[保養] 天氣乾乾,皮膚要水亦要油

大家平安夜會點過? 我會好平安咁過~ 哈哈!! 呢個十二月真係好忙, 忙到我覺得自己節日之前個樣同皮膚都好殘! 已家好少少, 但係因為我又諗緊下年有咩想做, 所以可以話係身體可以小休, 但係腦袋就無停過!! 呢期天氣都真係好古怪, 一時好乾一時好濕, 令到我d皮膚時乾時油(油都係因為乾啦)! 雖然而家有好多品牌都出咗facial oil, 但係我都唔係太鍾意, 因為之前用過幾隻都唔係好吸收! 不過我都勇於嘗試既, 今次就俾我試到好野喇(可以同我既用法都有關):

(English:  How are you going to spend your Christmas Eve?  I think I will spend my Christmas  Eve silently (it’s also called Silent Night right?) *laughs*!  This December has been almost crazy and hectic, sometime I think that impacts my skin as well, I look rather tired and my skin hasn’t been its tip top state.  Now everything calms down a bit, however, I have started to think what I want to do for next year, so all I can say is that my body can rest a bit but my mind can’t!  Also, the weather has been acting up lately, it’s suddenly dry and it’s suddenly humid, that does nothing goo for my skin!!  Even though many brands have released some kinds of facial oil, I hadn’t been a huge fan because whenever I used oil, it didn’t seem to get absorbed in the past!!  Well, I won’t give up trying and finally I come to a product which works really well on my skin (maybe has something to do with how I use this as well):)


Blue Orchid Face Treatment Oil

價錢(Price):HK$380/ 30ml

Product Information:

“適合缺水肌膚的抗老化保養。 100%純植物萃取。 不含防腐劑。 這款熱賣產品配方含有玫瑰木、到手香與蘭花萃取,調理膚質,恢復極度缺水肌膚的活力與光采。 榛子油預防水分流失,防止幼紋出現。不沾染衣物。”

(English: “Anti-aging care for dehydrated skin. 100% pure plant extracts. Zero preservatives.
This best-selling oil contains extracts of Rosewood, Patchouli and Blue Orchid to tone,
revitalise and restore radiance to moisture-depleted skin. Hazelnut Oil helps prevent moisture loss
and the formation of fine lines. Non-staining.”



佢有三款油, 呢個要睇皮膚適合用邊一隻。 我係比較缺水既皮膚, 所以用蘭花。 

(English:  There are two types of face treatment oils to choose from, it really depends on your skin type to see which one would be the best match.  My skin is dehydrated and therefore I have to use the Blue Orchid one.)


What I Use:-




使用次數(No. of Usage): 14 times

這個油有很多用法, 我想分享一下我比較喜愛的幾個方法, 這幾個方法可以令皮膚好起來但又不會油油的:

(English:  There are so many different ways to use this face treatment oil, I want to share with you my favourite method because these get my skin to its tip top state without leaving grease on my face:)

1. 混合toner一齊用, 倒一個5毫子份量既toner, 之後滴三滴蘭花油, 喺手心混合之後再按摩上面。

2. 如果天氣無敵乾,用完toner抹面後, 我會用5滴oil按面, 之後我會等佢吸收咗先會再搽Double Serum/cream。 

3. 混合喺hydrating facial mask/ face cream用。 如果自己有d gel/cream狀既hydrating facial mask/ face cream, 你覺得佢喺呢d乾既天氣唔係好夠力, 可以加三滴oil一齊用。 效果唔錯, 又唔會浪費自己有既產品!

(English: 1. Mix it with toner.  Pour a 50 cent size of toner on the palm of your hands, drop 3 drops of the oil and mix the toner and oil together, then massage the liquid onto face.

2.If the weather is super dry, then after using toner on face, I use 5 drops of oil to massage my face, wait till it’s totally absorbed first before applying Double Serum/ cream.

3. Mix it with your hydrating facial mask/ face cream.  If you have some gel/ cream textured hydrating facial mask/ face cream and you feel that it lacks a bit of moisturizing properties in this weather, you can add 3 drops into your regular amount and apply it on your face.  Result is nice and you won’t waste the existing products!)

用後感: 我覺得以上既方法最適合我, 因為用完皮膚好柔軟之餘又唔會笠。 同埋我覺得呢個oil最正既地方係我可以就個天氣去加多或減少份量, 如果乾既天氣我會加多一兩滴,濕既天氣我會減少。 好方便呀,唔洗下下走去轉護膚品! 最好當然係我可以加佢入去我自己已有但係又唔係好夠力既護膚品入面, 唔需要轉成條line既產品!  除咗方便之外, 我覺得佢個效果真係好掂呀! 我未用之前forehead乾到有紋同埋甩皮(加埋壓力啦), 用左佢一日已經無甩皮, 用咗三日就乾紋都唔見埋,  皮膚變得好柔軟同埋好夠潤呀!! 正正正!! 本身唔鍾意用油狀產品既我而家都要日日用佢先安落!! 哈哈! 仲有佢係有香味, 好天然既香味,按落皮膚既時候可以減壓同埋感覺好relaxing!! 有時星期六日, 我係屋企, day time既時候我係唔鍾意搽任何野係面上面(俾皮膚唞唞), 我覺得呢兩個星期就算我無搽野, 個面感覺無拉住好乾, 反而好軟好濕潤, 係咪掂先? 效果真係超讚, 計落又一d都唔貴, 每次用幾滴, 我諗我一枝都會用好耐先用完!! 哈哈!! 回購度唔洗問啦, 一定會! 哈哈! 我覺得如果缺水皮膚, 呢隻蘭花油真係幫到手(推丫!!!)。 但係如果係本身已經好油既皮膚就未必啱用喇。 如果你既皮膚仲乾過我呢, 我諗要試另外個兩枝睇下變枝啱你多d~~

(English:  Product Review:  I feel the above methods are the best for me, because skin is supple and soft after use, without feeling greasy!  I love this oil because I can adjust the amount according to the weather.  If the weather is dry, I will use a couple more drops; but if the weather is humid, then I will use a drop or two less.  It’s really convenient and I don’t need to run off to get a whole new set of products!!  The best part is of course, it can be used with my existing skincare products which I feel it’s not moisturizing enough – save me money from switching the whole line of the products!  Apart from convenience, I adore its results.  Before I start using this, my forehead was so dry that fine lines were popping out to say hello and there were some flaky skin (due to that stress that I had as well).  After using it for a day, the flaky skin was gone; after using it for 3 days, the fine lines disappeared, skin has become supple, soft and moisturized!!!  Brilliant!!!  I didn’t like using oil based products but this changed my mind!!  Also it has a lovely scent, it smells so natural, de-stressing and relaxing (ahhh~~~~~)!!  Sometimes during the weekend, when I am just staying at home, I don’t like to use any products on my face during day time (just to let my skin rest), now my skin doesn’t feel dry without any skincare on, on the other hand, it feel soft with nice conditions, amazing eh?  The results are just fabulous!!  When I think about it, it’s not expensive at all, because I only use a few drops everytime, so a bottle should last me a good while.  Would I repurchase?  Absolutely!!!  I feel that if you have dehydrated skin like myself, this Blue Orchid Face Treatment Oil is a briliant choice (highly recommended!!).  But if you have oily skin, then I don’t think it’s for you.  Or, if you have drier skin than myself, I would advise to check out the other two face treatment oil that Clarins has, because those might be a better choice for dryer skin types!!)

Merry Christmas Everyone 

and Have a Brilliant Silent Night!!!

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.clarins.com.hk)

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