[化妝] 夏日持久美白防曬粉底

好喇, 我呢期係咁分享粉底! 哈哈, 搵到好既粉底真係一件好開心既事! 之前, 我講過Estee Lauder Cyberwhite出咗好多新品, 其中我就試咗個粉底幾日。 為免我又拖得太耐新野變舊野講, 等我今日同大家分享一下我既感覺先。 嗱, 先講明, 個粉底個色係唔啱我既(太白), 所以大家唔好理佢個色, 你地去counter買個陣會有色揀丫, 我今日講既會由佢質感,好唔好用等等既方面去著手:

(English:  Great, I have been sharing a lot on foundations recently!  Being able to find a working foundation is a blessing!  Previously, I mentioned that there are many new products released in the Cyberwhite line from Estee Lauder and I got to play around with the foundation for a good few days.  In order to avoid further delay, I want to talk about this particular product today.  Ok, I have to be honest, the color of the foundation doesn’t suit me at all (way too fair), so let’s not focus on the silly color, when you go to the counter to get it, there are a few colors to choose from, so I will only focus on its quality and whether or not this item works today:)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Brilliant Perfection Full Spectrum Brightening GelCreme Makeup SPF21/PA+

高清亮白淡斑防曬保濕粉底 SPF21/PA+

價錢(Price):HK$360/ 30ml

Product Information:

“• 全新迷迭香葉精華 (Rosemary Leaf Extract)是抗刺激物,保護肌膚免受外內刺激侵害,而透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid)則有加強保濕作用。
• 玫瑰紅粉末(Rose Marsh Marrow Powder)針對亞洲人常見的暗黃膚色,特具柔焦美顏效果,隱沒粗大毛孔及細紋;配方亦蘊含極化珍珠(polarized pearls),締造粉紅色調,讓肌膚紅粉緋緋,散發健康亮采。
• SPF 21/PA+ 防曬保護能力,幫助肌膚抵禦有害 UV 線,以及預防因暴露於 UV 光而引致進一步膚色不均現象。
• 長效親膚聚合物(Super Fit & Lasting Polymer)在肌膚上形成感覺不到的彈性「薄膜」,極度貼合肌膚,妝效超級舒適;亦蘊含純白雲白(Pure White Mica),提供「由內而外透亮」的無瑕細緻妝效。
• 氨基酸保濕複合物(Amino-Moist Complex)內含氨基酸衍生物,使肌膚表層水潤度保持於理想狀態。”

(English: • NEW Rosemary Leaf Extract is an anti-irritant that helps protect skin from

external aggressors while Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration.
• Rose Marsh Marrow Powder helps to target the dull, yellowish look that can be found in Asian skin due to the loss of clarity.  A soft focus effect helps blur the look of pores and fine lines while polarized pearls help create the effect of a pink tone on skin to impart a healthy, radiant complexion. 
• SPF 21/PA+ is sunscreen protection that helps defend skin from harmful UV rays and prevent the appearance of further discoloration caused by exposure to UV light.
• Super Fit & Lasting Polymer helps to construct an imperceptible, elastic “film” over the skin that helps to render an excellent fit and wear while Pure White Mica helps to provide a subtle “glow-from-within” look for a flawless finish.
• Amino-Moist Complex consists of amino acid derivatives to help maintain the ideal level of moisture in skin’s surface.”)

Texture: Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感: 呢隻粉底個texture好creamy, 亦都好容易推得開, 唔洗用好多就可以推哂成面。 佢個finish係matt finish, 即係話無閃粉,如果你唔鍾意有閃粉既粉底就真係啱哂。佢亦都有玫瑰紅粉末, 所以搽完上面之後係覺得皮膚無黃氣,佢有少少粉紅tone底, 感覺上搽完出黎好白淨(同隻色白係無關係)。 至於遮瑕度, 我就覺得一般, 因為佢個texture係design for春夏天, 所以佢個texture都係比較薄, 就係因為咁, 佢個遮瑕度唔強,如果你有暗瘡印,斑斑, 你要另外再加遮瑕膏。 不過佢遮毛孔就唔錯, 搽完真係覺得毛孔唔係好覺眼。 哈哈, 呢隻粉底我覺得最最最勁係佢既持久度。 佢係超貼面同埋超long lasting, 佢真係keep到一日唔會點溶, 同埋完全唔會氧化!! 呢點真係爆掂!! 我覺得佢超啱春夏天用,搽咗佢唔會擔心要幾個鐘頭後要補底妝!! 超正!!  超推呀!!!  持久得黎又唔厚重~ 正!!

