bright colors for the summer time.  I love this pink top really much.  The material is really light and it costs HK$150 only (bought at Beverly Island last year) – good bargain!!)

鞋就你地應該認得啦, 係之前講過嘅Jipi Japa California Construction。 我返工都係著平底鞋多, 一來行得快d, 二來比較舒服。 行得快呢點真係好重要, 因為我成日係公司上上落落, 所以都係實用為主。

(English:  For the pair of shoes, you should be able to recognize that they are from Jipi Japa California Construction series as mentioned in my previous blog post.  I do wear flats most of the time when I go to work because a.) I can walk so much faster and b.) they are really comfortable.  Since I have to go up and down quite a few times a day at work, I go for practicality.)

返工我都一定化妝, 望落個人醒神d。 我多數都係化earth tone加粗黑眼線。  不過有時悶起上嚟就會變下色。 睇心情啦!

(English:  Makeup is a vital part of my routine as I love to look fresh and bright.  Most of the time, I go for earth tone eye colors with thick eyeliners.  But sometimes, I do feel the need to change the colors due to extreme boredom!  Again, it really depends.)

哈, 呢個就係我平日嘅返工look喇。 應該同我冬天嘅皮褸造型分別頗大?

(English:  *Laughs*  This is my work look!  Bet it’s really different from my usual biker/ rock look in the winter time?)

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