[保養] 超適合轉季或者皮膚乾到有問題既精華

近期暴光率最高都莫過於呢一枝精華。 其實係因為而家係轉季當中,好多時皮膚都會遇到好多奇怪問題,例如係乾到爆油,乾到敏感,乾到爆粒粒,或者係乾到額頭出暗粒! 原因好簡單,就係皮膚未適應得切天氣時乾時濕同變化,所以就有好多唔同既皮膚去提醒你去留意一下喇。 而今日講呢枝精華就係正正去針對呢d問題,所以點解成日都要提下佢!

(English:  The spotlight these days is shining on this particular serum, it’s simply because the weather is changing and most of the time skin can’t really keep up, thus you see problems like “skin gets so dry to a point that it gets really oily”, “allergies”, “pimples” and “bumps on the forehead”!  The reason is simple, it’s because skin can’t react to the sudden humid and dry weather switch, so it leaves you with so many “signs” to remind you to take good care of it.  And the serum that I intend to talk about today encounters these issues, so that’s why you see me mentioning it quite a few times!!)

 Eternus-D Delicate Repair Serum Therapy


價錢(Price):HK$600/ 35ml

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店 (link)

Made in Switzerland

Product Information:


• 激活及修復受損細胞,加速細胞再生能力。
• 高效抗炎及抗敏功能,大大改善暗瘡皮膚的問題。
• 保持肌膚水潤,刺激膠原蛋白合成,改善彈性,令肌膚回復飽滿緊致。
• 刺激真皮細胞外的基質化合物,撫平幼紋,恢復青春容顏。


• 長角豆修復精華-修復受損細胞,刺激肌膚底層,重整及促進細胞再生。
• 維他命PP﹣ 刺激膠原蛋白合成,為肌膚提供充足養分,使其不易老化,具有抗炎及抗敏功能,預防暗瘡。
• 綠魚子精華-針對真皮與表皮交界基膜(DEJ)的嶄新抗老化成分。可以保護肌膚中的細胞間質,促進細胞之間互相緊扣,鞏固肌膚彈性組織結搆,減淡細紋,保持肌膚年輕透滑。
• 紅茶菌-又有「長壽菌」之稱。具有抗醣化的作用,能改善及預防肌膚粗糙、老化、黯黃現象。此成分亦有效提高皮脂細胞的數量與活性,具有脂質填充效果,使臉部飽滿光滑。”

(English: Functions:

” • Activates and repairs damaged cells, speeds up cell regeneration.
• It is anti-inflammatory and less sensitive; it also contributes to fighting acne.
• Improve skin moisturization, stimulate collagen growth, improve skin elasticity and replenish skin volume.
• Stimulate the synthesis of dermal extracellular matrix compounds, reducing fine lines and restore a youthful appearance.

Main Ingredients:
• Carob Skin Repair Mediator: Repair damaged skin cells, stimulate skin dermis, restructure and  regenerate skin cells.
• Vitamin PP: Stimulate collagen growth; provide ample nutrients to fight aging skin,   anti-inflammatory function and less sensitive. Also prevents acne.
• Green Caviar Extract: It is a novel anti-aging active that targets both the dermal-
epidermal junction (DEJ) and the dermis, improve skin cohesion and supports good cellular communication between the dermis and the epidermis, reduces fine lines and maintains youthful and smooth skin.
• Kombucha: Also known as “long-life mushroom”, it decreases glycation improving and preventing skin roughness, aging skin and dull skin tone. It has a “lipofilling” effect by stimulating adipocyte differentiation and improves radiance.



Before Blending


After Blending

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 weeks

用後感:呢個係精華都係洗完面toner後用,之後再搽自己既cream,如果同其實精華一齊用你就睇下邊隻精華個texture薄d就先搽薄d個隻喇。 佢都好易吸收同埋眼都用得,吸完咗佢會好似有層野係面上但係唔會覺得笠! 我覺得皮膚有問題既時候用佢就最見到效果,我乾到好多時額頭會出暗粒,用佢幾日就會冇事。 同埋如果話真係無啦啦乾到塊面好油,用佢幾日我又會見到回復正常! 其實佢係幫你修復受損咗既細胞,所以你皮膚有問題個陣用就會最見效! 同埋佢都有抗敏感消炎功效,所以如果你係因為乾而皮膚敏感或者出痘痘,佢都可以幫到手!! 咁用到好翻都可以繼續用,佢可以幫你upkeep皮膚個狀態,再乾d既時候可以再睇情況去決定加唔加枝保濕精華喇!  聽落好似好簡單,用佢就可以幫手解決皮膚轉季既問題,其實真係架,皮膚好多問題都因為乾而引起,如果可以早d正視同埋用翻啱既產品,咁好快就會無事丫!! 呢個係我多年既經驗,以前唔適以為唔知咩問題最終係越整越衰丫!! 我相信唔係得我一個人轉季先有皮膚問題,希望呢個分享可以幫大家減少轉季既煩惱!! 超推呢枝精華俾皮膚乾到有問題同轉季皮膚有問題既朋友丫~~

(English:   Product Review:  This is to be used after toner and before your own face cream, if you have to use it with other serum, then please the one with the lighter texture first!  It’s easy to absorbed and it can be used on eye areas.  It does leave a film on skin but it’s not heavy at all!!  I feel this is perfect when skin shows signs of problems.  Most of the time, my skin gets so dry that there are bumps on my forehead, after using this for a few days, my skin will go back to normal.  Plus sometimes during the weather change, my skin would suddenly get so oily, again after using it for a few days, my skin is back to normal!!  Indeed, it helps to repair the damaged cells, so that’s why you will see the most results when your skin is facing some challenges!!  Also, it can calm allergies and reduce inflammation, if your skin is so dry to a point that it gets allergic or bursts out pimples, it would be able to help too!  Of course you can continue to use it after skin recovery, it helps to upkeep the state of your skin.  And when the weather is drier, then you can decide if you want to add another hydrating serum.  It sounds simple, doesn’t it?  Yes Indeed because most skin problems are derived due to lack of moisture.  If we can deal with the root cause earlier, it saves time, money and heartache.  This is from my years’ of experience messing around skincare items.  When I was younger, I didn’t know what caused the issue and I randomly used stuff hoping to cure the problem, but guess what?  Usually it ended up worse!! I believe I am not the only one who experience the same, I hope to share my experience with you so you don’t have to fuss around your skin so much and can really enjoy the weather change!  Yep, highly recommended this to those who have problematic skin due to dryness!!)

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