(English:  Product Review: Its texture is very creamy, a little goes a long way and it’s really blendable as well.  Its finish is of matt finish, that means it doesn’t contain any shimmer and if you are not a big fan of shimmery foundation, you’ll love this.  It also contains Rose Marsh Marrow Powder which helps kicking away dullness and that yellowish tone of skin.  It replaces it with a hint of pink tone, which gives a clean glow (nothing to do with mine being so white in color).  As for the coverage, I feel it’s performing fair on this aspect mainly because its designed for Spring/ Summer use, therefore, the texture is not heavy duty.  Thus, I cannot say it has a high coverage.  If you have pimples/freckles/pigmentation, you will need a concealer.  However, it does work quite nicely on covering pores.  After application, my pores do look less visible.  *Laughs*  And the best part of this foundation is that it LASTS (for a long time)!!!  It stays really close to skin and it’s super long lasting.  It lasts for a day without any issues (doesn’t melt under the hot and humid weather)!!  I absolutely love this!!!  Its longevity makes it perfect for Spring/ Summer use!!  Brilliant!!!  I highly recommendation this – long-lasting but without that heavy duty feeling!!! Great!!!)

咁我都知你地想問我咩啦, 如果同Estee Lauder Futurist同埋Burberry Velvet比, 揀邊隻好。 呢個要睇你地既需要,因為無一隻粉底可以fit哂所有人所有天氣。 如果你地皮膚春夏天會比較多油或者想要好持久既粉底,我會建議揀Estee Lauder Cyberwhite。 如果你地皮膚好乾,春夏都無咩油,咁可以揀Estee Lauder Futurist/ Burberry Velvet。 三隻既遮瑕都係差唔多(唔算強),但係遮毛孔就Estee Lauder Cyberwhite會強少少。

(English: Yea I know what you want to ask me, “what about in comparison with Estee Laduer Futurist/ Burberry Velvet?”  Then it really depends on your needs, because no single foundation can fit everyone’s needs/ the changing weather.  If your skin tends to release more oil or you want a really long lasting foundation, I would suggest Estee Lauder Cyberwhite.  If your skin is more on the dry side and you have much oil secretion during Spring/ Summer, then you can choose between Estee Lauder Futurist and Burberry Velvet.  The three don’t have high coverage, but for Estee Lauder Cyberwhite, it covers the pores a bit better.)

後記:雖然我好愛呢個粉底,亦都覺得佢好啱春夏天用, 但係佢個顏色太白(01 Porcelain),所以我想送出嚟俾有興趣(又唔介意我用過幾次)既sis,同大家分享一下好野! 唔係我唔愛個產品, 只係我夏天再會黑多少少,真係唔啱色,與其放係屋企, 不過同大家分享。 有興趣先like我Facebook啦, 我會過一兩日post出送禮詳情。

(English:  Remarks:  Even though I am absolutely in love with this foundation and I think it’s perfect for Spring and Summer time, the color is just way too fair for me (01 Porcelain), therefore, I want to give this away to the interested party (of course, if you don’t mind that it’s not 100% new) and share the greatness of this product with you!  Again, it’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that I usually go darker in the summer time, and I don’t want to have a white face *laughs*.  Instead of admiring the tube at home, I would rather give it to someone who enjoys it!  So if you are interested, please like my Facebook and I will post the details of the giveaway in a couple days.)


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