[保養] 一枝精華兩個質感五個功效

聖誕快樂啊!! 希望大家都玩得好開心!!! 我今日想分享一下一枝都係Clarins既產品, 揀今日分享因為我知大家未來既日都應該會狂歡,聖誕狂歡過後又會到新年狂歡,狂歡係開心, 但係都唔好唔記得要照顧皮膚, 大家都應該想保持靚樣靚皮膚過新年掛! 皮膚急救法唔洗要好多時間同好多產品, 兩三樣正野就可以搞定啦!! 呢枝Double Serum就係其中一樣喇(呵呵):

(English:  Merry Christmas!!  Hope you all are having fun!!!  Today I want to share my comments on another Clarins products with you.  I pick today because I know that probably all of us are going to have serious fun in the coming days.  After Christmas, it’s the New Year!!  Having serious fun is good but don’t forget to take care of your skin, everyone would want perfect skin for the New Year, right?  Getting good skin within a short period of time doesn’t need to be time-consuming or use tons of products, a few really good products would do the trick and this Double Serum is one of them *grins*:)


Double Serum

價錢(Price):HK$600/ 30ml

Product Information:

好正呀! 抗老既五大功效都係入面, 一枝過, 係咪好方便丫!

(English:  Wonderful!!  It has the 5 vital functions of anti-aging property in just one bottle – very convenient eh!!)





使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感: 我覺得佢個質地真係超過癮, 一泵出嚟就已經係兩份水一份油, 亦都係因為呢個完美比例令佢好易吸收! 其實皮膚要水之外都要油份, 有足夠既油份亦都係抗老既關鍵, 所以有油唔係唔好,要睇咩油同埋吸唔吸收! 呢個Double Serum搽上面後都吸收得好好, 皮膚潤澤得黎一d都唔會覺得笠或者好厚重! 佢有保濕, 滋養,抗氧化,保護同埋修復既功效, 你話急救起上黎係咪一枝過搞定? 保濕同滋養真係即時感覺到, 用多幾次皮膚更加覺得比以前潤, 就係因為咁, 乾紋都比以前少。 我用左佢大概一個星期, 覺得皮膚明亮同埋無以前咁暗, 有種健康既光澤感(好開心)!!保護同修復呢, 我就覺得皮膚比較飽滿有彈性, 雖然近日都忙, 但係皮膚就多咗生氣, 氣色都係比以前好! 其實我都覺得好好彩, 因為今個月好瘋狂, 皮膚之前搞到好殘, 所以先有機會試真d呢隻產品呀! 我而家晚晚都用佢, 我覺得第二日上妝既時候, 唔需要大量highlight, 皮膚都有自然光澤! 掂呀!! 我覺得如果你要短期內令皮膚回復生氣, 或者你搵緊一隻有潤膚效果既抗老精華, 我超推呢枝呀!!! 當然啦, 如果你仲係好年輕, 我就唔建議, 因為你既皮膚仲係好靚, 所以真係未需要住呀!

(English:  Product Review:  I find its texture really fun, because when you pump the product out, it’s already in a perfect combination – 1 part of oil and 2 parts of liquid, and due to this perfect combination, it’s really easy to absorb by skin!  Actually, skin needs both water and oil.  Good amount of oil is the key to anti-aging as well, so oil is not necessarily a bad thing, it really depends on what kind of oil and if it gets absorbed totally.  This Double Serum gets absorbed really well, skin feels moisturized without any greasiness nor burden!  It hydrates, provides nutrition, oxygenates, protects and regenerates skin, so now you understand why I say if you need something to pick up your skin fairly quickly, this might be a good choice!!  Hydration and nutrition can be felt rather instantly, after a few times’ usage, I feel that my skin is way more moisturized than before and fine lines are disappearing.  I used it for a week and my skin is brightened than before!  I am so happy that my skin looks healthy and not dull anymore.  As for protection and regeneration, I see that skin is more supple and more “bouncy”.  Even though I am still very busy on a daily basis, I look better, and my skin look healthy!!!  Actually, I should thank my crazy life style these days, because this offers me a chance to test this product out thoroughly!!  I am using this every night now and I can almost skip my highlighter the very next day – don’t need it since my skin itself is dewy and radiant!!  Brilliant!!  If you want something that could pick your skin up in a very short period of time or you are looking for some anti-aging serum that is moisturizing as well, I would highly recommend this!!  Of course, if you are still young, I won’t recommend this to you, because your skin is still very pretty and you won’t benefit hugely from this!!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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